Ok, my team and I just finished a KAGA run and that new optional in there seemed a bit pointless.
The mission has a fail condition if you can't blow up the MRIs within 15 minutes while the optional says, complete the mission in 25 minutes.
So we managed to complete the main objective which means we get 10 more minutes to kill the boss and minions.
Does anyone else think this optional is pointless? A team good enough to beat the clock this far won't have any difficulty killing the boss in less than 3 minutes I think.
I think Cryptic should change this optional.
TBH another beat the clock objective is a bit boring, how about the last objective has one of those "keep X number of players alive during the boss fight" instead?
Any other ideas that would be an additional challenge instead of an afterthought?
I think all the timers are bad design. Everyone goes as fast as they can and a slow team is its own time gate on rewards, no need to punish them further. Plus it emphasizes damage uber alles.
Instead, I like the "keep probes out of time portal" or "keep kang alive" or "don't let sphere heal the transformer" style objectives because time is a factor but you have multiple ways to deal with it. Controls, heals, aggro/tanking, etc all suddenly have a purpose.
Keep alive is a decent optional, but I tink death already has enough negativity attached to it.
Stoleviathan also had a great suggestion I have mentioned before about additional enemies the player triggers for extra challenge. Like, stick a glowies on the map and if you go for it more tactical drones show up to defend it. Kill them and activate it to get an optional, never trigger them for a normal fight.
That concept is brilliant for optionals.