We will be bringing down Star Trek Online tomorrow, Thursday, October 23rd, at 7AM PDT (
click here to view in your timezone) for our weekly scheduled maintenance and to apply a new patch.
Patch notes can be found here, and we expect this maintenance to last for 2.5 hours. The test server, launcher and access to manage your account may also be unavailable during some portions of the maintenance.
Thanks for your patience and understanding,
- The Star Trek Online Team
Doom averted, no?
Reduced XP requirements and XP buff are VERY welcome, thanks.
No. There must be doom. There will always be doom. :P
So all the hype about level cap not being useless any more, was just an oversight because you guys didn't realise that giving us dilithium meant we'd actually take the dilithium? I don't really understand why you're so stingy with the stuff, there is a limit on how much we can refine in a day so even if we get a **** load of it it's not like we can make use of it. I've already got a couple of hundred thousand waiting for refinement, what's the big deal?
Geko goes up to the plate with his nerf bat. Here comes the pitch. He swings. It's a home run! Knocks it way out of the park!
R.I.P. Spec filling dilithium. You will be missed. Back to the queues for us.
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Thank you.
Who cares about the dil anyway. If people were going to try and farm dil through XP, they were wasting their time.
been grinding my butt off to level up and level my ship up and now you do this , thanks a bunch
that way the grind would go away, while those who play normally would get the occasional dil.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
As for 'not' getting rid of xp from patrols, and increasing it - congrats. Nice move, but it's a wait and see. Increasing the difficulty to match the highest level player, well that may plug your hole.
Increasing the experience rate for ship mastery? Nice move.
Slashing rewards and increasing difficulty in the stfs - then rolling them back slightly still doesn't solve your problems. Players are leaving - or at least staying away. Channel traffic is DOWN. Players in these channels are DOWN.
We're supposed to be an MMO.
this thank you
even though this was brought up in tribble testing as an issue that would happen
60 spec points not level 60
Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
Good move keeping the Tau patrols there for people to use though. I didn't use them and probably never will, but it's a nice option for those who want it. Good show on that.
Rest of the patch looks good too.
Mine Trap Supporter
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
I'll agree that I'm not sure the Dil nerf was necessary...no rewards once you hit all specs? Hmm...So level 60s should play because, what - all of the "rewarding" gear drops?
And, is there any way to UN-slot the perpetually incomplete - and, from the sound of it - unfinishABLE Tactical Fleet projects that require torpedo launchers?
The rest - at least you heard HALF of what everyone was saying; so thanks for that, I suppose.
Fleet Commander
Caprica's Revenge
(...actually active since November 2010, which may one day be important to archaeologists, but not to anyone else...)
It's quite bothersome.
*I also have the Romulan(KDF-alligned) problem of being unable to retrain my BoFFs.
This, ^^^ With all the efforts taken at late, to romance new players and make the game more new player friendly, I'm most surprised by this move.
Making players work for their rewards is one thing, but you have to be careful not to use too long a stick, otherwise one looses sight and ultimately, interest in the carrot.
All but the most die hard, or invested players may leave for more entertaining venues.
so we must be longer wait that we can end the last episode ? :-(