I am the Fleet Admiral of the Knights of the Federation, a fleet created over 10 years ago with the launch of Starfleet Command: Empires at War. I established our fleet in STO at the launch of the STO website 1 yr. prior to STOs game launch. Over the years of STO life, I have on numerous occasions vented my frustrations regarding issues with STO. However, I rarely do so in the forums or other media avenues unless I deem the issue to be so severe enough that it needs immediate attention. The issue at hand that I am addressing you today with is the matter of any Joe-Blow can come into this game, spend not even 1 million energy credits, divided between 4 players & BAM!, hes a Fleet Admiral. I am not about discouraging anyone from running their own fleet, but this open policy of creating a fleet has develop a number of issues that plague our current game.
The first of these issues is that new players come into this game, dont really have any true knowledge of how the game runs or plays, but get the Big-Head personality, believing they know how the game runs, after only playing the game a limited time. On top of this, they go into the endgame content, mouthing off at the experienced Veteran players and serious fleet members, disrupting the missions with this ego complex.
A second issue that has recently came to my attention regarding our fleet, and its unknown to me whether or not other serious fleets in STO are having this problem (If you are a serious fleet having this same issue, PLEASE use this thread to show Cryptic of this being a growing concern that needs address), is copycat names of established fleets. Recently, a couple of my Vice Admirals (actually fleet rank, not in-game rank) ran into a player in-game running around with the fleet name Knights of the Federation. As you can see the only difference in his fleet name verses ours is the in the word "Knights". Now, with that said, Im sure you can see our concern that IF this player runs around the game causing havoc or just poor behavioral conduct with other players and/or fleets in-game, he could cause our fleet some serious repercussions while creating a negative reputation on us. After attempting to research this fleet in the fleet search in-game, I discovered another fleet by the name of Knights of Federation, thus showing a trend to me of this copycatting of fleet names. The reason I have a hostile attitude towards this is obvious, but even with the normal problems of this, our fleet takes serious measures of interviewing prior to recruiting members and if someone doesnt fit in, their mentality generally weeds them out for us, allowing minimal stress on our current fleet members and those members. I am up there in age, therefore myself AND my command staff takes great care of keeping my stress levels low, eliminating possible problems PRIOR to them becoming an issue that could affect my health. Now, look at this exploit in the hands of a player with intent to grieve, this becomes an issue that violates the EULA, which is ban-able offense by you, however, that doesnt solve anything. Same player can just create a new account and start the cycle all over.
A third issue I see here is its effect on the game and hardware directly. I have some IT knowledge and experience, and although it may not seem a major significance, you cannot tell me that the game and account servers would not benefit from a system of purging and preventing the ability of Fly by Night fleets being created by the general MMO player that plays for a couple months, then move on to another game, to MAYBE return in the future, leaving a trail of wasted data usage that I feel aids in the deterioration of the server performance.
There are other issues that a revised Create a Fleet system would benefit, like new players actually searching out good fleets to learn from, etc., but I would rather at this point introduced a rough draft proposal of suggestions to address these issues & improve this component of the game.
Step 1: Design a mission or series of missions that will prove the worthy of players wanting to create a fleet and being a fleet leader. This Fleet mission(s) should be set at the Advanced difficulty, have failure options in dialog interactions, and a strategy element beyond just killing AI. The strategy element should not be locked in on a certain team dynamics, but can allow different team configurations, but still have a difficulty to force thought in completing. If it requires a couple runs to complete successfully, then its doing its job. Any player on the team supporting this player in completing the Fleet mission(s) would be tagged, preventing that account from creating a fleet or assisting in the creation of another fleet. The purpose for this here is to prevent hired mercenaries that have already completed the mission with someone, giving away the strategies of completing the mission(s). I would also make it policy that giving away the tactics of the completing mission(s) being against EULA and a ban-able offense (in-game or via media sources like Facebook or YouTube.com via video).
Step 2: New players would pick up this Fleet mission(s) from the fleet NPC prior to the creation of their fleet, with the person attempting to create the fleet sharing the mission with players he actually wish to be his command staff. They would have to complete this prior to creating the new fleet, during the same "qualification" timeframe as current fleet admirals.
Step 3: In regards of current fleets already established, when the system is introduced, current fleet admirals ONLY, will receive a notification that they have a time period to pick up the mission, and then an additional set time period for the fleet admiral to complete the mission successfully with other fleet members. If that fleet admiral is unsuccessful during that time of completing this qualification process, then he wound be made a provisioning fleet admiral, and the qualification process would then pass down to person(s) next in fleet rank to attempt to complete with a shorter time period for qualification. Once the mission is completed successfully, that fleet would be qualified, however if the fleet admiral didnt qualified the fleet, he would be under the same circumstances of other provisionary fleet admirals via current game setup. Any fleet in the data banks with a fleet admiral not attempting to pick up this mission(s) during the original timeframe (Ex. 60 days), by default would be disbanded and remove from the data server, with their members having the same abilities to join another fleet or create a fleet like a new member. Warnings of this feature should be setup (daily at hourly intervals, for example) in-game during the initial timeframe.
Step 4: When creating the fleet name, the new fleet admiral would be asked what faction his fleet would be in, ask of the new fleet name, and a search filter feature built-in on the name creation would check the fleet name against the current fleet names already created. The filter would limit and refuse fleet names consisting of more than 2 WORDS (NO exclusions for words such as The, A, Of, and etc. or case-sensitive) the same as other fleets already established.
This proposal isnt etched-in-stone, but rather an in-depth guideline to give the Devs an idea of what I feel would resolve many of the issues regarding this topic. I also would appreciate feedback in regards to what the Devs feel they could and are willing to do on this matter, which I feel other serious STO fleets would like to hear as well.
Maybe because the Forum screwed up & error me out, but for whatever reason, it still posted the original... Besides, I knew trolls like yourselves would come out immediately when the thread wasn't even address to you!:eek:
And who are you to say we are not worthy of making a fleet ? For example a small fleet between IRL friends, or a single player fleet ?
I did a single player fleet. Because I was tired of being spammed by random fleet invite, and when we were able to auto-decline them, random people trying to convince me how great their fleet was.
This system is fine. Keep it. I don't see the problem AT ALL.
Maybe because the Forum screwed up & error me out, but for whatever reason, it still posted the original... Besides, I knew trolls like yourselves would come out immediately when the thread wasn't even address to you!:eek:
Even better, anyone who doesn't like my idea is a troll and therefore should be summarily ignored.
We have a word for that. Elitism.
"You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
--Red Annorax
Maybe because the Forum screwed up & error me out, but for whatever reason, it still posted the original... Besides, I knew trolls like yourselves would come out immediately when the thread wasn't even address to you!:eek:
If you wanted to suggest something to the devs and don't want other people to critizes it, then send them a pm.
Also please don't call us trolls because we disagree with you. Apart from anything else it's against the rules of the forum. (as is making duplicate threads btw)
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
And who are you to say we are not worthy of making a fleet ? For example a small fleet between IRL friends, or a single player fleet ?
I did a single player fleet. Because I was tired of being spammed by random fleet invite, and when we were able to auto-decline them, random people trying to convince me how great their fleet was.
This system is fine. Keep it. I don't see the problem AT ALL.
First off, no one said you was not worthy, just new players SHOULD have to prove them worthy to be...
Secondly, we are a small fleet, that are ONLINE friends as well...
Third, our fleet don't recruit new players, we interview players that want to be part of us.
Fourth, I don't have to prove the quality of our fleet, the fleet as a whole are happy with the way our fleet is!
And fifth, thread was intent to make a point to Cryptic Devs of issues in the system that been here from the beginning... and you trolls are only trying to take the point away from the thread... So move on troller!
If it was possible for me to delete this one since the other went through, I would do so...
Again, read ya attitude in your posts and timeframe of posting... then explain to me why I shouldn't bleieve ya a troller? No real points made that support your dispute to the thread other than ya not happy with it??
First off, no one said you was not worthy, just new players SHOULD have to prove them worthy to be...
Secondly, we are a small fleet, that are ONLINE friends as well...
Third, our fleet don't recruit new players, we interview players that want to be part of us.
Fourth, I don't have to prove the quality of our fleet, the fleet as a whole are happy with the way our fleet is!
And fifth, thread was intent to make a point to Cryptic Devs of issues in the system that been here from the beginning... and you trolls are only trying to take the point away from the thread... So move on troller!
Ane here we have a perfect example of how NOT to make new friends and influence others.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
If it was possible for me to delete this one since the other went through, I would do so...
Again, read ya attitude in your posts and timeframe of posting... then explain to me why I shouldn't bleieve ya a troller? No real points made that support your dispute to the thread other than ya not happy with it??
an elitist fleet leader wants only the best people to be made fleet leaders or his fleet may be threatened :rolleyes:
lets explore one example of why this idea is bad:
Players A, B, C, D and E come to the game together and start playing, they decide they want to work together on a fleet.
Imagine their surprise when they are told "you have to become a better player to START the fleet grind and play together as a fleet"
The wonderful thing about this game is how you can play any way you want, any time you want, with who you want. I VEHEMENTLY disagree with making a social part of the game require in game skill
First off, no one said you was not worthy, just new players SHOULD have to prove them worthy to be...
Secondly, we are a small fleet, that are ONLINE friends as well...
Third, our fleet don't recruit new players, we interview players that want to be part of us.
Fourth, I don't have to prove the quality of our fleet, the fleet as a whole are happy with the way our fleet is!
And fifth, thread was intent to make a point to Cryptic Devs of issues in the system that been here from the beginning... and you trolls are only trying to take the point away from the thread... So move on troller!
trolls eh?
one hand we have you: barely posted at all, unknown
on the other hand we have a group of forum posters (none of whom are trolls) calling out your idea and expressing their valid opinions with the phrase "no"
... and you trolls are only trying to take the point away from the thread... So move on troller!
People saying your idea is bad does not equal trolling. If everyone says your idea is bad and give reasons why your idea is bad, maybe it's bad. Have a little grace and accept that without insulting people (or breaking forum rules.)
Also if you think your idea is so good or necessary, why has not a single other person who has read these threads of yours given any kind of support?
Sometimes there are no trolls, and bad ideas are just bad ideas. (made by rude people... just saying)
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
I can only comment on one part of your post since I do not agree with your ideal.
If your worried about the data storage when it comes to fleets then perhaps we could ask the devs. If they could add a system to where if a fleet's roster went 90 days without a single member logging in then that fleet would be deleted. That would free up some data storage
I can only comment on one part of your post since I do not agree with your ideal.
If your worried about the data storage when it comes to fleets then perhaps we could ask the devs. If they could add a system to where if a fleet's roster went 90 days without a single member logging in then that fleet would be deleted. That would free up some data storage
Fleets might be part of the same "move to inactive" thing that they do with characters, where they're not in the active database but not gone forever. This is why sometimes long inactive accounts look like there's no characters when you log in, but logging out and back in they're restored.
As leader of a T5 fleet with over 400 players, I think this is a terrible idea.
It is elitist, seeking to impose a single person's narrow set of standards (which reading between the lines seem to be largely based upon a feeling that their role is somehow 'devalued' by the fact other fleets/leaders do not meet their arbitrary standards) upon upon the majority.
Frankly, I don't agree with your premise that there is a problem in the first place - and even if I did, the solution you propose is excessively complex and convoluted. Certain measure, such as your proposal that existing fleets that do not meet your standards should be disbanded, are borderline offensive.
Why not focus on running your fleet the way that you (and I would hope your members) want it to be run, without trying to force others to conform to your views?
Its a game - its supposed to be fun. Live and let live
Step 1: Design a mission or series of missions that will prove the worthy of players wanting to create a fleet and being a fleet leader. This Fleet mission(s) should be set at the Advanced difficulty, have failure options in dialog interactions, and a strategy element beyond just killing AI. The strategy element should not be locked in on a certain team dynamics, but can allow different team configurations, but still have a difficulty to force thought in completing. If it requires a couple runs to complete successfully, then its doing its job. Any player on the team supporting this player in completing the Fleet mission(s) would be tagged, preventing that account from creating a fleet or assisting in the creation of another fleet. The purpose for this here is to prevent hired mercenaries that have already completed the mission with someone, giving away the strategies of completing the mission(s). I would also make it policy that giving away the tactics of the completing mission(s) being against EULA and a ban-able offense (in-game or via media sources like Facebook or YouTube.com via video).
Step 2: New players would pick up this Fleet mission(s) from the fleet NPC prior to the creation of their fleet, with the person attempting to create the fleet sharing the mission with players he actually wish to be his command staff. They would have to complete this prior to creating the new fleet, during the same "qualification" timeframe as current fleet admirals.
Step 3: In regards of current fleets already established, when the system is introduced, current fleet admirals ONLY, will receive a notification that they have a time period to pick up the mission, and then an additional set time period for the fleet admiral to complete the mission successfully with other fleet members. If that fleet admiral is unsuccessful during that time of completing this qualification process, then he wound be made a provisioning fleet admiral, and the qualification process would then pass down to person(s) next in fleet rank to attempt to complete with a shorter time period for qualification. Once the mission is completed successfully, that fleet would be qualified, however if the fleet admiral didnt qualified the fleet, he would be under the same circumstances of other provisionary fleet admirals via current game setup. Any fleet in the data banks with a fleet admiral not attempting to pick up this mission(s) during the original timeframe (Ex. 60 days), by default would be disbanded and remove from the data server, with their members having the same abilities to join another fleet or create a fleet like a new member. Warnings of this feature should be setup (daily at hourly intervals, for example) in-game during the initial timeframe.
Step 4: When creating the fleet name, the new fleet admiral would be asked what faction his fleet would be in, ask of the new fleet name, and a search filter feature built-in on the name creation would check the fleet name against the current fleet names already created. The filter would limit and refuse fleet names consisting of more than 2 WORDS (NO exclusions for words such as The, A, Of, and etc. or case-sensitive) the same as other fleets already established.
This proposal isnt etched-in-stone, but rather an in-depth guideline to give the Devs an idea of what I feel would resolve many of the issues regarding this topic. I also would appreciate feedback in regards to what the Devs feel they could and are willing to do on this matter, which I feel other serious STO fleets would like to hear as well.
Thank you for your time,
Knights Of The Federation
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
Because his terrible idea is so terrible that one thread just isn't enough to contain it's terribleness.
Mine Trap Supporter
indeed this ^^^^^
system Lord Baal is dead
Thanks for the laughter !
Knights Of The Federation
I did a single player fleet. Because I was tired of being spammed by random fleet invite, and when we were able to auto-decline them, random people trying to convince me how great their fleet was.
This system is fine. Keep it. I don't see the problem AT ALL.
Even better, anyone who doesn't like my idea is a troll and therefore should be summarily ignored.
We have a word for that. Elitism.
--Red Annorax
If you wanted to suggest something to the devs and don't want other people to critizes it, then send them a pm.
Also please don't call us trolls because we disagree with you. Apart from anything else it's against the rules of the forum. (as is making duplicate threads btw)
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
First off, no one said you was not worthy, just new players SHOULD have to prove them worthy to be...
Secondly, we are a small fleet, that are ONLINE friends as well...
Third, our fleet don't recruit new players, we interview players that want to be part of us.
Fourth, I don't have to prove the quality of our fleet, the fleet as a whole are happy with the way our fleet is!
And fifth, thread was intent to make a point to Cryptic Devs of issues in the system that been here from the beginning... and you trolls are only trying to take the point away from the thread... So move on troller!
Knights Of The Federation
Again, read ya attitude in your posts and timeframe of posting... then explain to me why I shouldn't bleieve ya a troller? No real points made that support your dispute to the thread other than ya not happy with it??
Knights Of The Federation
Ane here we have a perfect example of how NOT to make new friends and influence others.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Please delete this thread for me since the original thread went through even though it informed me that it errored out.
Thank you
Knights Of The Federation
an elitist fleet leader wants only the best people to be made fleet leaders or his fleet may be threatened :rolleyes:
lets explore one example of why this idea is bad:
Players A, B, C, D and E come to the game together and start playing, they decide they want to work together on a fleet.
Imagine their surprise when they are told "you have to become a better player to START the fleet grind and play together as a fleet"
The wonderful thing about this game is how you can play any way you want, any time you want, with who you want. I VEHEMENTLY disagree with making a social part of the game require in game skill
trolls eh?
one hand we have you: barely posted at all, unknown
on the other hand we have a group of forum posters (none of whom are trolls) calling out your idea and expressing their valid opinions with the phrase "no"
People saying your idea is bad does not equal trolling. If everyone says your idea is bad and give reasons why your idea is bad, maybe it's bad. Have a little grace and accept that without insulting people (or breaking forum rules.)
Also if you think your idea is so good or necessary, why has not a single other person who has read these threads of yours given any kind of support?
Sometimes there are no trolls, and bad ideas are just bad ideas. (made by rude people... just saying)
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
--Red Annorax
If your worried about the data storage when it comes to fleets then perhaps we could ask the devs. If they could add a system to where if a fleet's roster went 90 days without a single member logging in then that fleet would be deleted. That would free up some data storage
Fleets might be part of the same "move to inactive" thing that they do with characters, where they're not in the active database but not gone forever. This is why sometimes long inactive accounts look like there's no characters when you log in, but logging out and back in they're restored.
It is elitist, seeking to impose a single person's narrow set of standards (which reading between the lines seem to be largely based upon a feeling that their role is somehow 'devalued' by the fact other fleets/leaders do not meet their arbitrary standards) upon upon the majority.
Frankly, I don't agree with your premise that there is a problem in the first place - and even if I did, the solution you propose is excessively complex and convoluted. Certain measure, such as your proposal that existing fleets that do not meet your standards should be disbanded, are borderline offensive.
Why not focus on running your fleet the way that you (and I would hope your members) want it to be run, without trying to force others to conform to your views?
Its a game - its supposed to be fun. Live and let live