So with the free upgrade token I'll be getting with today's patch, my plan is to upgrade one of my Klingon Sci's Dyson Destroyers. I've got the 3-pack, but I'm not sure which one I want to upgrade. The three ships' console layouts as T5u are as follows (all consoles are listed in order T/E/S):
Battle: 3+1/3/4
Command: 3/2+1/5
Tactical: 4/2/4+1
They all have their merits, I suppose, but right now I'm vacillating between Battle and Command. The proposed build is
here. A few thoughts:
-*- I know not everyone is a fan of the proton weaponry and whatnot, but that's not really a point I'm looking to debate at this time.
-*- That Lt Engineering station, I'm torn between EPtW and EPtA. When I don't use that as Aux, my Aux power is "only" in the mid-90s. Think I can get by on that if it means more weapons power?
-*- I like having the Gravimetric Torpedo, but if I got rid of it, or at least ditched the THY1 skill, I could use a second Tac Team, which then opens up other doffing options. Does the Gravitorp work well enough to keep if it's "nekked" (i.e. no supporting boff abilities)?
-*- I have all the special consoles, but will be passing on them for want of a place to put them. The only one that seems inherently useful enough to at least consider is the one that gives your shields the big temp HP buffer. I might find a spot for that.
If anyone's got some constructive feedback, or would otherwise care to help me iron out any kinks, I'd love to hear from you.
Almost verbatim for how the reasoning went in my head.
I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
If you need tac consoles in a sci ship, then you're doing something wrong.
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
I second this. The DSDs with mode switching can do both science and tac nicely so picking a console setup that can do both makes sense.
EDIT: free upgrade tokens are still available on tribble. You can always transfer a character there and test them out to see which one you want to upgrade.