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Delta Failing?

dtranquildtranquil Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Ok so here go's a bit of a rant / observation

1: Ship upgrade token ...... are Cryptic/pwo a lil "speshul"? i ask this as a t5u effectively costs MORE than a t6 ship let alone fleet variants costing even more.

t6 ship 3k, T5u 3.2k = 2.5k + 700 token , Fleet T5U 3.7k = 2.5k + 700 + 500 ....

Did they think people wouldnt see this as the insane cash grab it is aimed at people who wish to use Star Trek ships esp the "flag models" ?

Let alone the clear difference in ship power you have to wonder which leads to the next step.

All content can be completed in a t4 ship (last free) You know those ships you are seeing get blitzed in every basic stf and leaving your praying please god no more t4s or xmas "t5us", let alone advanced where they all seem to go down in 1 shot , a t5 in 2 shots and t5u with the SAME gear as the T5 takes 5 shots ........ clear difference there.

what on earth was being said in the feedback to make Cryptic think "lets overprice ship upgrades and then force those with the upgraded craft to carry everyone else....."
Post edited by dtranquil on


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    admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,560 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    dtranquil wrote: »
    Ok so here go's a bit of a rant / observation

    1: Ship upgrade token ...... are Cryptic/pwo a lil "speshul"? i ask this as a t5u effectively costs MORE than a t6 ship let alone fleet variants costing even more.

    t6 ship 3k, T5u 3.2k = 2.5k + 700 token , Fleet T5U 3.7k = 2.5k + 700 + 500 ....

    Did they think people wouldnt see this as the insane cash grab it is aimed at people who wish to use Star Trek ships esp the "flag models" ?

    Let alone the clear difference in ship power you have to wonder which leads to the next step.

    All content can be completed in a t4 ship (last free) You know those ships you are seeing get blitzed in every basic stf and leaving your praying please god no more t4s or xmas "t5us", let alone advanced where they all seem to go down in 1 shot , a t5 in 2 shots and t5u with the SAME gear as the T5 takes 5 shots ........ clear difference there.

    what on earth was being said in the feedback to make Cryptic think "lets overprice ship upgrades and then force those with the upgraded craft to carry everyone else....."

    Simply they weren't think. i now even question if they have brains for to have missed how bad of an idea this was. Just to note. half my fleet is roughly mirror and all mirror are not upgradable. and the Klingons screwed even more since they don't have many T5 ships.
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Again, one more time...

    Complaints, while they may not be pleasant for Cryptic to hear, are perfectly okay.

    X costs too much. Fine. Y is too difficult. Not a problem.

    Implying that the devs are greedy money grubbers or mentally challenged is not okay.

    If you guys want to leave negative feedback, leave the insults behind. Rant threads are just going to get closed.

    Like this one.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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