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F2P Player with One Character. Is this hopeless

hojain2020hojain2020 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
HI Ive got one character and played the game about three months. Ive run out of saved dilithium making a t-5 u ship with very rare MK XII fleet and rep gear, im not competitive in advanced. How long do you guys estimate for me to be relatively competitive for Advanced ques? I can only make about 50 zen a day.
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  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    why only have 1 character, you are allowed 3 and if you have 1 of each faction the differant storylines are worth the effort alone.
    you will also get 3x more dilithium that you can use on your favorite.

    also dont be in such a hurry to upgrade stuff, T5 ships are perfectly adequate for most things.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Not really. I know you say you only have one character, and I guess that could be a time issue. However you don't need to play them fully for them to be useful dil grinders.

    Some examples, after getting the characters to the level required to access them:

    -DOFF with them, even have one or two on the KDF side as they get a shed load of contraband that you can turn in for 2k dil for a four hour DOFF mission. This works with the next one paricularly well

    -Do the mining, even more so during the bonus dil weekend, one coming up next weekend. It's a short hop between DS9, contraband hand in, and the mining asteroid. If doing the above it is a short hop between two or three sectors for marauding missions so rather efficient.

    What you have to understand with a freemium game, which this is as opposed to a pure free to play, is that they make their mopney from the impatient. I have been playing since the game went to this model and other than the 500 zen I bought early on for cash, I haven't spend a single penny on zen. If you are a patient person then it is not hopeless to do it all for free, if you are impatient then yes it is hopeless to do it for free. How long it would take is based on to many variables for people to tell you an estimated time let alone a specific time frame.

    If you want the real low down on dil earning in this game, and going by another post of yours you may, then you can have no better source of info for this than Cosmic1. When I started I never thought I would get enough dil for this that and the other, it was advice from Cosmic in another thread back then that got me above my refining cap on just one character, back then. He was to me the Lobotomy of STO, old EU WoW board reference for those who may get it, but basically he knows the most efficient ways to make the most out of an earning system.
  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I reckon the best plan for a F2P'er would be to stick to normal and take your time.

    There's plenty of power gamers, min/maxers and crafters around I'm sure. In time the better gear will be more readily available. And DR has only just arrived, so I think it's safe to assume plenty more tweaks to the content will happen down the road.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Difficult to say given the limited info you provided.

    If you are earning enough dilithium to exchange for 50 Zen, then that means you currently maxing out the daily refinement limit. If the plan is to continually exchange all the dil you have refined to Zen, then you will never have any refined dil for projects or new rep gear unless you purchase dil using your Zen.

    Advanced is basically for max level toons (meaning level 60) who has new abilities when leveling up from 50 to 60. The higher your captain level the more hit points your T5U ship will have. Additionally, your T5U ship will 4 mastery levels that will advance with you as long as you continue to play with that ship. So basically, you should be level 60 when you play Advanced and you should have mastered your ship as well.

    You should probably look into acquiring Mk XIII weapons because the general weapon damage going from Mk XII to Mk XIII is higher than compared to going from Mk XI to Mk XII. For example, damage caused by generic beam array Mk XI to Mk XII increases by about 10. However, from what I have seen going from generic beam array Mk XII to Mk XIII the damage increases by about 20.

    There are two ways to obtain Mk XIII weapons other than doing the DR main story missions (I have not played the missions yet I am only assuming at this point). You can either upgrade your weapons via the crafting system or by purchasing the weapons from the Exchange. If you have not started doing the crafting system, then you have a long road ahead of you. I believe you need to be level 15 in a specific crafting school you upgrade your gear by one mark and a random modifier. Getting to level 15 can take 3 months by simply doing the daily crafting project, but can be cut down a bit if you actually craft some gear as well. If you look at the Exchange to get your gear, then you need to spend a lot of ECs to get them. However, the more people that max out their crafting skills and put Mk XIII gear on the Exchange means the asking prices can come down a bit, but will still be expensive... just less so.
  • edited October 2014
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  • f9thretxcf9thretxc Member Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    skollulfr , is correct here. I use 15 other toons to boost my current toon, and when I finish with her, I'll switch up. You can do the same thing with just 2 or 3 toons. even if doing nothing but doffing.

    Won't be lightning fast, but it is way more manageable.
    My mother always told me to walk away from a fight, The Marines taught me how.
  • rekurzionrekurzion Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    What everyone else has been saying...

    Also, don't ignore the Foundry as a dil source. Playing one mission which rewards while also accepting the officer reports "hourly" bonus gives you somewhere to 2000-3000dil per mission played. And if you dont like the missions there are few decent battleship missions where you just fight enemies for about 40 minutes and it pays rewards. Also great for testing builds.

    Take your time. No need to rush. Invest in crafting and upgrading gear as you have time and you will find yourself growing competitively.

    Might I also suggest while you are 'underpowered' to take this time to work on tactics and strategies that allow you to beat higher ranking opponents with lower quality gear. It will test you but at least I find it more enjoyable to get the most out of my gear even if it isn't top notch.

    Best of luck
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Sticking to one character, your main limitation is dilithium. With the fleet dilithium mine doff contact for extra refining, you've basically got access to dilithium for 9 blue upgrade packs a day (crafting level 10 is not too difficult, 15 for purples is a long grind), which is 45k tech points.

    Getting a mk XII item to XIII is basically 1.5-3 days of refining, mk XIII to XIV is 3-6. Quality upgrading is a very high order even for people with extensive alt networks funneling resources to their main, and you get more out of mks than mods anyway, so file that as a long term goal the same as level 20 R&D.

    If you focus on dilithium and marks, you can manage a steady stream of upgrades. Foundry and doing some quickie rounds on the adventure/battle zones for the 55 mark dailies is a good way. Voth battle zone can usually finish it off from there.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    you have 3 character slots, you need to use them. Level up your other 2 to 50 and give them semi-decent ground gear and run Dyson battlezone on them, if you don't do this it will be very tough to play without opening your wallet due to dil refining cap.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    2 days into the expansion?
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • hojain2020hojain2020 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Thanks for the replies everyone. I see the idea of multiple characters and techniques to mine for DIl. Its just a bit much for the time being. will enjoy story content and take a break till they even things out a bit.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    hojain2020 wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies everyone. I see the idea of multiple characters and techniques to mine for DIl. Its just a bit much for the time being. will enjoy story content and take a break till they even things out a bit.

    The most important advice, already said by two people, is don't be in a rush.
  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    hojain2020 wrote: »
    HI Ive got one character and played the game about three months. Ive run out of saved dilithium making a t-5 u ship with very rare MK XII fleet and rep gear, im not competitive in advanced. How long do you guys estimate for me to be relatively competitive for Advanced ques? I can only make about 50 zen a day.

    if u have high end fleet gear MKXII you will beable t derfeat the new content IF you have set your ship up right

    like boff abilites doffs on duty skilltree etc
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    To say "you have to use all 3 slots" is useless. I had 6 Chars. 2 of each faction, ( 1Tac and 1 Eng each) No wi only play with ma Fed Eng and use the Fed Tac sometimes for fun but all other 4 Chars have been deleted. Why? Because i had no interest in doing the Rep. Systems 6 times: Iplayed the Rom Missions with my Chars and then it was all like the Federation.

    My Engineer has maxed every REp. System and has nearly every Set and i am close to finish all the R&Ds. My Tac is still working on the Rep. Systems, just got the T6 Escort but i am thinking about killing him too.

    My Ship gear is still Mk XII and i won´t upgrade it till i finish R&D Its strong enough to play the missions and Strong enough in easy STFs.

    If you really want to make more ZEn i think you should buy some. If you start to work and work just for ZEN it takes the fun out of the game because you always have one eye on your Wallet and the other on the timer.
  • ussinterceptussintercept Member Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    why only have 1 character, you are allowed 3 and if you have 1 of each faction the differant storylines are worth the effort alone.
    you will also get 3x more dilithium that you can use on your favorite.

    also dont be in such a hurry to upgrade stuff, T5 ships are perfectly adequate for most things.

    Because he only wants 1 character? How idiotic to ask why you nos got all charactr slots filled OP! ! !
  • varthelmvarthelm Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think the current environment makes it wise to stick with one toon. I personally went from 8 to 1 just so I could enjoy the expansion. Besides, waiting through the refine cap with 1 toon is probably better than having 3x the expenses upgrading three toons.

    Just stick with the one and enjoy it. If you're curious about the other storylines...there's always YouTube.

    Just my two cents until Cryptic figures out a way to make upgrades, crafting and specializations more alt friendly as they did with the reputation system.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    varthelm wrote: »
    I think the current environment makes it wise to stick with one toon. I personally went from 8 to 1 just so I could enjoy the expansion. Besides, waiting through the refine cap with 1 toon is probably better than having 3x the expenses upgrading three toons.

    Just stick with the one and enjoy it. If you're curious about the other storylines...there's always YouTube.

    Just my two cents until Cryptic figures out a way to make upgrades, crafting and specializations more alt friendly as they did with the reputation system.

    You don't need rep on farming alts, just mk xi green and blue ground gear for them and their boffs is all they need to farm dyson battlezone. They will gradually finish dyson rep by doing this also.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If you are going to stick to one character then I would make time for making dil. Mining is one way...foundry can net you lots in a little time. Dyson ground is a fun way to get dil and dyson battleground.
    Your pain runs deep.
    Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    hojain2020 wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies everyone. I see the idea of multiple characters and techniques to mine for DIl. Its just a bit much for the time being. will enjoy story content and take a break till they even things out a bit.

    Do what feels comfortable. Stick with one character. Doff all the time; learn and read about techniques for Special Task Force Missions after you hit level 50. Start by playing one that you like. Or pick another reputation after you finish content up to lvl 50 and run that particular reputation that interests you. A friendly fleet can help you advance, give you advice, and help support your journey.

    Start by playing missions that you like and move on from there.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    decronia wrote: »
    -DOFF with them, even have one or two on the KDF side as they get a shed load of contraband that you can turn in for 2k dil for a four hour DOFF mission. This works with the next one paricularly well

    Yeah, each of my toons make 1500-2500 Dil a day just from doffing. Usually that's the only Dil they make each day cause I'm busy with RL stuff. I do the 'midterm' at SFA, grab all the hi Dil payout missions I can (most are 50, but there are ones up to 500 for the colonists), pop over to our fleet's mine and grab those 2 mining missions there. For 3 toons shouldn't take you more than 30 mins to load up their doff queues.
  • masternecromanmasternecroman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    hojain2020 wrote: »
    HI Ive got one character and played the game about three months. Ive run out of saved dilithium making a t-5 u ship with very rare MK XII fleet and rep gear, im not competitive in advanced. How long do you guys estimate for me to be relatively competitive for Advanced ques? I can only make about 50 zen a day.

    Don't know what ships you have but some ships get a free T-5U upgrade, like Dyson Science Destroyer and Chel Geth.;)

    In any case play the story, and various missions, RP a bit, enjoy the game and the dilithium will come on it's own, it's the only way. :)
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    everyone seems soooo worried about the pve ques like this is the only place you can get dilithium, I will tell you now I have collected enough dilithium this year to convert to enough zen to buy the dyson mega pack and the DR ship pack and more besides, I only very occasionally play the pve que stuff maybe 2 or three games a week if fleeties happen to be around, the only time I play daily is if they have a CE or mirror event maybe.
    I dont even think about dil half the time only when I look to see if theres any worth converting or to donate to the fleet projects as I do quite often.

    apart from the pve ques nothing else has changed in the game the other 95% is still the same as it was before and doing a great deal of it will earn you dil, even if you only play as much as you did before.

    don't be in such a rush to upgrade stuff, I am sure what you have now is perfectly adequate for your needs, take your time and upgrade gradually, you will get there in the end and I am sure at some point the pve ques will sort themselves out.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • rossclansforce1rossclansforce1 Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I had 3 characters I used to grind Dilithium for a month. I had enough in that amount of time to convert to zen and buy the Intel Escort. So it is not a lost cause. It just takes time to learn the game and grind your way through.

    Click to Join armadafleet.org/
  • buayafederasibuayafederasi Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    hojain2020 wrote: »
    HI Ive got one character and played the game about three months. Ive run out of saved dilithium making a t-5 u ship with very rare MK XII fleet and rep gear, im not competitive in advanced. How long do you guys estimate for me to be relatively competitive for Advanced ques? I can only make about 50 zen a day.

    i have only 1 account and 1 character on that account, pretty much like you. i've been playing for 2 years, still in that single character, and i'm survive :)
    having only 1 character means you're focusing all out on that character, so technically you know your character inside out. you know the advantage of your character and skill, also the weakness. that will build your unique fighting skill.

    if you've played for 3 months, means you're almost 50 or 50 already. the key is: no rush & enjoy the game :)
    my approach is, before to be competitive in pve, you must be survive-able first. invest on what makes you more survive and less be killed first. it's pointless to have high dps but always blow up first :D

    then, if you can manage to survive at every pve you play, start invest on dps. based on my experience, it took about 6 months from when i start playing sto to be kind like competitive in pve. not always first place, but can manage as runner up or number 3 in 5 player mission. just be patient, take one step at a time, master your fighting style. no need to rush, the game was made to be enjoyed anyway :)
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Yeah, each of my toons make 1500-2500 Dil a day just from doffing. Usually that's the only Dil they make each day cause I'm busy with RL stuff. I do the 'midterm' at SFA, grab all the hi Dil payout missions I can (most are 50, but there are ones up to 500 for the colonists), pop over to our fleet's mine and grab those 2 mining missions there. For 3 toons shouldn't take you more than 30 mins to load up their doff queues.

    Exactly. It takes a few minutes to set up doffing.

    I created a KDF character for this due to contraband practically being thrown at it. This character was moved to DS9 as soon as I could pick up the mining mission.

    I only did mining during the eventon this character, which was more often back then. Which added another 10 minutes or so to the time spent on that character due to the 20 hour cooldown method allowing two goes during the limited time of the dil bonus time.

    Outside of the mining event it took about 5-10 minutes to set up the Doffing missions, go off andplay the character I played, come back the next day, set up DOFFing, go off and play and rinse and repeat.

    This way the OP can coninue to play his main character and not take too long out of his play time to set up DOFFing to help his dil gain.
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