If you happen to have any ZEN currency sitting around in your Perfect World Entertainment ARC Wallet, now is apparently the time to spend it. Players with unused currency were sent an email yesterday informing them that the ARC Wallet is being discontinued and that leftover currency must be transferred to one of PWE's games.
We've noticed that you still have ZEN sitting in your Arc Wallet. The Arc Wallet system will be going away soon, but we'll have more details on that later. In the meantime, don't let your hard earned money go to waste. There are tons of amazing items available. Log in and transfer your ZEN to one of your favorite games today!
PWE's more popular western games include Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, Swordsman, and Champions Online. We've asked PWE for clarification and will update this post when we have it.
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Note: Moderators if i did this wrong, my apologies.
Sarah Knightly - Co-leader; Frontier Explorers - U.S.S. Witchblade
Rias Gremory - Leader; Frontier Marauders - I.K.S. B'ullwinkle
Am I wrong in thinking that's why they are doing this, so you no longer have to have Zen locked into one game?
That could very well be it, i dont have a problem with it. Besides it is there game and there company.
If that is the case then it means that I'll be less likely to pay money for zen. I prefer the flexibility of being able to buy a chunk of zen and filtering it into the game of my choice at the time I need it.
Once transferred into a specific game it's locked in, thats fine, thats good and makes sense as it prevents anyone from using one game to obliterate the market in another. Although cryptic themselves probably caused more damage to the exchange market in neverwinter than any single player ever could.
The purchasing of zen via arc was something I didnt like as they gave the cost but never the amount of zen you were paying for. Meaning things could be changed on the fly that only fat walletted regulars would notice. The zen I bought was done so via the older setup that still existed that also linked to the wallet.
Now the new arc system might be a revamped wallet and if this is to be the case then fine but if not they are forcing players into a specific game. Here's hoping they actually make the choice that allows players some spending options which would encourage spending rather more than being tied down to just one title.
People would play more then 1 pwe game then !!
For me it's the other way around. I can farm better and faster in NW. If they would free up Zen I would play CO more, as I think that's where it's pretty tedious to farm Zen.