Hi, I'm a mostly sentient critter of indeterminate species and gender looking for a group of marauding sociopaths(or puckish rouges if you prefer) to blow things up with.
I enjoy refining my DPS to absurd levels, flying really, really, ridiculously fast and swopping in on vessels fourteen times bigger then mine while picturing the shocked look on their captain's face, cause of all the new windows I made.
I dislike long diplomatic dinners, less the ten cannons mounted on my ship, the word "Escort", seriously, that can stop any time now.
Things I love: People who enjoy a flying face first into the maw of death and blasting its spleen to chunklets and Fleet tier equipment for my baby.
Things I hate: Fly by night Fleets that take all my dilithium and then treat me like I'm just visiting.
If this sounds good to you, please let me know and I'll be happy to join you in turning all threats in to a pinkish, chartreuse bio paste.
Still looking for a Fleet of the non-take my stuff and say good day variety. Everything above is still true and valid, save for my DPS being even more redonkulous in direct proportion to my obsession with it.
We're a fleet that enjoys all aspects the game has to offer, we're a fleet that's more like a dysfunctional family: we laugh, we fight, we downright p!$$ each other off, but we come together and remember the point.
And on the subject of contributing to the Starbase, that's up to every member to decide if they want to and how much. There's no friggin quota. Just letting you know.
So look us up online, look any one of us up in-game, my handle is @Forge04 and I'm hopping on right now.
We are committed to having fun and being totally immersed in the Star Trek Online universe.
While we have rules and ranks that follow Star Trek, we are overall a laid back community looking to enjoy our time spent here and in STO. Also we enjoy helping others out in anyway possible. So if you don't like to laugh and have a good time , this community may not be for you.
As our name states, while in STO we play through the episodes tactically and in general enjoy playing through them at a slower pace and move together as a team. We are committed to PvE and achieving the best equipment. Make yourself at home and don't be shy to make an introduction thread .
would like to throw an invite out too if your still looking....... we only have the one rule.... Have fun.
We're a fleet that enjoys all aspects the game has to offer, we're a fleet that's more like a dysfunctional family: we laugh, we fight, we downright p!$$ each other off, but we come together and remember the point.
And on the subject of contributing to the Starbase, that's up to every member to decide if they want to and how much. There's no friggin quota. Just letting you know.
So look us up online, look any one of us up in-game, my handle is @Forge04 and I'm hopping on right now.
Hope to see you.
We are committed to having fun and being totally immersed in the Star Trek Online universe.
While we have rules and ranks that follow Star Trek, we are overall a laid back community looking to enjoy our time spent here and in STO. Also we enjoy helping others out in anyway possible. So if you don't like to laugh and have a good time
As our name states, while in STO we play through the episodes tactically and in general enjoy playing through them at a slower pace and move together as a team. We are committed to PvE and achieving the best equipment. Make yourself at home and don't be shy to make an introduction thread
Why not head over to our website, have a look around, and if you like what you see, apply to join our community!
We have events daily, support classic Star Trek games and have some exciting new developments coming soon!