I think the Advanced STFs are way too hard and don´t give enough rewards. Imagine a Player who got up to Lvl 50, isn´t i n a good fleet, and wants to get his hands on some MACO, Borg, Romulan, Counter Command or other Gear. He has to Play Advanced to get his hands on the Isomorphic Injections or Processors or whatever he needs to buy that Gear.
But you need to have good gear already to survive the Advanced missions or its no fun at all and not encouraging to play them again.
And i also propose to make Marks and other Rewards (said Processors, Injections, Cells) accountwide for those who don´t have an Accountbank for sponsordhip tokens.
One of my Character currently has about 150 Processors and 14000 Omega marks and had a lot more i used to get Dilithium. It would be nice if i could transfer some of those to other characters. It shouldn´t matter which character worked for it.
I find that the difficulty is almost the same as it was before. The only noticeable difference is a large hit point cushion the NPC's now have. I've done the new advanced stfs in pugs without too much difficulty. If you work on your build and upgrade your gear you'll have an easier time. Also teaming with your fleet or from one of the public stf channels will get your better teammates which makes them even easier.
He has to Play Advanced to get his hands on the Isomorphic Injections or Processors or whatever he needs to buy that Gear.
Actually Iso Injectors and Voth Implants can easily be gotten from the Undine space BZ and the Voth ground BZ. You dont need to have a really geared out character to participate on this. But Ancient Power Cells and Borg Neural Processors are a small chance to drop from the rep project boxes, and advanced and elites. Ask around and see what the easiest advanced to do is. For me i think i'd rather do adv cure space if i needed BNP. If i yell at people hard enough in a CSA we can usually win it. But some people say that for them one of the ground borg instances is easier. Also dont forget that reaching tier 5 with Omega rep rewards you a package of marks, ec, dil and 10 BNP. The other factions have a similar rewards package but i dont know the quantities for all of them.
Also on a side note, gear from New Romulus and Nukara only take marks, ec, dil and for a few pieces of gear you need doffs.
I just logged out of STO after having my LVL 55 Federation Captain, Piloting a T5U Odyssey Cruiser, get his TRIBBLE beat by 3 Mirror Universe Frigates. I was only able drop one of them to 55% of its hull points, by the time I was out of heals, and hull points. So unless I luckily team up with a group that knows exactly what it is doing I might have a chance to complete that STF. Because the Typical Pick Up Group will never be able to complete the Elite version.
I recommend bug hunt for power cells. Just remember to kill the purple-colored delver 'alarm bugs' ASAP. Bring toxic-resist gear like a +tox resist EV suit (make sure to check the stats! Not all EV suits have toxic resist) or even better, the 8472 set (which can be obtained from the Undine BZ without hitting queues), and slot some natural immunities or peak health or other +tox resist traits if you can.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
After playing some normal STF's the past few days, and seeing people struggle even with this level, i've come to the realsiation that its not the difficulty level that is the issue here, but the lack of skill, co-ordination and understanding of game mechanics by the player base.
i'll point to another example, Voth Battlezone the V-Rex fights. You have a pop up window, a voice warning and a status bar under the mini map on screen, showing how that zone is doing. Yet you still get people in that zone ignoring the medics as the blue slowly turns to red and fail the zone.
Is that down to difficulty or plain stupidity and ignorance ?
Sorry but the biggest issue with difficulty in this game is the players that play it.
Its about time people stood up and took responbility and acnowledged its their lack of skill not the difficulty of the game.
I find something in this game difficult. i assess the NPC's tactics and adjust my build and tweak it until that NPC is no longer a issue. Not keep using failed builds and tacts and keep running into a brick wall.
So people learn, adapt, adopt, new tactics and builds as you have that ability, the NPC is programmed to repeat and keep repeating the same coded tactics.
Example a borg cube will tractor you, fire a high yield plasma torpedo at you and drain shields. So do you go into the fight without countermeasures for this behaviour or do you equip the ness gear to deal with that ?
When DR first came out, Advanceds were a bit too hard (for a general PUG, not for me per se). Ever since they scaled it down a bit, though, it's been a breeze again.
Ancient Power Cells are a bit of an issue, though, as their availability is too limited (either ground, which I hate, or the only space mission that gives them out: Borg Disconnected Advanced, at which people tend to suck still).
I just logged out of STO after having my LVL 55 Federation Captain, Piloting a T5U Odyssey Cruiser, get his TRIBBLE beat by 3 Mirror Universe Frigates. I was only able drop one of them to 55% of its hull points, by the time I was out of heals, and hull points. So unless I luckily team up with a group that knows exactly what it is doing I might have a chance to complete that STF. Because the Typical Pick Up Group will never be able to complete the Elite version.
When DR first came out, Advanceds were a bit too hard (for a general PUG, not for me per se). Ever since they scaled it down a bit, though, it's been a breeze again.
Ancient Power Cells are a bit of an issue, though, as their availability is too limited (either ground, which I hate, or the only space mission that gives them out: Borg Disconnected Advanced, at which people tend to suck still).
Doesn't the Battle of Korfez give power cells too? (I haven't actually played it yet so I wouldn't know).
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
After some time and a cup of coffee. Here are my thoughts.
If they wanted to make the more advanced things harder, why not improve the AI, instead of making things with more H.P. Oh wait, yeah they can't do that. Too many technical problems.
After years of playing this game, buying into the Lifetime Sub, Spending my money for Zen.
So I can get more Duty Officers.
So I can hold more inventory.
So I can hold more Ships.
So I can get better ships.
So I can continue to support a game that I enjoy.
But I think I may finally be done with this game.
I have a Fleet of about 6 guys that meet for a few hours once a week to play this game. To slowly build our Base, our Mine, and Spire, And that may be the only time I am on. Because grinding out the required credits has become more frustrating and will take more time, than fun for the end result.
I am old, over 50. Well employed. But I can no longer sit down and grind out STF, and missions for hours after work. Or like today on my day off.
I have over a dozen unfinished projects in my garage. That could use some attention and my money to finish.
BTW, my wife would like to extend her thanks in getting me off the computer.
Some last comments.
1. We aint getting out of this life Alive.
2. Entertainment is only as good as the people producing it.
3. If one person is saying it, how many others are thinking it, or doing it.
I find that the difficulty is almost the same as it was before. The only noticeable difference is a large hit point cushion the NPC's now have. I've done the new advanced stfs in pugs without too much difficulty. If you work on your build and upgrade your gear you'll have an easier time. Also teaming with your fleet or from one of the public stf channels will get your better teammates which makes them even easier.
I don´t have a build on stoacademy that i could show yoyu now but i can tell you this:
My Engineer uses 6 Fleet AP Beams Dmgx3, Acc ., the Obelisk Set (Beam Array + Core) the kinetic cutting beam, the universal consoles from each Rep, system (all 6 of them) and Fleet Spire AP Tac consoles. All Mk XIII. I can switch between every cruiser there is except for the Gal-X. Excelsior, Ambassador, REgent, Gal-R, Guardian, Eclipse. i have all of them as T5U fleet version (except Guardian and Eclipse they are T6 of course)
You say the Difficulty is almost the same as before. Its not because an enemy with more HP is harder to kill. On the old Elite STfs i had no Problem to destroy a bunch of Borg Raptors with one BFAW. I almost never died (happened sometimes if i got distracted somehow) Now i don´t even scratch their shields.
Yesterday i played"The Cure: Found" with 2 Scimitars One witth Elite Scorpions, the other with Elite Drones, One Dreadnought and one Odyssey. All powerful ships. The Kang got destroyed before we could destroy the first cube.
And where in the Zones do i get Injections and Implants?
I don´t have a build on stoacademy that i could show yoyu now but i can tell you this:
My Engineer uses 6 Fleet AP Beams Dmgx3, Acc ., the Obelisk Set (Beam Array + Core) the kinetic cutting beam, the universal consoles from each Rep, system (all 6 of them) and Fleet Spire AP Tac consoles. All Mk XIII. I can switch between every cruiser there is except for the Gal-X. Excelsior, Ambassador, REgent, Gal-R, Guardian, Eclipse. i have all of them as T5U fleet version (except Guardian and Eclipse they are T6 of course)
You say the Difficulty is almost the same as before. Its not because an enemy with more HP is harder to kill. On the old Elite STfs i had no Problem to destroy a bunch of Borg Raptors with one BFAW. I almost never died (happened sometimes if i got distracted somehow) Now i don´t even scratch their shields.
Yesterday i played"The Cure: Found" with 2 Scimitars One witth Elite Scorpions, the other with Elite Drones, One Dreadnought and one Odyssey. All powerful ships. The Kang got destroyed before we could destroy the first cube.
And where in the Zones do i get Injections and Implants?
There are people with the exact same gear as you who can blow through the content with ease. is the problem with the content or your lack of adaptation?
Thats the main drawback to this game... There is no manual user-based skill required that reflects difficulty in level.
Its not like a game that requires you to snipe the top of someones head out at 950m away hiding behind a rock.
With every change it can only get worse due to confusion and a serious lack of information provided with all enemy types related to weaknesses. (if thats the main unconscious point here)
Another spanner in the works;
Free players aint gonna have the money to sink into this game by upgrading all gear to "epic". doubly so when "chance" is the only thing holding them back, just like the power skill situation only a lot worse.
Can you imagine the only skill required would be clicking your power tray? you ever tried that? Things don't take with 1 click. lmao
Back in the day when anti Borg weapons were available it was pretty evident how it was gonna go down. I still have some anti borg weapons and guess what?.... fail!. Other weapons do more damage the Borg.
So people spent money for nothing it seems and they will spend it again and again until they add 2 `n 2 then get tired of being quietly robbed.
Blaming the playerbase is all well and good when its due but... this type of game is flawed in respect to difficulty, desperately attempting to turn into a cash cow has been apparent and i would of handled all this very differently while having the game generate cash in the bank.
Now you have skills of skills in chance, weapons with skills and chance, an upgrade system of chance, overly priced and which should of been set using a new 3rd currency instead of dil.
Limited skill slots, empty skill slots for free players. Nerfed and absent weapons.... list goes on.
And the confusion continues to grow with the list.
The old timer is better off abandoning this game for 6 months at least. Sure people can disagree but this is all opinion based relative to some kinda sense, so far ive not seen much at all in the direction we're headed.
If advanced is to hard for you, l2p or play normal.
At least for normal+advanced MK XI blue (farmable and cheap) is all you need.
^ thats utter rubbish, one of my tacticals has major trouble on just advanced. hes loaded with XIV gear and 1 or 2 epics.
Im not a free player, im not speaking for my self here. I was simply stating that if nobody from your fleet is in game then the help you will find in stf's will most likely be unworthy of a team.
Not mention the fact that the players lacking realisation don't realize they have to grind for a year to get those skills which will enable them to join and win in better stf. unless you were one of the players that utilized a bug in the japori system, im afraid you're in for a shock.
What you think all the hubbub was about?
As for people making new chars, you can forget about that man.
While their will be some elite who have access and time to assess and adapt to gear, they all forget one thing.
A GAME IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN, not like your working out which MM thickness steel to weld to your chassis legs in order to support the structure of....... see my point?
I await Cryptic looking at their logs and changing a few things, make people think and work harder to achieve. BUT tone it down just a touch.
That just means you have skilled him bad, lack severly in piloting and/or knowledge of this game. It is that easy to explain.
Then i suggest u go level a tactical and try for yourself.
Yes its me right? thats funny considering that this char didn't have this problem before. Im not alone either considering the entire que system for anything other than normal is dead hahaaaa.
I think i will join the old timer at least on one of my chars.
look it dont bother me into hatred because there are other games out there for entertainment. The only people who will be affected are the loyal ones as gradually the player populace will shrink.
Like i said before i had specialized weapons suited to enemy that i bought with real money then someone removed them from the game. Only the people that bought them still have and now they're useless.
Then i suggest u go level a tactical and try for yourself.
Yes its me right? thats funny considering that this char didn't have this problem before. Im not alone either considering the entire que system for anything other than normal is dead hahaaaa.
I think i will join the old timer at least on one of my chars.
Glad I am not alone in this thinking, feel free to add me in-game if you want to hammer out some normal runs.
I think the Advanced STFs are way too hard and don´t give enough rewards.
I agree with the latter. But they're not too hard. That's why we have normals. Anything other than the normals shouldn't be easy, as that would defeat the point of normals if they were.
But I do agree that they should have higher rewards. And elite should have even higher rewards than they have now.
Advanced the only thing wrong with it is the stupid timer.
Either double the time or get rid of it. Not everyone who pugs it is a lvl60 or in a t5u or t6 ship. While comptent thay just dont have the gear to finish it before the timer expires and that hurts any chance those of us with t5u and t6 ships and are close to or at lvl60 getting the needed items for rep gear for Delta projects or gearing up other ships. Yes I know all about loadout yada yada but to be honest its a pain in the TRIBBLE remembering what a specfic loadout is for over 70 ships! One set for each ship imho is the easier way.
#2 Cash in some of those Marks and Processors on one character for Dilithium, convert it to Zen, buy say keys and buy gear off the Exchange.
#3 Ask if some more Elite players would be willing to support you in the STF's...not every is w*nker and I'm sure some would be willing to help you :-)
Like i said before i had specialized weapons suited to enemy that i bought with real money then someone removed them from the game. Only the people that bought them still have and now they're useless.
They were weak to begin with. Borg was and is a worse proc than CrtD/H. Those "specialized" weapons you speak of were a waste of money to begin with. And if you went and bought them even with real money, that just speaks for itself.
But dont worry, you can still have fun in normals.
i'll point to another example, Voth Battlezone the V-Rex fights. You have a pop up window, a voice warning and a status bar under the mini map on screen, showing how that zone is doing. Yet you still get people in that zone ignoring the medics as the blue slowly turns to red and fail the zone.
Is that down to difficulty or plain stupidity and ignorance ?
Poor encounter design and unclear objectives
You get one message when all the V-Rex comes active. A pop up that says "engineers are stealing omega particles" which can be easy to miss if you are in the middle of a fight that all of the sudden just faded away. When a new player first shows up to a V-Rex fight what do you think they are going to notice first? the big ole honkin dinosaur? or the two guys off to the side? thats if they are even on their monitor for players to see. People see a big dinosaur their first instinct is to fight it. Cant they get Trendy on vent or schedule a 30second meeting with Al Rivera or bring a mic and tape recorder down to Doris the lunch lady in the cafeteria and have them screech on the recording "keeeel the meeeedics" and attach that to the mission? They got all sorts of generic voiceovers like 'troops inbound!" or "you've defeated the voth exceeeeeellent work...wait one" but they cant do a voiceover for the one that matters the most which is kill the medics?
Personally my first time doing a V-Rex fight i barely got a chance to read the pop up. I just knew that i was supposed to fight somebody, somewhere. I made my way to the 3 new icons just like i mentioned and saw people dpsing a V-Rex. Monkey see...monkey do...so i went ahead and started dpsing the V-Rex too. It probably wasnt until my 3rd or 4th V-Rex fight that i noticed the Medics (nobody was saying in chat kill medics). So i was like...who are these two guys, what are they doing in the middle of this V-Rex fight, are those little arrows on their bodies, does this fight have an add rush phase we have to deal with. If all i see is a V-Rex in the fight area i'm thinking to myself that maybe the blue bars are enrage timers. Kill the V-Rex before the timer runs out. But then i also noticed the bars were going up and down. So it wasnt until i saw the medics or the first time that i put it all together that those were the guys stealing the omega particles.
Urgh...getting around the Voth Groundzone...there are so many dead ends! You see where you want and need to be, but just can't get there, especially in time.
Urgh...getting around the Voth Groundzone...there are so many dead ends! You see where you want and need to be, but just can't get there, especially in time.
Yeah, that wouldnt be the case in a real warfront....
If you came for just that, playing normal should be fine for you.
They were weak to begin with. Borg was and is a worse proc than CrtD/H. Those "specialized" weapons you speak of were a waste of money to begin with. And if you went and bought them even with real money, that just speaks for itself.
But dont worry, you can still have fun in normals.
Thats all well good but these people dont get the required items for geared kits on normal and so ques stay empty, players leave and we play on our own.
Yes surprising i know, i do actually spend real money on this game.. its what pays for the server uptime.
I know the borg weapons are rubbish now but they were good at one point with critical chance. They were for tacs.
The issue isn't really the difficulty but that failure ends the mission. Most games if you fail it simply resets and you try again, this way players adapt and learn. In STO you get kicked from the instance forced to find a new team (unless you were a premade), that has to be one of the dumbest mechanics in any MMO ever. Why can't a team just keep trying till they get it right? They might actually get better at the game and learn some teamwork that way. It should be the players who decide when to quit, not the game.
Actually Iso Injectors and Voth Implants can easily be gotten from the Undine space BZ and the Voth ground BZ. You dont need to have a really geared out character to participate on this. But Ancient Power Cells and Borg Neural Processors are a small chance to drop from the rep project boxes, and advanced and elites. Ask around and see what the easiest advanced to do is. For me i think i'd rather do adv cure space if i needed BNP. If i yell at people hard enough in a CSA we can usually win it. But some people say that for them one of the ground borg instances is easier. Also dont forget that reaching tier 5 with Omega rep rewards you a package of marks, ec, dil and 10 BNP. The other factions have a similar rewards package but i dont know the quantities for all of them.
Also on a side note, gear from New Romulus and Nukara only take marks, ec, dil and for a few pieces of gear you need doffs.
Joined January 2009
i'll point to another example, Voth Battlezone the V-Rex fights. You have a pop up window, a voice warning and a status bar under the mini map on screen, showing how that zone is doing. Yet you still get people in that zone ignoring the medics as the blue slowly turns to red and fail the zone.
Is that down to difficulty or plain stupidity and ignorance ?
Sorry but the biggest issue with difficulty in this game is the players that play it.
Its about time people stood up and took responbility and acnowledged its their lack of skill not the difficulty of the game.
I find something in this game difficult. i assess the NPC's tactics and adjust my build and tweak it until that NPC is no longer a issue. Not keep using failed builds and tacts and keep running into a brick wall.
So people learn, adapt, adopt, new tactics and builds as you have that ability, the NPC is programmed to repeat and keep repeating the same coded tactics.
Example a borg cube will tractor you, fire a high yield plasma torpedo at you and drain shields. So do you go into the fight without countermeasures for this behaviour or do you equip the ness gear to deal with that ?
Ancient Power Cells are a bit of an issue, though, as their availability is too limited (either ground, which I hate, or the only space mission that gives them out: Borg Disconnected Advanced, at which people tend to suck still).
Doesn't the Battle of Korfez give power cells too? (I haven't actually played it yet so I wouldn't know).
Joined January 2009
LOL. It probably does; but I don't tread there.
If they wanted to make the more advanced things harder, why not improve the AI, instead of making things with more H.P. Oh wait, yeah they can't do that. Too many technical problems.
After years of playing this game, buying into the Lifetime Sub, Spending my money for Zen.
So I can get more Duty Officers.
So I can hold more inventory.
So I can hold more Ships.
So I can get better ships.
So I can continue to support a game that I enjoy.
But I think I may finally be done with this game.
I have a Fleet of about 6 guys that meet for a few hours once a week to play this game. To slowly build our Base, our Mine, and Spire, And that may be the only time I am on. Because grinding out the required credits has become more frustrating and will take more time, than fun for the end result.
I am old, over 50. Well employed. But I can no longer sit down and grind out STF, and missions for hours after work. Or like today on my day off.
I have over a dozen unfinished projects in my garage. That could use some attention and my money to finish.
BTW, my wife would like to extend her thanks in getting me off the computer.
Some last comments.
1. We aint getting out of this life Alive.
2. Entertainment is only as good as the people producing it.
3. If one person is saying it, how many others are thinking it, or doing it.
I don´t have a build on stoacademy that i could show yoyu now but i can tell you this:
My Engineer uses 6 Fleet AP Beams Dmgx3, Acc ., the Obelisk Set (Beam Array + Core) the kinetic cutting beam, the universal consoles from each Rep, system (all 6 of them) and Fleet Spire AP Tac consoles. All Mk XIII. I can switch between every cruiser there is except for the Gal-X. Excelsior, Ambassador, REgent, Gal-R, Guardian, Eclipse. i have all of them as T5U fleet version (except Guardian and Eclipse they are T6 of course)
You say the Difficulty is almost the same as before. Its not because an enemy with more HP is harder to kill. On the old Elite STfs i had no Problem to destroy a bunch of Borg Raptors with one BFAW. I almost never died (happened sometimes if i got distracted somehow) Now i don´t even scratch their shields.
Yesterday i played"The Cure: Found" with 2 Scimitars One witth Elite Scorpions, the other with Elite Drones, One Dreadnought and one Odyssey. All powerful ships. The Kang got destroyed before we could destroy the first cube.
And where in the Zones do i get Injections and Implants?
There are people with the exact same gear as you who can blow through the content with ease. is the problem with the content or your lack of adaptation?
Its not like a game that requires you to snipe the top of someones head out at 950m away hiding behind a rock.
With every change it can only get worse due to confusion and a serious lack of information provided with all enemy types related to weaknesses. (if thats the main unconscious point here)
Another spanner in the works;
Free players aint gonna have the money to sink into this game by upgrading all gear to "epic". doubly so when "chance" is the only thing holding them back, just like the power skill situation only a lot worse.
Can you imagine the only skill required would be clicking your power tray? you ever tried that? Things don't take with 1 click. lmao
Back in the day when anti Borg weapons were available it was pretty evident how it was gonna go down. I still have some anti borg weapons and guess what?.... fail!. Other weapons do more damage the Borg.
So people spent money for nothing it seems and they will spend it again and again until they add 2 `n 2 then get tired of being quietly robbed.
Blaming the playerbase is all well and good when its due but... this type of game is flawed in respect to difficulty, desperately attempting to turn into a cash cow has been apparent and i would of handled all this very differently while having the game generate cash in the bank.
Now you have skills of skills in chance, weapons with skills and chance, an upgrade system of chance, overly priced and which should of been set using a new 3rd currency instead of dil.
Limited skill slots, empty skill slots for free players. Nerfed and absent weapons.... list goes on.
And the confusion continues to grow with the list.
The old timer is better off abandoning this game for 6 months at least. Sure people can disagree but this is all opinion based relative to some kinda sense, so far ive not seen much at all in the direction we're headed.
At least for normal+advanced MK XI blue (farmable and cheap) is all you need.
^ thats utter rubbish, one of my tacticals has major trouble on just advanced. hes loaded with XIV gear and 1 or 2 epics.
Im not a free player, im not speaking for my self here. I was simply stating that if nobody from your fleet is in game then the help you will find in stf's will most likely be unworthy of a team.
Not mention the fact that the players lacking realisation don't realize they have to grind for a year to get those skills which will enable them to join and win in better stf. unless you were one of the players that utilized a bug in the japori system, im afraid you're in for a shock.
What you think all the hubbub was about?
As for people making new chars, you can forget about that man.
A GAME IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN, not like your working out which MM thickness steel to weld to your chassis legs in order to support the structure of....... see my point?
I await Cryptic looking at their logs and changing a few things, make people think and work harder to achieve. BUT tone it down just a touch.
That just means you have skilled him bad, lack severly in piloting and/or knowledge of this game. It is that easy to explain.
As in fun.
I don't get this Epeen in STO, you want that attitude, **** off to EvE Online. I came to STO for the LOL factor.
Your own signature details you are not 100% happy with this game at the minute.
Then i suggest u go level a tactical and try for yourself.
Yes its me right? thats funny considering that this char didn't have this problem before. Im not alone either considering the entire que system for anything other than normal is dead hahaaaa.
I think i will join the old timer at least on one of my chars.
look it dont bother me into hatred because there are other games out there for entertainment. The only people who will be affected are the loyal ones as gradually the player populace will shrink.
Like i said before i had specialized weapons suited to enemy that i bought with real money then someone removed them from the game. Only the people that bought them still have and now they're useless.
So i laugh.
Glad I am not alone in this thinking, feel free to add me in-game if you want to hammer out some normal runs.
But I do agree that they should have higher rewards. And elite should have even higher rewards than they have now.
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Either double the time or get rid of it. Not everyone who pugs it is a lvl60 or in a t5u or t6 ship. While comptent thay just dont have the gear to finish it before the timer expires and that hurts any chance those of us with t5u and t6 ships and are close to or at lvl60 getting the needed items for rep gear for Delta projects or gearing up other ships. Yes I know all about loadout yada yada but to be honest its a pain in the TRIBBLE remembering what a specfic loadout is for over 70 ships! One set for each ship imho is the easier way.
#1 Join a Fleet and use Fleet Gear.
#2 Cash in some of those Marks and Processors on one character for Dilithium, convert it to Zen, buy say keys and buy gear off the Exchange.
#3 Ask if some more Elite players would be willing to support you in the STF's...not every is w*nker and I'm sure some would be willing to help you :-)
If you came for just that, playing normal should be fine for you.
They were weak to begin with. Borg was and is a worse proc than CrtD/H. Those "specialized" weapons you speak of were a waste of money to begin with. And if you went and bought them even with real money, that just speaks for itself.
But dont worry, you can still have fun in normals.
Poor encounter design and unclear objectives
You get one message when all the V-Rex comes active. A pop up that says "engineers are stealing omega particles" which can be easy to miss if you are in the middle of a fight that all of the sudden just faded away. When a new player first shows up to a V-Rex fight what do you think they are going to notice first? the big ole honkin dinosaur? or the two guys off to the side? thats if they are even on their monitor for players to see. People see a big dinosaur their first instinct is to fight it. Cant they get Trendy on vent or schedule a 30second meeting with Al Rivera or bring a mic and tape recorder down to Doris the lunch lady in the cafeteria and have them screech on the recording "keeeel the meeeedics" and attach that to the mission? They got all sorts of generic voiceovers like 'troops inbound!" or "you've defeated the voth exceeeeeellent work...wait one" but they cant do a voiceover for the one that matters the most which is kill the medics?
Personally my first time doing a V-Rex fight i barely got a chance to read the pop up. I just knew that i was supposed to fight somebody, somewhere. I made my way to the 3 new icons just like i mentioned and saw people dpsing a V-Rex. Monkey see...monkey do...so i went ahead and started dpsing the V-Rex too. It probably wasnt until my 3rd or 4th V-Rex fight that i noticed the Medics (nobody was saying in chat kill medics). So i was like...who are these two guys, what are they doing in the middle of this V-Rex fight, are those little arrows on their bodies, does this fight have an add rush phase we have to deal with. If all i see is a V-Rex in the fight area i'm thinking to myself that maybe the blue bars are enrage timers. Kill the V-Rex before the timer runs out. But then i also noticed the bars were going up and down. So it wasnt until i saw the medics or the first time that i put it all together that those were the guys stealing the omega particles.
Yeah, that wouldnt be the case in a real warfront....
Thats all well good but these people dont get the required items for geared kits on normal and so ques stay empty, players leave and we play on our own.
Yes surprising i know, i do actually spend real money on this game.. its what pays for the server uptime.
I know the borg weapons are rubbish now but they were good at one point with critical chance. They were for tacs.