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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cecil08 wrote: »
    They never said that Tau Dewa was the only exploited map. They never said what maps were exploited. Perhaps "Shutdown" was an exploitable map. Did you not consider that?.

    I'm pretty certain 'Shutdown' was considered one of the maps considered 'exploitative' (for one, as it's the only one I played). But that sorta puts a serious dent in detractors like you pitching the story that all of us knew something was up in Tau Dewa, and all took massive advantage, now does it?!

    And as for 'They never said what maps were exploited,' Trendy's sticky (which now seems to have been pulled) only specifically mentioned Tau Dewa systems. Since the 'Shutdown' mission was posted about here on the forums, as a recommendation, it's a safe bet they included that too.
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    harryhausenharryhausen Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Yeah, except that nobody is saying Cryptic simply picked 250 random people: that part is all you, setting up a convenient, simplified straw-man to try and win your argument....

    ....So, the application of punishment (within the group of the infamous 250) seems to have been either arbitrary, or inconsistently.

    Right, so you're not saying that it was done at random (adj. without definite aim, purpose, method, or adherence to a prior arrangement; in a haphazard way).

    You're saying it was done arbitrarily (adv. founded on or subject to personal whims, prejudices, etc; capricious).

    Clearly, your claim in no way resembles my straw man. My apologies.


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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Right, so you're not saying that it was done at random (adj. without definite aim, purpose, method, or adherence to a prior arrangement; in a haphazard way).

    You're saying it was done arbitrarily (adv. founded on or subject to personal whims, prejudices, etc; capricious).

    Clearly, your claim in no way resembles my straw man. My apologies.

    Nice job cutting out the relevant parts. You set up your straw man like this:

    "You are saying that the devs punished 250 random people."

    To which I responded, that *within* the group of people that fulfilled their criteria for having exhibited 'exploitative beavior,' punishment seems either arbitrarily (or 'inconsistently' the part you conveniently cut off here).

    And that, indeed, is a far-stretch from your ludicrous straw man, in which Cryptic just picked 250 random people.
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    bwemobwemo Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Right, so you're not saying that it was done at random (adj. without definite aim, purpose, method, or adherence to a prior arrangement; in a haphazard way).

    100% correct. I was rolled back from 110 to 60. My alt account that is nothing more than a dkora and suliban ship that was sitting in argala with me to pump waves up....is still 110.

    gg close
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    bwemo wrote: »
    100% correct. I was rolled back from 110 to 60. My alt account that is nothing more than a dkora and suliban ship that was sitting in argala with me to pump waves up....is still 110.

    Like I said, there is only 1 reasonable way to explain this: the punishment was arbitrary, subsidiarily, inconsistent.

    There is another explanation: Cryptic used malice to determine who got punished, and who not. I'm ruling that out, though (for one, because Occam's Razor suggests a faulty methodology is far more likely).
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    cecil08cecil08 Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I'm pretty certain 'Shutdown' was considered one of the maps considered 'exploitative' (for one, as it's the only one I played). But that sorta puts a serious dent in detractors like you pitching the story that all of us knew something was up in Tau Dewa, and all took massive advantage, now does it?!

    And as for 'They never said what maps were exploited,' Trendy's sticky (which now seems to have been pulled) only specifically mentioned Tau Dewa systems. Since the 'Shutdown' mission was posted about here on the forums, as a recommendation, it's a safe bet they included that too.

    I don't remember saying everyone knew something was up in Tau Dewa... ever. Please quote me if you think I said that.

    All I said was that I tend to trust Cryptic over a forum user and that Shutdown was likely considered an exploitable map (emphasis mine above). Sounds like you agree with me, mostly. Since you agree that Shutdown was considered an exploited map and you have admitted to running it a lot, why are you still surprised you lost points?
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cecil08 wrote: »
    Since you agree that Shutdown was considered an exploited map and you have admitted to running it a lot, why are you still surprised you lost points?

    Because it was not known, at all, *upfront* that running an old storyline mission like 'Shutdown' was possibly exploitative. It's nowhere near Tau Dewa. And there was no reason to tie in an old DS9 map with Tau Dewa (for all we know 'Shutdown' wasn't the only mission outside Tau Dewa affected, for that matter).

    So, yeah, when I saw the brass post about Tewa Dewa, I was relieved to have had no part in it.... until I logged in and saw Cryptic thought otherwise. :(
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    The assumption that the spec points rollback was bugged is a reasonable one given than so many other aspects of the game are bugged.

    In addition, if you can't take Forum posters at their word that they were unjustly targeted or were perpetrators that exploited with impunity, then how can you take Cryptic at it's word that the perpetrators were properly identified and punished? Both have a motive to lie and neither one has defended their position on the basis of empirical evidence. Neither the accusations of Cryptic nor the allegations of the player base would hold up in court so we're back to square 1. Cryptic overreacted and should admit their rollback was bugged since it hasn't proven otherwise. Additionally it should indemnify people who had their skill points taken away that didn't exploit anything.

    I believe the player's crying innocent, about as much as they believe Cryptic did them no wrong!

    Exploits are against part of the TOS, if I am not mistaken so, you agreed to those terms from day 1 and, if you are not satisfied with the results, than there really isn't anything you can do about it.

    To keep complaining about it, gets them nowhere fast and, eventually the possibility of the Mod's just shutting down every thread related on the subject!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    jbmonroejbmonroe Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    And cryptic is responsible for you people deridin me for making a civil post.

    It's itonic that people like you posters will do just as much to drive people out of the game as cryptic.

    This fragmenting of the community by labeling some of us as exploiters while actual exploiters got no punishment is also cryptics fault.

    And they aren't gonna own up to that either I suppose.

    People who mock others who are unjustly accused and then separate them as "others" to laugh at don't belong on this planet. Here is to hoping you get what's coming.

    Oh? So now you're taking a threatening posture? Seriously? Yeah, that just screams "innocent" to me. After all, we only have your word for it being "unjust," but daggone, you must have been in there a lot to get caught in the dragnet, right?

    So, no sympathy or empathy for you from me. You killed any possibility of that when you wrote "get what's coming." Honestly, all I'm reading from you is "spoiled brat."
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    On their bottom line, 250 accounts should have no real effect, even if they had advanced 17 times faster and started getting lots of Dilithium.

    So it feels a bit petty, yes, but if people think they can exploit consequence free, they may do so the next time, too, and what if that time, tracing back the exploiters is more difficult? Now they establish a precedent - if we find out, we will not just necessarily close the loop hole, we may take away whatever you got from the exploit.

    There have been other exploits in this game. In PvP, a "popular" exploit was the "Voldemort" exploit where you could equip more than one shield in effect. Such exploits are not unfair against the "system" and break the developer's intention on gameplay, they are unfair towards other players.
    Also, this isn't the first time exploits have been punished. But usually the exploiters get banned. So this is rather merciful by comparison.
    My character Tsin'xing
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    generalmocogeneralmoco Member Posts: 1,634
    edited October 2014
    This is like, I lost count on what number I was, but it's well over 20+...

    But yeah I was reading through the posts...

    lol made lol so hard...

    Whom ever said that it was only Japori???

    If it was only Japori then the devs would have easily locked up Japori itself...

    But no, they locked down the entire Sector... *ponders to himself, what would that imply?*

    OP. I can see you frustration for loosing progress... but in no way in gods name, are you going to get somewhere, by coming down here to the forums and basically... insulting the Devs...

    And then again like Chaos said... you killed your chance by calling almost everyone that replied to this tread a "Moron"...

    I would think twice before posting like that...

    But then again, chill down dude... it was only 2 points... you said it yourself you can get 1 level per hour... so why don't you just stop complaining... you didn't get your account banned... and yes I know what getting an account banned feels like... and after all, this is a game isn't it???
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    maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Cryptic would have lost nothing by simply fixing the bug and having done with it. The punitive rollback was an unnecessary PR blunder that is likely having a far more negative affect on their precious metrics than anything they had hoped to accomplish with it. It certainly isn't only the affected parties who are taking a dim view on how Cryptic has handled this matter and that will be a significant factor in the future purchase decisions of many.
    Members hopping on the Cryptic bandwagon, gleefully throwing stones at those caught up in this fiasco had best beware, your own gameplay may not bear close scrutiny given the dubious methodology as was employed in this sorry state of affairs.
    Despite all of the warning developers were given about the possibilities of this bug being exploited while it was still on Tribble they allowed it to go live unchanged and made no effort to post any kind of warning about possible consequences for exploiting it, but it was never defined as an exploit until they decided to punish people, something which should never have happened for what was developer oversight to begin with.
    Generally players are not going to sit and worry if something seems too good to be true, especially if developers are completely silent about it in the midst of so much public awareness of the matter, they will simply enjoy their good fortune and continue playing. Now thanks to this matter players will always have to worry about the consequences of gameplay that seems out of the norm, this can not be considered a positive development for a healthy gaming community, in fact it's disastrous, players don't come here to feel scrutinized and persecuted, they aren't interested in being held accountable for the developer's failings and if that is the price of gameplay, there are plenty of other games. To paraphrase something from another player's recent video, Cryptic seems to be in an abusive relationship with it's players, continually pushing to see how far they can go before they have pushed too far. This can't continue for much longer. Games are supposed to be fun, a form of entertainment, if you walk away feeling worse for having taken part then the game is not doing what it supposed to be doing, much as Cryptic would like, the blame for that can not be placed entirely on the player's shoulders.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
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    vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I wouldn't be any less fed up with them if they had "only" nerfed the last source of exp out in japori.

    600 story mission re-plays to max the current "specialization tree", you feel like being a casual running 2-5 missions a week?

    I rank it the same as paying millions of dil for your old gear or re-buying your old ship with zero new animations. Hogwash, fubar, hooey, baloney.

    Based on the product alone they should be embarrassed and ashamed, all it is, is one huge planet-killer-sized dilithium and time vacuum cleaner sucking the fun out of everything.

    Throw in the messed up queues and stealing people's levels with the 200% reduced dil and you got yourself a nasty cocktail.

    But you know it's really about the demi-gods not losing face and no trendy I am not discriminating christians saying that so don't ban me for hate peech again, thank you

    The 200% dil nerf is another thing that as standalone is a game breaker that seemingly we just going to sweep and silence veto it out.

    There are too many problems to comfortably manipulate a blog around.

    If you do give dil back what would the bs explanation be to pretend you knew what you were doing?
    So okay you manage that, then you still in neck deep with the leveling, the amount of content, the fake star trek ships no one wants, the missing reputation BNP etc. required for higher levels drop etc. etc. etc.

    Way I see it, if you are honest and you believe in what you are doing you have zero problems communicating.

    But when you have to spend time cooking up stories that back another bs story up covering years of bs stories then it starts getting really complex.

    The offiical stance of the company, the concept of that is hilarious to me.

    Either we are dealing with reality or we are not, that's the 2 options you have.

    Reality just flows on its own and it doesn't take 17 staff meetings to find out what you going to say about it.

    Developers always made me laugh since 1998®, how it's always trying to post-rationalize poor decisions instead of just taking all that wasted time, and put it into the game instead.

    But you are right of course, have to feed your family you can't afford luxeries like integrity, principles or respect
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    vestereng wrote: »
    Based on the product alone they should be embarrassed and ashamed, all it is, is one huge planet-killer-sized dilithium and time vacuum cleaner sucking the fun out of everything.

    ^^ LOL. Not entirely sure why you're always on about lack of animations, but this was definitely funny. :)
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    janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    ^^ LOL. Not entirely sure why you're always on about lack of animations, but this was definitely funny. :)

    Vacuum cleaner animation? Where's Cube-Sized-Q when you need him?

    Q: "I'm here to clean up this mess!"

    Sorry, couldn't resist :D
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    janus1975 wrote: »
    Vacuum cleaner animation? Where's Cube-Sized-Q when you need him?

    Q: "I'm here to clean up this mess!"

    Sorry, couldn't resist :D

    Q: "Simple. Change the Dilithium constant of the universe, thereby altering the mass of the vacuum cleaner."

    Sorry, couldn't resist either. :D
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    vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    ^^ LOL. Not entirely sure why you're always on about lack of animations, but this was definitely funny. :)

    Heheh yeah I wanted something big in there to paint the picture.

    But the part about animations is if you imagine a hierachy as with any job, some tasks are harder and require more resources than others.

    Doing animations is right there at the top and is the no. 1 indicator of "content".

    Indeed without animations you'd be playing D&D pen and paper style.

    In the current example I've been bringing up, that t5u, upgrading and crafting required no effort and was all copy-paste, is saying that they didn't add content with no new animations.

    As such that's budget coding and to personally a huge insult trying to re-sell stuff we already bought but of course also shows the tragic point of if they can get away with it why shouldn't they.

    Doing t5u, upgrading, crafting was as simple as opening a word document, hit the "replace" feature and type in a few numbers.

    This is where people's stupidity breaks my heart and probably the source of my perceived arrogance.

    Because I consider myself pretty dumb and so the stuff I point out, per definition has to be the obvious and bare minimum - I'd rather not have people in the world dumber than me how terrible that is.

    Part of that naturally because I want to be the one learning and not the teacher for selfish reasons, call me immature.

    And so yes, when people don't get it even after it's been explained I do kind of feel those people should probably go for a job heavy not on the thinking side

    Ideally I'd come on the forums and have to bring 5 technical manuals and 11 dictionaries to understand what is being said and I could just stfu and sit back learn because damn those people were there where I want to be



    Not that the copy-paste features are the only issue in fact I think we got several way larger issues with a higher priority right now


    When I say "animations" that also covers new models, for example ship models as with the 8 free ships in LoR.
    It required someone sat down and animated all that (some ships were in the game from way back when).

    Where say upgrading is just a number value in notepad you can swap. 421 to 489 boom, that will be 1 million dil thank you
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    cabezadetortugacabezadetortuga Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Well, there's your problem.... you thought that was a civil post.

    Your OP was flamebait..... and like others said, it comes off like an angry tantrum.

    Not at all. The OP sounds like the kind of thing you tell a young adult when they mess something up and are teetering on the edge of reverting to a child's tantrum instead of moving forward and handling things in an adult manner.

    A sense of shame is supposed to correct the course of behavior.
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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    You stole spec points from people who did nothing wrong according to what was being exploited.

    You left people who admitted to knowingly "exploiting" as you call it with dozens of spec points.

    Own up to it.

    Admit you messed and give people back their points. I submitted a ticket about my missing points and hav heard nothing.

    Mature people admit when they mistakes. Children deflect, blame, and throw tantrums.

    What's it gonna be cryptic?

    I feel you there very much! Although I was not addressed directly because I did level as fast as cryptic wanted I feel the consequences as much because of the fact that long term in game friends have left the game over it as well of others because of many other reasons the past 2 weeks.

    Currently I arrive at a state where I have to ask … “Cryptic, could you pleas give me the GAME back I loved to play the past 2,5 years?” … you know all the happy players asking to team up to enjoy general PvE endgame.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    giveroffacialsgiveroffacials Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    On their bottom line, 250 accounts should have no real effect, even if they had advanced 17 times faster and started getting lots of Dilithium.

    So it feels a bit petty, yes, but if people think they can exploit consequence free, they may do so the next time, too, and what if that time, tracing back the exploiters is more difficult? Now they establish a precedent - if we find out, we will not just necessarily close the loop hole, we may take away whatever you got from the exploit.

    There have been other exploits in this game. In PvP, a "popular" exploit was the "Voldemort" exploit where you could equip more than one shield in effect. Such exploits are not unfair against the "system" and break the developer's intention on gameplay, they are unfair towards other players.

    It really does seem petty when major bugs like the skill tray problems are totally ruining the enjoyment for many thousands of players and yet cryptic spends major resources and effort to take points back from players who are going to just going to earn them again. Am I missing something? Did these people somehow get points beyond what a normal player would eventually be able to get?
    Space the final frontier. These are the voyages of [your name here] on a five year mission to gain one level after the delta rising xp nerf.
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    crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I don't know, I feel the outcries over lost Specialization Points also a bit like deflecting blame and throwing tantrums. People that abused the system systematically just need to accept that sometimes it doesn't work out and that they are at fault, too.

    Of course, if people that actually didn't benefit from the exploit lost spec points, yeah, they certainly should file support tickets.

    But if that has happened, Cryptic still needs to first verify for themselves that it has happened and to whom. They won't talk about that beforehand.

    Don't care much about specialization points since as per Cryptic it only affected 200-250 acoounts. What about XP leveling that is now a virtual crawl...thats punihsment for ALL...the exploiters and the rest of us. Does not leave a good taste in your mouth.

This discussion has been closed.