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A little spice with your CI, sir...?

shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
Yes, it's a quick fun way to get fleet marks and/or satisfy that urge to go dirtside and get your ground-pounding on. But for a while now, I've been finding a certain quote from The Fifth Element quite relevant to it...

"I know this music... let's change the beat." -Zorg

"How?" you ask. The OPFOR is picked at random, and that's a good start. But why not apply that logic to the maps as well? Imagine, if you will, that each instance of CI picks one from a roster of maps, each with its own set of bonus objectives. One example would be a research facility with the bonus objective being to recover three caches of sensitive material; the catch is that due to environmental considerations/enemy interference/what-have-you, it takes time for get a transporter lock, so once you tag a cache you have to defend the area for X duration, much like the control points of Kobali Prime's 'Supply Denied'.

Such modularization would allow new maps and OPFORs to be smoothly blended into the roster; it would also make for accolade fodder (assuming the maps are released in groups, this means there would be an accolade for clearing all maps of a given group).

Additionally, it also presents an opportunity to vent certain of the community's competitive urges. Simply put, after completing CI for the first time you unlock the holodeck challenge mode, wherein you pick any of the maps you've played to date and run it with your away team; your clear time and bonus objective completion would be noted on a map-specific leaderboard (being a solo map, you can use the pause functionality; of course the timer freezes with everything else when you do).
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