Is it just me or is this the Defiant we all wanted?
It's got built in Cloak, same BOFF layout except Ensign is Uni and the Lt Eng is now LT Com Eng.
It equals the Fleet Defiant with it's 5 Tac consoles and I bet it's fleet variant gets a 4th Eng console.
Not only that it gets it's Tac Com as Intel and/or it's Sci as Intel.
Looks like a really good base to build off unlike the normal Defiant/Fleet Defiant which could bring it back into contention for PvP and PvE...
My question is why didn't they just link it with the Defiant for parts as it clearly has the same dimensions...
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
Hm, interesting... I just upgraded my Defiant to T5U, but the phantom looks appealing as a Defiant replacement. I would just hate to ditch my defiant, but if the Phantom can outclass and out dps the defiant in every way, I'd invest another $30 bucks to unlock it.
Has anyone who has the Phantom done any parsing yet to see how it compares?
Purely an anecdote, but it's comparable. I have noted that while doing DR content the new Intel skills - or a reliance on traditional debuffs are a must. DPS only builds can work, but you're easily ensnared and destroyed.
Stunning moment of revelation... I have it set at elite.
It feels a bit like it, yes. And it also looks the part to an extent, too. Probably most visible in a way with the warp nacelles (especially if you use a color pattern you'll see similiarites in where the colors are applied.)
Still would like to be able to fly a Tier 6 Defiant, but as long as I cannot, this is gonna be as close as it will get.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Yeah it was a bug that they couldn't be loaded onto it.
I really wish it wasn't considered a separate ship to the Defiant as it clearly is what the Defiant always should have been. Works really well both with Cannon's or Beams though loses out to the Faeht Wardbird in that it can't slot GW1 for that cone of death control for Cannon's.
However there is an interesting Beam build floating around which is a little expensive due to reliance on some expensive DOFF's, but certainly worth the effort.
Sao Paulo parts for the new defiant please!!!
Oh and why can only the originating ship mount the Beta nacelles of the different types? I'd really appreciate both the Scryer and Eclipse beta nacelles on it too, and vice versa for the other intel ships.
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
i would seriously pay zen to fly the phantom with defiant skin. its clearly a better ship, but nothing beats the good old defiant's looks.
I agree with this, sort of. However, the Phantom skin has grown on me, being flashy and new. The Phantom is a damn fine escort once you master it. GJ, Cryptic.
Its my favorite Star Trek, but I really dont like the STO Defiant, that boff seating is just too prohibitive. 3 ensign tac powers is silly. I would take that ensign boff seat away and replace it with a sci/eng or universal, or remove the 5th seat entirely and give the defiant a battle cloak.
Its my favorite Star Trek, but I really dont like the STO Defiant, that boff seating is just too prohibitive. 3 ensign tac powers is silly. I would take that ensign boff seat away and replace it with a sci/eng or universal, or remove the 5th seat entirely and give the defiant a battle cloak.
Then I would fly the Defiant for sure.
That's exactly what the new Phantom does. The Ensign Tac is changed to Ensign Universal. The Tac Com and Lt Sci are both Intel interchangeable so you can switch between single target devastation and multi-target devastation if you have a normal Tac BoFF and an Intel Tac BoFF ready to change. Hell setup a keybind that switches between two presets of BoFF layouts and DoFF layouts and you'll have a pretty nasty setup
Not to mention it has a Cloak built in so no console needed, unlike the Defiant so it gains what the original should have had. I don't think it's a battle cloak, but then I haven't tested that yet, mainly because lag normally allows a couple of hull hits through.
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
I am really happy with the Phantom. The layout is good and with the override safties skill its like having 2 alpha strikes. Im still working on my build but so far im having lots of fun. Also look into kinetic magnet. there is nothing funner then watching HY plasma instakill torps hit other cubes
Surprise ambushes and hit-and-run with large amounts of DPS
Has anyone who has the Phantom done any parsing yet to see how it compares?
i would seriously pay zen to fly the phantom with defiant skin. its clearly a better ship, but nothing beats the good old defiant's looks.
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
Stunning moment of revelation... I have it set at elite.
Well then...
TT or CRF ?
Still would like to be able to fly a Tier 6 Defiant, but as long as I cannot, this is gonna be as close as it will get.
If they allow the quad cannons on it (don't think they are right now) I might by that defiant that has them.
I was finally able to load my quad cannons on the Intel Escort last night
I really wish it wasn't considered a separate ship to the Defiant as it clearly is what the Defiant always should have been. Works really well both with Cannon's or Beams though loses out to the Faeht Wardbird in that it can't slot GW1 for that cone of death control for Cannon's.
However there is an interesting Beam build floating around which is a little expensive due to reliance on some expensive DOFF's, but certainly worth the effort.
Sao Paulo parts for the new defiant please!!!
Oh and why can only the originating ship mount the Beta nacelles of the different types? I'd really appreciate both the Scryer and Eclipse beta nacelles on it too, and vice versa for the other intel ships.
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
I agree with this, sort of. However, the Phantom skin has grown on me, being flashy and new.
Then I would fly the Defiant for sure.
That's exactly what the new Phantom does. The Ensign Tac is changed to Ensign Universal. The Tac Com and Lt Sci are both Intel interchangeable so you can switch between single target devastation and multi-target devastation if you have a normal Tac BoFF and an Intel Tac BoFF ready to change. Hell setup a keybind that switches between two presets of BoFF layouts and DoFF layouts and you'll have a pretty nasty setup
Not to mention it has a Cloak built in so no console needed, unlike the Defiant so it gains what the original should have had. I don't think it's a battle cloak, but then I haven't tested that yet, mainly because lag normally allows a couple of hull hits through.
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."