What is everyone's best XP grind for XP/time while factoring in frustration, as that affects duration/sustainability?
The best solo grind I've found is Argala patrol against the Kazon and Malon. The Hirogen are so annoying and poor XP/time to me that I leave immediately and re-enter/leave until I get Kazon or Malon. The XP/time of Normal seems to be better than Advanced and Elite. Of course the 5 Delta Marks per run is nice.
On Normal I've observed:
Malon 4000 to 4250 XP (my current time is about 3m 15s)
Kazon 4500 to 4600 XP (my current time is about 3m 35s)
Hirogen 4205 XP (my current time is about 4m 20s...1 run just to make this post)
Time will vary by person, but I've provided this to show some sort of relation between the different enemies encountered.
What is everyone's best XP grind for XP/time while factoring in frustration, as that affects duration/sustainability?
The best solo grind I've found is Argala patrol against the Kazon and Malon. The Hirogen are so annoying and poor XP/time to me that I leave immediately and re-enter/leave until I get Kazon or Malon. The XP/time of Normal seems to be better than Advanced and Elite. Of course the 5 Delta Marks per run is nice.
On Normal I've observed:
Malon 4000 to 4250 XP (my current time is about 3m 15s)
Kazon 4500 to 4600 XP (my current time is about 3m 35s)
Hirogen 4205 XP (my current time is about 4m 20s...1 run just to make this post)
Time will vary by person, but I've provided this to show some sort of relation between the different enemies encountered.
frankfletcher: "hey teacher u forgot to give us homework!"
frankfletcher: "hey teacher u forgot to give us homework!"