I had cut down from 6 toons down to 3 with all the different reputations pouring out.
Delta Rising pretty much made me drop the two and now focusing all my time and resources on a single character.
Gearing/leveling multiple alts is a rich man's game - rich in spare time and rich in money. So definitely getting many up to par is not possible for many players these days.
Perhaps Cryptic should come up with a "Sponsor" type system like the rep system. So that a fully leveled toon can sponsor a lower level toon. This would take some of the burden off alting.
Which is sad because it didn't use to be like that. I mean, before DR I could craft an Aegis for any alt, put some decent gear bought from the excnange for decent, sane prices and they'd be ready to go into elite (current advanced) STFs without the fear of being a deteriment to the team and needing someone to drag me along, doing quite alright by myslef even thoug the alt wouldn't be top-notch - eventually leading up to that alt being geared up and finishing some reps.
As it seems now, granted I haven't dabbled the new queues yet (I will after this weekend, I always give Cryptic some 2 weeks time to sort out the mess before I start playing new content), but from what everyone's saying out of 15 I have 4 maaaaybe 5 chars that could do the new levels of advanced difficulty without many issues and only if I switch the ships on some of them.
And taking one, let alone most of them to Mk XIV gold gear would mean work that is...epic! :P However I don't play games to work, but for fun, so...
Quite frankly, I have no idea what the higher-up decision makers at Cryptic are thinking and I'm really wondering if they're thinking at all or just going - deeerp. I mean, if I feel I'm able to sucessfully play and enjoy 15 alts to the fullest, I'll probably buy 15 different ships (or more, which was the case in the past) for them. If I'm reduced to playing 2-3 chars seriosuly, I don't need to get more than 2-3 ships for them. It's elementary, first grade maths.
1 maybe 2 will be upgraded to the best of my abilities.
the rest will be lack luster for ever doomed to poor gear and t5 (if even a T5U can do advanced with eleite fleet weapons and maco set why bother) and will run normal only.
More over none of my alts will get a tier 6 ship, i wont nor see the point in buying one.
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
I have a Romulan to 50+ who is sort of like my second main.
I started a Ferengi that I plan to put in a D'Kora Marauder when he reaches 40.
I started a Trill character that's mostly going to do DOFF missions and if I have the time do daily missions to collect Dilithium.
I have a Klingon in the 20s. He's the only way I can experience the other faction's story. I haven't leveled him very quickly because I do find it a bit strange to play as a Klingon. They are sort of like terrorists, lol... (Not really, of course...they're an awesome, interesting culture, just not the type of game play that is most suited to my personality.)
Same. I'm trying to make it work although I don't see how in the long run. Too much work in general terms. Maybe once I'm proficient again on Elite's I'll run them all again.
The costs for upgrading are insane. May wait it out to see the difference when I read max R&D in May of 2015.
I am down to two, but I can only play them one at a time. I am working with Tayben Berat now, and will switch over to Alyosha next.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
6 of my 7 were turned into DOFFing mules, never to beam up again, but with DOFF bugs it is sucking too much to even mess with those, so right now I'm only logging in with the 1 active toon about once a week
I used to play lots of ground, I used to gear up through eSTF pre s.7, I used to do console fabrication, I used to do mirror event etc. etc. etc.
I also used to play queues.
So yeah okay delete japori too but now it's to the point I don't have anything to do in-game.
Convert contraband until they go after that - I mean they have to right, it's litterly the one thing left in the entire game they haven't nerft or straight up deleted
I have 8 characters.
the 5 federation characters were leveling at various points in the delta quadrant.
my fed rom is still at delta command along with my KDF
my KDR rom is still in Tau Dewa and hasn't even started the FEs
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
To be honest, it's getting hard not to give up on the one toon. There's just nothing to do. Well, there's just nothing that I want to do and no reason to do what I want to do.
I don't do Ground...so that rules out any of the Ground stuff. Ground simply isn't any fun for me, so I don't do it.
I'm not in any position to do any of the Advanced/Elite Space queues...well, outside of Crystalline - where the new nerfed out the wahzoo Advanced Crystalline is hardly worth the effort to queue for because it's just so painfully easy. I was actually enjoying it before the nerfed the Hell out of it, meh.
I've been flying around the various DQ patrols trying to find something to mix it up instead of just running the same one over and over and over and over, but the patrols are nowhere near balanced. The XP return from a Frigate is pointless, when it's one or two shots faster to kill than an Escort? And so many of the patrols are full of Frigates and pointless to run. Then there's all these patrols with Disabling mobs instead of blowing them up - when Cryptic has told us we need to blow up stuff to advance. It's so stupid that it's silly stupid.
It's basically at the point that I'm thinking of just playing Bad Piggies on my tablet again. If I'm just going to do the same mindless thing over and over without any variety, I might as well have fun doing it. If I had 5 mindless patrols to run, there would at least be some variety...as it stands, meh...it's just tedious - would be like playing the same level of an ol' arcade game over and over without going anywhere.
I was never able to beat that thing back when it was in sector space. No one was doing right so I lost patience trying. When I saw the new queue (the queue is new to me) and that it had the Crystalline Entity, I've actually avoided that one out of fear I might TRIBBLE up. That thing was a nightmare years ago.
I still have my 3 mains (All Fed 1 eng, 1 sci, 1 tac) of which my eng takes priority in everything and my 3 played alts (Fed tac, Fed Rom tac, KDF Sci) who are there more for when the mood takes me to do something my mains can't do for whatever reason.
I have no plans to give up on any of them, it's just going to take longer than I would like to get them to the new endgame, on the bright side, it seems once they get there the bar wont be moving again.
Well, a lot of my alts were used for contraband turn-in most of the time. They've all got ships capable of CCN or MIN when those events roll around. I still take my KDFs through their daily marauding rounds.
But I effectively had four (out of eleven) "main" characters before DR. Characters I bought ships for, bought good gear for, equipped for anything I felt like doing. I did that because I liked the variety.
I can't afford to upgrade four ships and four ground sets to Mk XIV. I could afford one, without spending real money, which I'm certainly not going to do. So I picked one.
I used to do a different captain for every ship I wanted to fly. While I only had 4 VA though I had 5 more I was working on. Kumari, Oddy, Vesta packs I liked buying new ships.
Now that I not only have to level captains but also their ships and rebuy all their ships (save for my tac that had a Risian Corvette torpedo boat as their main ship) I'm working at the moment on just the Torp tac and then plan to just use an engineer with the Risian Cruiser and a sci in the free Dyson destroyer since they get to be T5-U for free.
Also, I liked just having to do a rep for 20 days, buying the rep gear, and calling it good. Now that I have to resource grind out upgrades to be able to get the currencies to buy more rep gear, that's not nearly as fun any more.
I really don't feel like renting ships at this point so they won't be getting money from me for them anymore.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
I still have my 3 mains (All Fed 1 eng, 1 sci, 1 tac) of which my eng takes priority in everything and my 3 played alts (Fed tac, Fed Rom tac, KDF Sci) who are there more for when the mood takes me to do something my mains can't do for whatever reason.
I have no plans to give up on any of them, it's just going to take longer than I would like to get them to the new endgame, on the bright side, it seems once they get there the bar wont be moving again.
They're going to be introducing additional Captain Specializations.
They're going to be introducing additional ships with new Starship Traits.
They're going to continue introducing Reputation Systems.
They've mentioned adding additional Crafting Schools.
Just like the bar never moved before DR, the bar isn't going to move with DR.
Simply answer no i haven't given up playing my 13 characters. Have i given up playing to level them all to 60 and max out ship specialisation. You bet you're TRIBBLE i have.
Hard enough on 1 character let alone 13. So back to dil grinding, mark collecting for dil and hardcore doffing as thats the only way Cryptic are going to see my characters advance and eventually use the lovely new powers and abilities they locked behind extortionate xp barriers.
I guess the intro music to Star Trek Enterprise sums up levelling perfectly at this moment in time. But question is do i have faith of the heart to do something i haven't the heart to do ?
I currently have four characters. One is shelved due to bugs with the action bars but otherwise I play all of them as the mood strikes me. I know it'll take forever and a day to upgrade them but I don't care.
This is what I have fun doing so I'll continue to do it. :cool:
I do want to elaborate on what I said a few pages ago, while I plan to still use my 12, and will use about half of them for content beyond the doffing system.
At this time I have no intent in fully upgrading more than a single character. A few will get the Mk13 treatment.
But frankly the thing I find the most irritating at this point is still howlong it takes for doff assignments to acknowledge completion.
My wife and I have a newborn right now so any content like dyson space combat, tau dewa red alerts, doffing, ect... Is all I can reliability do rightnow, content I can play with autofire any just using my mouse and keybinds.
Haven't done many of the new STFs, or difficulty level, taking care of a fussy baby, don't want to be the afk guy that causes a failed optional.
So, yeah still playing them all, but for out of game reasons too.
Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
New Content Wishlist
T6 updates for the Kamarag & Vor'Cha
Heavy Cruiser & a Movie Era Style AoY Utility Cruiser
Just deleted three alts which I was using to replay the missions with the right limits on 'skills'... thanks to the disastrous XP levels there's no point in that anymore. Not sure what to do with my nine normal toons as yet.
are you kidding? I want a service sale (insert daily repeat of that request here) so I can take my 19 toons to over 40.
my 19 are grinding away really 3-4 main and rest grinding slaves but they all doff there brains out, 5 kdf - romy contraband farmers (pesky stuff keeps going up) I want to take my contraband farmers to 30 if I can.
I had a Rom alt I was proud of. Before DR, she was my most powerful toon. After DR, however, I had to abandon her, as it would take me another several hundreds of bucks to get her upgraded the way I upgraded my main.
That should tell Cryptic something: if ppl need to 'starve' their alts, then maybe you took the greed too far?!
I definitely have given up alting now, I used to have my Romulan tactical alt in a scimitar, but nowadays it's much more efficient to stick to my Science fed Caitian and leave that romulan alt in the dust bin now because by the time I'm done orienting a tactical officer towards being able to survive the onslaught that exists now in ground and space content, I may as well have been playing things the science way instead, so that's what I do and it saves me a lot more money. Gravity well spam in a super tank vessel instead of glass cannon scatter or BFAW is the way now for me. And only one character at that to keep things affordable.
The amount of firepower that is faced now is so overwhelming that going full healer zombie in both space and ground is the only thing that works without fail for me (with crowd control as mentioned earlier, stacking at least 5 graviton boosting consoles for grav well spam). I feel for all tacs now. I'm glad I always was a science main. If I wasn't, I'd probably have thrown the towel in after this expansion completely.
I had a Rom alt I was proud of. Before DR, she was my most powerful toon. After DR, however, I had to abandon her, as it would take me another several hundreds of bucks to get her upgraded the way I upgraded my main.
That should tell Cryptic something: if ppl need to 'starve' their alts, then maybe you took the greed too far?!
I have to agree with this, adding on to my post above.
Two of my alts were power houses. I spent money and time and effort to get them where they should be.
Then they messed with the trait system, added the R&D grind, added the equipment upgrade grind that required way too much dilithium and EC, and then added the Ship Trait grind, added the Specilization grind, not to mention all the new Rep grinds.
I don't have the time to just level up my main anymore with all the grind, let alone get the dilithium and EC I need for alts, especially with the massive reward nerf and the HP increase that means my time:reward ratio is way to low. Not to mention that it is way to hard to even play through the storyline to really even want to do it again on my two main alts.
It's a shame really, I want to use the new Romulan ships and the new cruisers and the new Klingon ships, but I'm not even close to getting my Main to competative stage, and it's getting harder and harder to want to do it.
They're going to be introducing additional Captain Specializations.
They're going to be introducing additional ships with new Starship Traits.
They're going to continue introducing Reputation Systems.
They've mentioned adding additional Crafting Schools.
Just like the bar never moved before DR, the bar isn't going to move with DR.
I can live with that so long as I don't have to grind real levels for them, captain specialisations are just icing really, same with starship traits, rep and crafting systems are boring but equally a non-issue... my days of caring to test the maximum dps I can push from a ship are over, that's not to say I don't keep on top of things to ensure I know if someone comes asking because I do but for my own ship, as long as I'm not pulling the group back I'm satisfied with my performance.
I currently concentrate most of my efforts on my main char. But at the same time I'm slotting a complete set of 20 doff missions once per alt and day, every day. The result is that all of my toons are at least al lvl 52 already. The keyword here is patience. Something so many people here on the forums seem to have a complete lack of. You didn't create all your alts and leveled them up to 50 in one day, did you?
Delta Rising pretty much made me drop the two and now focusing all my time and resources on a single character.
Which is sad because it didn't use to be like that. I mean, before DR I could craft an Aegis for any alt, put some decent gear bought from the excnange for decent, sane prices and they'd be ready to go into elite (current advanced) STFs without the fear of being a deteriment to the team and needing someone to drag me along, doing quite alright by myslef even thoug the alt wouldn't be top-notch - eventually leading up to that alt being geared up and finishing some reps.
As it seems now, granted I haven't dabbled the new queues yet (I will after this weekend, I always give Cryptic some 2 weeks time to sort out the mess before I start playing new content), but from what everyone's saying out of 15 I have 4 maaaaybe 5 chars that could do the new levels of advanced difficulty without many issues and only if I switch the ships on some of them.
And taking one, let alone most of them to Mk XIV gold gear would mean work that is...epic! :P However I don't play games to work, but for fun, so...
Quite frankly, I have no idea what the higher-up decision makers at Cryptic are thinking and I'm really wondering if they're thinking at all or just going - deeerp. I mean, if I feel I'm able to sucessfully play and enjoy 15 alts to the fullest, I'll probably buy 15 different ships (or more, which was the case in the past) for them. If I'm reduced to playing 2-3 chars seriosuly, I don't need to get more than 2-3 ships for them. It's elementary, first grade maths.
the rest will be lack luster for ever doomed to poor gear and t5 (if even a T5U can do advanced with eleite fleet weapons and maco set why bother) and will run normal only.
More over none of my alts will get a tier 6 ship, i wont nor see the point in buying one.
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
I have a Romulan to 50+ who is sort of like my second main.
I started a Ferengi that I plan to put in a D'Kora Marauder when he reaches 40.
I started a Trill character that's mostly going to do DOFF missions and if I have the time do daily missions to collect Dilithium.
I have a Klingon in the 20s. He's the only way I can experience the other faction's story. I haven't leveled him very quickly because I do find it a bit strange to play as a Klingon. They are sort of like terrorists, lol... (Not really, of course...they're an awesome, interesting culture, just not the type of game play that is most suited to my personality.)
I seriously do love my Romulan though.
Firesworn Nation (@rswfire) - https://www.firesworn.com
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
The costs for upgrading are insane. May wait it out to see the difference when I read max R&D in May of 2015.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
I used to play lots of ground, I used to gear up through eSTF pre s.7, I used to do console fabrication, I used to do mirror event etc. etc. etc.
I also used to play queues.
So yeah okay delete japori too but now it's to the point I don't have anything to do in-game.
Convert contraband until they go after that - I mean they have to right, it's litterly the one thing left in the entire game they haven't nerft or straight up deleted
the 5 federation characters were leveling at various points in the delta quadrant.
my fed rom is still at delta command along with my KDF
my KDR rom is still in Tau Dewa and hasn't even started the FEs
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Delta Rising is too much of a grind and way too boring for me to even really bother leveling up one character let alone multiple characters.
Heck STO is too much of a chore and too much work any more for me to have fun in it any more even on just one character.
I don't do Ground...so that rules out any of the Ground stuff. Ground simply isn't any fun for me, so I don't do it.
I'm not in any position to do any of the Advanced/Elite Space queues...well, outside of Crystalline - where the new nerfed out the wahzoo Advanced Crystalline is hardly worth the effort to queue for because it's just so painfully easy. I was actually enjoying it before the nerfed the Hell out of it, meh.
I've been flying around the various DQ patrols trying to find something to mix it up instead of just running the same one over and over and over and over, but the patrols are nowhere near balanced. The XP return from a Frigate is pointless, when it's one or two shots faster to kill than an Escort? And so many of the patrols are full of Frigates and pointless to run. Then there's all these patrols with Disabling mobs instead of blowing them up - when Cryptic has told us we need to blow up stuff to advance. It's so stupid that it's silly stupid.
It's basically at the point that I'm thinking of just playing Bad Piggies on my tablet again. If I'm just going to do the same mindless thing over and over without any variety, I might as well have fun doing it. If I had 5 mindless patrols to run, there would at least be some variety...as it stands, meh...it's just tedious - would be like playing the same level of an ol' arcade game over and over without going anywhere.
I was never able to beat that thing back when it was in sector space. No one was doing right so I lost patience trying. When I saw the new queue (the queue is new to me) and that it had the Crystalline Entity, I've actually avoided that one out of fear I might TRIBBLE up. That thing was a nightmare years ago.
Firesworn Nation (@rswfire) - https://www.firesworn.com
I have no plans to give up on any of them, it's just going to take longer than I would like to get them to the new endgame, on the bright side, it seems once they get there the bar wont be moving again.
Here was my take...
But I effectively had four (out of eleven) "main" characters before DR. Characters I bought ships for, bought good gear for, equipped for anything I felt like doing. I did that because I liked the variety.
I can't afford to upgrade four ships and four ground sets to Mk XIV. I could afford one, without spending real money, which I'm certainly not going to do. So I picked one.
Now that I not only have to level captains but also their ships and rebuy all their ships (save for my tac that had a Risian Corvette torpedo boat as their main ship) I'm working at the moment on just the Torp tac and then plan to just use an engineer with the Risian Cruiser and a sci in the free Dyson destroyer since they get to be T5-U for free.
Also, I liked just having to do a rep for 20 days, buying the rep gear, and calling it good. Now that I have to resource grind out upgrades to be able to get the currencies to buy more rep gear, that's not nearly as fun any more.
I really don't feel like renting ships at this point so they won't be getting money from me for them anymore.
They're going to be introducing additional Captain Specializations.
They're going to be introducing additional ships with new Starship Traits.
They're going to continue introducing Reputation Systems.
They've mentioned adding additional Crafting Schools.
Just like the bar never moved before DR, the bar isn't going to move with DR.
Hard enough on 1 character let alone 13. So back to dil grinding, mark collecting for dil and hardcore doffing as thats the only way Cryptic are going to see my characters advance and eventually use the lovely new powers and abilities they locked behind extortionate xp barriers.
I guess the intro music to Star Trek Enterprise sums up levelling perfectly at this moment in time. But question is do i have faith of the heart to do something i haven't the heart to do ?
This is what I have fun doing so I'll continue to do it. :cool:
At this time I have no intent in fully upgrading more than a single character. A few will get the Mk13 treatment.
But frankly the thing I find the most irritating at this point is still howlong it takes for doff assignments to acknowledge completion.
My wife and I have a newborn right now so any content like dyson space combat, tau dewa red alerts, doffing, ect... Is all I can reliability do rightnow, content I can play with autofire any just using my mouse and keybinds.
Haven't done many of the new STFs, or difficulty level, taking care of a fussy baby, don't want to be the afk guy that causes a failed optional.
So, yeah still playing them all, but for out of game reasons too.
my 19 are grinding away really 3-4 main and rest grinding slaves but they all doff there brains out, 5 kdf - romy contraband farmers (pesky stuff keeps going up) I want to take my contraband farmers to 30 if I can.
someone has to feed my habit.
That should tell Cryptic something: if ppl need to 'starve' their alts, then maybe you took the greed too far?!
The amount of firepower that is faced now is so overwhelming that going full healer zombie in both space and ground is the only thing that works without fail for me (with crowd control as mentioned earlier, stacking at least 5 graviton boosting consoles for grav well spam). I feel for all tacs now. I'm glad I always was a science main. If I wasn't, I'd probably have thrown the towel in after this expansion completely.
I have to agree with this, adding on to my post above.
Two of my alts were power houses. I spent money and time and effort to get them where they should be.
Then they messed with the trait system, added the R&D grind, added the equipment upgrade grind that required way too much dilithium and EC, and then added the Ship Trait grind, added the Specilization grind, not to mention all the new Rep grinds.
I don't have the time to just level up my main anymore with all the grind, let alone get the dilithium and EC I need for alts, especially with the massive reward nerf and the HP increase that means my time:reward ratio is way to low. Not to mention that it is way to hard to even play through the storyline to really even want to do it again on my two main alts.
It's a shame really, I want to use the new Romulan ships and the new cruisers and the new Klingon ships, but I'm not even close to getting my Main to competative stage, and it's getting harder and harder to want to do it.
I can live with that so long as I don't have to grind real levels for them, captain specialisations are just icing really, same with starship traits, rep and crafting systems are boring but equally a non-issue... my days of caring to test the maximum dps I can push from a ship are over, that's not to say I don't keep on top of things to ensure I know if someone comes asking because I do but for my own ship, as long as I'm not pulling the group back I'm satisfied with my performance.
I currently concentrate most of my efforts on my main char. But at the same time I'm slotting a complete set of 20 doff missions once per alt and day, every day. The result is that all of my toons are at least al lvl 52 already. The keyword here is patience. Something so many people here on the forums seem to have a complete lack of. You didn't create all your alts and leveled them up to 50 in one day, did you?