So I was considering the new upgrade systems and the R&D System and this idea hit me, and Im sure its been thought of before, but I'll toss it out and see if it'll be as popular as I think it will.
This school would be really minimal but I think the effects would be really worth the effort/grind/expense.
- Levels 1-4 - would have some consumables that have an effect on small things like power transfer rates, temp hull points, shield recharge.
- Level 5 - Allows you to(at a great expense in materials) upgrade a Tier 1 vessel to Tier 2
- Levels 6-9 - would have improved versions of the earlier consumables, and new components required for the lv10 ability
- Level 10 - Allows you to(at a great expense in materials) upgrade a Tier 2 vessel to Tier 3(including ones you upgraded from t1)
- Levels 11-14 - would have advanced versions of the consumables, and new components required for the lv15 ability
- Level 15 - Allows you to(at a great expense in materials) upgrade a Tier 3 vessel to Tier 4(including ones you upgraded from earlier tiers)
- Levels 16-19 - Would allow construction of consumable combat pets like shuttles or the scorpion fighters you get from the vault mission, as well as the heavy TRIBBLE satellite turrets, and new components required for the lv20 ability
- Level 20 - Allows you to take any existing Tier 5 vessel that cannot be upgraded to T5-U and upgrade it to T5-U capable(you would still have to buy the upgrade module to unlock it.)
This gives Cryptic a whole new grind, allows them to monetize vessels again that they have already gotten money on before(zen ships in the t1-3 range), monetize vessels they cant now, AND gives players something they already want. I think a lot of players would love to use a lower tier hull longer, esp if its a favorite like the Constitution or Constitution II.
The T5-U provided by this system would need to be kinda generic so as to not detract from other vessels. A few ideas I had are below.
- Escorts : Lv1 Accuracy and Defense boost, lv2 critH and critD boost, lv3 weapon power boost, lv4 shield regen boost
- Cruisers : Lv1 hull hp and regen boost, lv2 eng boff cooldown reduction, lv3 shield hp boost, lv4 cruiser powers get a little better
- Science : Lv1 Sensor Analysis gets a boost. Lv2 shield hp and regen boost, lv3 subsystem target more effective, Lv4 sci boff cooldown reduction
- Warbirds : Lv1 bonus stealth while cloaked, lv2 Accuracy and Defense boost, lv3 sing charge rate increase, lv4 small power level boost
these are just rough ideas of course and could be rearranged or redone completely but I felt I should include at least some ideas so the whole system looked more complete.
STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
I love it. Of course you can imagine tons of cool stuff done this way.
But I don't see it happening.
I like it but cryptic won't do it. Why? because they be damned if they would ever have to give credit to someone else for improving thier game. I believe they would go as far as going bankrupt on sto before they would ever give credit where credit is due, if it came from anyone other than themselves.
damn and I thought I was a pessimist
The driving idea behind this would be to squeeze a little more life out of older ships, right? Just to put an example to it, let's say I had a Gladius-class Escort Refit (t2 ship), and I was hoping to ay least ride that ship up into t4. I have no faith that Cryptic wouldn't stretch the process out such that by the time I'd leveled up the needed R&D school and applied the necessary upgrades to my Gladius, that wasn't more than what I would have spent on a decent t5 ship, to say nothing of actually equipping said ship. During which time, I've been flying a ship that's constantly a tier or 2 behind the times.
Gah, I hate that I've gotten this cynical, but I am what they've made me. :-/
I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
And these ships are "monetized" with the costs of 200k FC for the T5 stock versions, 20K + 4 Fleet Modules (2k zen from somewhere) for FT5, and the extra $7 for the FT5U module.
Notice that all the T1s are "excluded" due to the "age" issue, and the T2 Cruisers (Connie Refit, Excalibur/Exeter/Vesper variants of the Connie) more over the "no Connies at endgame" concept - taken to the obvious extreme (it looks remotely like either NCC-1701 with no letters, it's not endgame material...)
As my sig indicates, I would love for the T1s and those last T2s to be "endgameified", and have stated the reasons it should be done multiple times - the least of which is that why are "certain fans" - specifically ToS, ENT-era hero, and most of TMP (the obvious exclusion of a certain Dev's favorite TMP ship) that can't enjoy their hero/favorite ship at endgame in what has morphed into the "ultimate sandbox version" of Star Trek...
If I keep typing, I'll delve into topics not appreciated by the Frequent Question Thread...
Here's hoping that the new EP takes the time to discuss these concerns with CBS and the rest of the Dev Team...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Your idea has merit in other ways however. Instead of utilizing it for upgrading ships to higher tiers, I would utilize to customize existing starships with new abilities. Instead of just swapping out consoles, full on system upgrades. You don't put an EPS manifold into a console slot, you actually do a permanent overhaul on your ship's EPS conduit network permanently improving the ship's power transfer performance.
That said the older ships shouldn't be exempt from this. But for the Tier 1-4 ships, there should be a definitive ceiling to how much the ship's performance could be improved through this system. But I'm sure there would open up a tuner market for people to still do STFs in their hardened and tooled up Tier 1 and 2 ships.
I think a solution...and expensive solution would be to offer a "Quantum Leap" alternative setting. Have a gameplay space, where you would basically be operating as back in time, where the tier 2 starships would be top of the line. If the Undine attacked The Federation in 2375 what would the mission and response be like.
To me, the only way a Constitution should be endgame is if the timeline is the late 23rd century.
Yeah well if I had my druthers the whole game would be set in the movie era and TRIBBLE on TNG+ :P But really I stopped trying to apply canon anything to STO the moment they turned the RSE into snidley whiplash and this terrible 1.5 dimensional sidekicks. When they tossed a t-rex with laz0rz in because 'it was cool' that was when I stopped taking STO remotely serious as a Trek game and began treating it as the Trek-ish flavored PWE half-assed p.o.s. its devolving into. If this game even tried to be or feel like Star Trek I'd agree with you 100% but it doesn't
p.s. thanks for rezing this topic!
Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
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STO player since November 2013
Have to say, I do agree with you on that. I can't wait, in some way, that someone else, buys this company out, and get this StarTrek, on Track, the way it should have been.. :cool: I still like the game. But changes are really needed..:rolleyes:
I never understood why people hated the idea of the Voth utilizing a weaponized Jurassic Park against us. I'm surprised there wasn't a Jurassic Park book about that. They'd have access to the genetic data, experience working with them, and the tech for the mind control (after 65 million years of R&D). The psychological impact of a Tyrannosaur charging would be worth cleaning up the dung and fertilizer on a city ship.
Then again I may not have been fazed because I loved Dino Riders as a kid.
I remember Suricatta making a suggestion, long ago, about putting computer cores in game. Certain things would determine the amount and type of ship gear you could have while making a lower level tier ship equal to one that starts at a higher level. Though it would have limits. You can only upgrade so far to a certain tier. I.E., you can't put a phaser lance on a Miranda.