So, because I love and miss the Marauding missions (Diplomacy is best done from the far side of an airlock!), and I didn't have an approaching-endgame Tactical officer (and didn't feel like renovating my old one), I came back to the KDF with an adorable little lizard Alien.
That's just fluff, though.
What I'm currently having a problem with is: What T5U_Okay options are actually worth devoting the time, resources, and money for if I plan on going full-on firearms related friendship with any and every thing stupid enough to try to get a target lock on my lovely blue scaled backside?
There are currently two hurdles I'm facing:
1) I think the B'rel was awesome in The Undiscovered Country, but outside of that movie it is the butt-ugliest piece of space scrap outside of Minmatar Frigates. Don't care to spend the skrilla to try and pull a miracle and make it look prettier, either, that thing is an eyesore to the blind. I'm also not very fond of the lines on the Mat'ha (and that hurts - that thing is gorgeous stat-wise), and I don't see myself getting over it any time soon.
2) I have aggressive social anxiety and related issues that make it logistically improbable that I can acquire a Fleet variant of anything, or I'd go for a Fleet Norgh and never look back. Love that bird.
So that leaves me with a few questions on what else I can try to do here:
a) As a supervet (ie: Space Cash Whale) I do have access to the Heavy Destroyer, and I'm certainly considering it. Disruptor Lotus and Battle Cloak are rather tempting.
b) Using a Kazon Raider I got out of a lockbox when I was fishing for modules (no luck on modules, but I'm oddly finding it hard to complain for some reason). The only downside for me here is the lack of a Battle Cloak. The RR has spoiled me so much.
c) Picking up a different ship, or using one of those I've already unlocked (I'd like to avoid Science Vessels, though, as I have 2 very amazing ones on other characters and I just can't hope to compete). Those unlocked include Vet tokens, the Varanus, and the War Bortasqu'. I'm also sitting on an unreasonable amount of Lobi because of my mad lust for modules, a gambling habit, and far more stipend then I know what to do with.
So many things have changed, and so many considerations to make.
I'd prefer to stick to Raiders, but I'm fine going Raptor/Escort if I have to, and Tactical Cruiser if I must.
1. Did you just compare the B'rel with the Minmatar 20-th century satelites wannabe starships?! :eek: You HERETIC!!! :P
Even though you're shared your opinion, I still feel inclined to recommend the Mat'Ha as the best solution. The ship is completely insane, I haven't seen anything like it yet. Quite possibly the best ship the faction has currently and one of the top tactical ships in the game. It's that good. It's shockingly effective. And yes, I'm the guy that made this thread. :P
2. Join the NoP Public Service channel and ask someone to help you get the Fleet Norgh. You should be succesfull in that endeavor as the channel is quite helpfull and helped many players get stuff that their fleet didn't have access to yet, or simply were not in a fleet just like you.
And if that doesn't work out for some weird reason, try joining the channels in the KDF channels list and ask if someone could help with that. I'm sure you'll manage to get some help and get the Fleet Norgh if you want it.
a) I don't have the Pegh'qu, but I've been hearing a lot of good stuff about it. You might want to stick with it, since you already have one. You can get the fleet Pegh'qu from a fleet that has T3 spire via those channels as well and than upgrade it to T5-U, which will make it get 5 tactical consoles + the battlecloak it has = one nasty tactical strike vessel.
b) I have the Kazon Heavy Raider, although I haven't unpacked it yet because the char I'll be using it on is still in the phase of leveling. It is an interesting ship to have fun around with, not that bad actually, but it all honesty if you're looking for a serious primary ship you're looking for something a tad better than it.
c) The lobi you're sitting on could net you a Krenn Temporal Destroyer. I have one and it's one hell of a tactical ship. I love it. Very powerfull, maneouverable and flexible. It gets a free T-5 upgrade which also gives it a 5 tactical console.
Other than that, you might want to check out the new Hazari Destroyer. That's a lobi ship as well if I'm not mistaken. Quite nice stats actually, a true fleet T6 level ship and has a nice sleek design IMHO.
Other than that, I'm afraid I'm not qualified to speak about the lobi ships since I don't really have much interest in them besides the ones from the Temporal Lockbox because they were faction specific. So I never bothered to learn much about them.
Hope this helped somewhat.
I definately have a lot to think about, and certainly more then enough time to do it. My little lizard is only ~12 at the moment, so snaking my way up the tree of experience at a slow pace (thanks, job!). Also means I don't have to rush any of my decisions, thankfully!
I'll have to give the Pegh'qu another solid look - I had a short run today on a different character that probably had me testing too many things at once (Bio-Neural, some odd BOFF station setups) and waaay the wrong kind of gear (Only non-stock items on the whole boat were my Borg set and console). May be a good 'side' ship to have anyway for those occasions where I'm (bizarrely) tired of flying something else (might as well USE all those ship slots!).
I had been looking at the Krenn as well, because in addition to being one sexy little hull, it looks like it has some of the up-front stompiness I usually look for in my Raiders... and something approaching 'defense' as well, so that can't possibly hurt! My only concern is the lack of Cloak... though at the same time, an Escort/Raptor/Destroyer setup may not need it as much (no need to worry about back arc shots, more defense), so that may be worth it anyway.
I'm debating wasting a slot on Mask Energy Signature to see if that can't help me out a little, but I've never really used it before. Might be something to throw on while I'm testing things out as I crawl along the level curve and see whether it's worth sticking with.
Cheers, mates. If nothing else, I've gotten some good data to go muck about with.
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
Whole things takes a few minutes in the best case scenario. Just ask (politely) in your respective homeworld if any fleets are selling access to T4 shipyard (or T5, or T3, depending on what you want).