And since I don't see a thread specifically for "Suggestions & Ideas", this seemed like the most appropriate place (Since the ideas are based on observations about the weapons). These ideas may have already been proposed but I feel like these really can work, so in case they have been suggested I apologize.
Now, before you start you start reading, bear in mind I will go into detail about each idea. A tl;dr version would miss out key points so I won't bother with that.
Energy Weapons Idea
So we know the very fundamental "All power to weapons" if you intend to DPS to hell with energy weapons. Simple system, except it demands you fill all of your weapon slots to actually do anything. What I propose is a damage scaler that's separate from the power levels but works in a similar way; in one sense of it, this system actually organizes where the Weapons power will go.
So a Cruiser that's fitted with 8 identical (And standard quality, for the sake of explanation) omni-directional beams will have the same DPS as a Cruiser fitted with only one. To clarify the following; yes, this does mean that the one weapon will also have the same power drain as the Cruiser with 8 weapons. Yes, this also means if the Cruiser with only one weapon misses its target, that's going to be a problem. And no, to prevent cheapskates from taking advantage of the system, this scaler will not include the [Dmg] modifier on the weapon as part of multiplied damage, rather it is only included as if only one weapon has the modifier, while the rest are only standard quality. (So, if you had a beam that did 200 base DPS, and a [Dmg] modifier, the overall damage would only be as if you had 7 standard versions and just the one with the [Dmg])
Since this actually organizes where Weapons power needs to be, instead of just distributing it to everything in such a wasteful manner, it introduces a variety of new tactics while enhancing (Or simply not affecting) current builds. So, an Escort with 4xDHC and 3xTurrets wouldn't see any change unless the DHC's or Turrets weren't firing, a Cruiser with 8xArrays would *almost* be able to defend itself from every angle, and a Science Vessel also benefits depending on their build (Though SV's are usually meant to be more for Support, rather than tank or DPS, so they benefit the least).
Depending on the mechanics for the AI's, various consoles would actually be useful once again (Saucer separation, MVAE, maybe the Phaser Lance, just to name the ones I am aware of). Though if AI's do benefit, it does mean adjustments needs to be made for damage output per difficulty.
This idea does mean any ship is capable of defending itself from any angle depending on its weapon set up. But, this isn't Star Wars; Star Trek ships are generally capable of defending from any angle. And unlike Star Wars, Star Trek ships don't need 50 weapons to increase DPS, so this idea generally just makes sense for the Trekverse.
Of course, abilities such as Beam Overload would need to be modified in a way that they can't be used to instantly kill an entire Borg Cube, and should be used cautiously since Trek tech still has its own limits. So my idea on this is set a limit to where these abilities can be used (e.g. BO can't be used on a weapon with a higher modifier than 3, and using it on 3 would remove all Weapons power).
This idea would require a little extensive testing to plug in any loopholes, but otherwise I don't see why this couldn't work; it would finally add tactics that make battles more nostalgic to a person's gameplay, instead of the highly enforced 4xDHC & 3xTurrets on Escort, 8xArrays on Cruisers, etc.
Oh, before I forget; the max amount of modifier you can get is dependant on how many weapon slots the ship has (Subtracting either half from any slot being used by torps/mines/etc without next idea, or all if including next idea). This would also give a reason to, you know, remove torpedoes from AI's that have never been shown to use them in the shows. (Undine, Jem'Hadar, just to name the two that annoy me the most on this pointer)
Torpedoes Idea
Ammo and damage boost.
I feel like someone would have already brought this up. It's just common knowledge for Trek fans that the torpedoes can't be replicated (At least by Alpha Quadrant powers) so you'd need to stock up actual torpedoes in your inventory from stores. It's also (seemingly) common knowledge that torpedoes are fairly invalid in the game given the best DPS builds never seem to use them. So, aside from the ammo, I'll justify my idea.
A standard launcher should have its damage boosted by 3x. This would make it powerful enough that people won't dismiss them so easily, but not so powerful that every build simply needs a torpedo launcher. This nice balance will actually make torpedo boats a viable build (Akira and battle cloaking B'rel, anyone?) and make certain buffs/consoles/what have you's reasonable to have once again.
I don't know about you guys, but the idea of fighting an enemy that spams Transphasic or Tricobalt torpedoes would actually be a nice change of pace, especially if it's PvP. Just imagine the ultimate horror of being stuck in one spot while you have 5 HY3 Tricobalts coming at you.
Let's not forget this makes sense Trekverse-wise. Even a Scimitar and a Cube had a reason to fear Quantum/Transphasic torpedoes, and those are only Starfleet-made weapons.
So, there we have it; two ideas that would actually bring a lot to mind, whether a dead concept or a new concept. And organized in a way that wouldn't infringe anything (Or at least too minimal to worry about). As stated before, if these have been suggested already I apologize, and with some testing, this can really add a huge amount to the game. So, I hope that's the case and hope people agree with me.