Very last Delta Rising mission, last part, very last ship and guess what? It is stuck and un target-able, hour and a half wasted. Why should we pay money for TRIBBLE like this? It was okay when you were not blood sucking us dry with T6 ships and the dilithium sink you call R&D.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
You sir dont know how F2P games work. We most definitely pay for it. Not everyone. But without someone paying...DR wouldnt be here.
Except I see a Chimera class ship... obtainable as a Veteran Reward. Which means the OP paid... as in, time invested in STO, $$ for the ISP and electricity bills. <g>
I do know how F2P games work. Yes money we paid for stuff went towards them continuing to work. However my point stands...we did not pay for DR.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
You paid nothing
DR is like a big slot machine sitting in front of you. You have money in your pocket. You can play the machine freely of your own will. You can walk away with empty pockets and nothing to show for it.
Very few ppl are going to play this new content totally F2P. It's going to cost you $ to play at the level you are used to. If you don't want to pay, welcome to mediocrity. Good luck in that elite STF with your T5u ship and Mk XII gear. Maybe next year when you've refined enough dilly to upgrade your stuff.
Oh wait. I can just buy the upgrade stuff off the exchange? Guess what, prices are skyrocketing because everyone's running out of mats to make it. Why are we running out of mats? Cause the content where you get the mats is almost unplayable for 80% of the ppl in the game. OR, not even there...
I stopped paying this game for one reason: Cryptic doesn't deserve it.
Its a free game with a free expac...but the game still has to worry about player retention.
I think that when a player leaves a game like STO that can be completely free and their reason is "the game is boring" it is even more serious. The game is free, the expacs are free, the ships they can be free too. When the reason for leaving is "the game is boring" and not "the game costs too much" which this one doesnt, that's when i would be worried. Why would i be worried? because when the reason is "too boring" that can drive away a 100% non paying player and it might also drive away a sub player, or an LTS player or a F2P player that still spends zen.
Great story, neat twists, mediocre ending. But that's not my issue.
Earning potential slashed. Difficulty raised on STF's so that they now longer even resemble the missions. If the Vaadwaur had HALF the HP of an advanced, the game would not be completable by the majority of players. Add to that an R&D system requiring 511 days to complete, while making R&D materials so difficult to obtain the majority of players will give up long before they complete R&D.
Yeah - seriously regretting dropping $250 for the ops pack and dilithium.
I had an issue similar to that on last FE. On ESD fighting the Undine, that last Undine boss got stuck in a wall and then fell off the map. Had to exit and repeat that mission because with the boss fallen off the map but not killed.... no way to trigger success.
Since season 7 Cryptic has been increasing the amount of Monetization in game (aka cstore/lobi ships/anything that cost zen or dilithium) while also reducing ingame rewards on things like dilithium and energy credits.
Recently they revamped the crafting system and introduced the upgrade system which are really just slot machines that are meant to take mass amount of dilithium and ec out of the economy and entice players to buy zen and convert into dilithium or ec.
The crafting and upgrade system are huge money grabs.
For crafting if you want a mk 12 beam array with say [crtd]x3 you will have to craft about 100 beam array on average to get the one you want. Each one costs you thousands of dilithium and millions of ec to craft meaning by the time you get the one you want to have probably spent $50 real us dollars. (add in the reduction/removal of items from npc mobs and they are pretty much forcing players to use the crafting system or fleet/rep items)
The upgrade system is of the same idea costing players mass amount of dilithium/ec just to go from mk 12 to mk 14 is somwhere around $50-$80. If you want epic its about $700-$1000 for a whole ship.
Costume/pets/cosmetic or convenience items are a great way to make money and not upset game balance and even ships if properly balanced can be great for the game.
Meanwhile things like lockboxes/crafting system and upgrade system are just slot machines that upset game balance by adding op ships/gear and traits.
Technically, he is right. Delta Rising was free. The stuff on the C store and all those subscriptions, yeah, you did pay. But The expansion, no you did not.
-Leonard Nimoy, RIP
why would you pay? i didn't.
playing for 4 years, have everything, except life sub. ofcores.