So with this upgrade( downgrade more like it) They pushed unfinished product to live. More bugs than a hog farm has flies. You can not level to 60 off delta alone. STF's that will take people a year or longer before they can run them. Oh and since you have to grind XP to move to the next delta mission they nerf the patrol missions. Forcing you to play your game their way. not the way you wanted to play it.
The only thing they care about is their pocket books. I have seen games come and go. There is no " just give it time" with this one. Talk to a fleet that had 100 different people. Because I had not seen any of them on in a couple days. They have up rooted and moved back to swtor. And they hate that game.
So in short people post asking the devs questions. And like when we reported bugs on tribble it all falls on deaf ears. I can tell you played this game since beta. And there are loads of people already telling me no matter what they do. They are done. Oh and the customer service sucks.