I had to shorten the question into the subject line: for weapons with two procs (ex: http://sto.gamepedia.com/Destabilizing_Tetryon_Beam_Array) do the procs activate at the same time or is it 2.5% chance per proc per shot/cycle?
I had to shorten the question into the subject line: for weapons with two procs (ex: http://sto.gamepedia.com/Destabilizing_Tetryon_Beam_Array) do the procs activate at the same time or is it 2.5% chance per proc per shot/cycle?
Each proc checks independently. So you might get one or both, but mostly neither. Now for what order it checks I do not know.
Edit: also some weapons check per cycle and others per hit.
Each proc checks independently. So you might get one or both, but mostly neither. Now for what order it checks I do not know.
Edit: also some weapons check per cycle and others per hit.