I really like the new missions, probably because I love Voyager. I know they're releasing more stuff later that shows up in the trailers but hasn't been included now; but, I just can't wait to see if the Krenim come on scene - that'd be cool.
Also, kinda wish the sub-space corridors would figure prominently in DR, but still love the content.
"Go and have a wee, the second act gets considerably weirder." -Tim Minchin
... but you'll probably have to :P ... (every System in the DQ already has a purpose, so until they redo the sector map again, I wouldn't expect too much content ... maybe 1 new Episode within the next 4 months)
Wouldn't put too much hope into "but there is more ..." - Statements ... hell we're still waiting for Club 47 ... not to mention other things ... pretty much every time they told us there'd be more within this Season, there wasn't ...
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
Voyagers trip from the Caretaker array right up to where they entered the transwarp conduit took many years. They even had a lot of help like with Kes throwing them all the way across borg space, a space slingshot, adapted transwarp tech from the dauntless and accidentally going into a underspace corridor. Along their journey they met a lot of different species. But all those different species is probably why we might not see them in game.
I would like to see some of the other worlds and species from Voyager but i dont see it happening. Anytime they introduce a new species they have to create the 3d model for them and their ships. It would be more cost effective for the devs to just reuse the Vaadwuar as our 'bad guys' for future content releases. Or maybe we can deal with the Kazon like in a Talaxian vs Kazon war for example.
Voyagers trip from the Caretaker array right up to where they entered the transwarp conduit took many years. They even had a lot of help like with Kes throwing them all the way across borg space, a space slingshot, adapted transwarp tech from the dauntless and accidentally going into a underspace corridor. Along their journey they met a lot of different species. But all those different species is probably why we might not see them in game.
I would like to see some of the other worlds and species from Voyager but i dont see it happening. Anytime they introduce a new species they have to create the 3d model for them and their ships. It would be more cost effective for the devs to just reuse the Vaadwuar as our 'bad guys' for future content releases. Or maybe we can deal with the Kazon like in a Talaxian vs Kazon war for example.
They've said that we're going to see things from other episodes, liek the one with the over attached Girlfriend ship.
Funny thing, they made a poll some times ago about what we would like to see in the DQ, and people voted the Krenim.
In DR, Krenim are near extinct (being refugees on some planet), and all we see are vaadwaur. Cryptic, always listening to the players, unless they don't like the answer.
Funny thing, they made a poll some times ago about what we would like to see in the DQ, and people voted the Krenim.
In DR, Krenim are near extinct (being refugees on some planet), and all we see are vaadwaur. Cryptic, always listening to the players, unless they don't like the answer.
Funny thing is the Vaudwaur are actually the ones near extinction ... but I guess "Iconians did it" ...
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
I'm happy so far with the new story content, but will admit it seems thin.
I really hope content was held back as was claimed, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for missions. We didn't even get a FE for 9.5, the completion of ESD's revamp (Club 47) is on the backburner last Taco updated us on it, and we're sitll waiting on secondary deflectors that were announced at the anniversary.
I'm hoping. But I'm not waiting. Waiting leads to disappointment.
Wouldn't put too much hope into "but there is more ..." - Statements ... hell we're still waiting for Club 47 ... not to mention other things ... pretty much every time they told us there'd be more within this Season, there wasn't ...
Here's hoping the use underspace more...
I would like to see some of the other worlds and species from Voyager but i dont see it happening. Anytime they introduce a new species they have to create the 3d model for them and their ships. It would be more cost effective for the devs to just reuse the Vaadwuar as our 'bad guys' for future content releases. Or maybe we can deal with the Kazon like in a Talaxian vs Kazon war for example.
They've said that we're going to see things from other episodes, liek the one with the over attached Girlfriend ship.
Really hoping this was just a stop gap and the good stuff will come later.
This. VERY disappointed that every other mission is a patrol. Really? That's so freaking lazy.
In DR, Krenim are near extinct (being refugees on some planet), and all we see are vaadwaur. Cryptic, always listening to the players, unless they don't like the answer.
Funny thing is the Vaudwaur are actually the ones near extinction ... but I guess "Iconians did it" ...
I really hope content was held back as was claimed, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for missions. We didn't even get a FE for 9.5, the completion of ESD's revamp (Club 47) is on the backburner last Taco updated us on it, and we're sitll waiting on secondary deflectors that were announced at the anniversary.
I'm hoping. But I'm not waiting. Waiting leads to disappointment.