I remember there was a serious concern amongst Pre-Tempest FPE Owners that their ships wouldnt make it into the T5-Upgrade list. But after logging on to my character the day of DRs release. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was upgradeable. And even more so. The Epic Phaser TailGun had been tossed on my ship. Even though the FPE was a Pre-Tempest Ship.
So Id like to say thank you to Geko, if he did look into the issue as I had brought it to his attention on Twitter. If not. Still thanks Cryptic for looking out for the Pre-Tempest FPE group.
I know theres a lot of things wrong with the release of DR. But for me this is not one of them.
I'm keeping my old Fleet Patrol Escort as is. Cryptic may consider it an outdated relic, but I don't.
I understand where youre coming from. I also own a Tempest separately of the FPE. But I recall quite a few people upset that they originally were expected to buy a second FPE to gain access to the TailGun for their FPE.
The greed is strong with this company.
- Judge Aaron Satie
unless it got the BO layout change to the tempest's, its still not the same. you just got a free weapon with the update.
Edit: It did. The Universal BO slot that was a Lt replaced the Lt Cmdr Tac Slot and there is no longer a fifth Slot for Lt Universal.
The upside is that the Console Layout was retained.