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Delta Rising Crashing For PC's and Mac's

captsabercaptsaber Member Posts: 40 Arc User
Just tried to play the 1st ground mission for Delta Rising (MindScape) Tried about 10 times, each time I would get a little further along but then the screen would lock and the screen would go black. Whole system would lock. I would have to reboot. From What little testing I have done it seems it might be a driver issue compatability with the SAPPIRE TRI-X 290 4GB CARD. Now I am not sure if it is just AMD cards or some of the Nivida Cards to. Or if its even card drivers. I am starting to see others having the same problem. I also see that some of the Mac players are having the same problem.

I have to tell you its a big disapointment. Seems like everytime STO puts out somthing new there is a problem. I was planning on buying the new Delta Pack but now I am glad I held off. I can see there are going to be lots of problems. And I for one will just come back later and see if it is fixed. If not well I don't spend my money. Simple as that. I might just stop playing STO. With all the bugs that are not fixed. And now new ones that affect even being able to play at all. It just don't seem worth my time to keep playing. I will tell you this, If I can't play the new Delta pack then whats the point. I am maxed out at level 50 on my main toon. And I am not willing to wait weeks for a fix, It would put me to far behind my team mates.

Nvidia and AMD our the two main GPU makers. And it seems the Dev's can't ever keep up with the drivers in this game. I might be wrong. It might not be graphic drivers BUT I am a tech my self. And the way its acting its drivers. And the way it locks you can't even get a dump file. It juist totaly locks.

I suppose I could run some 3rd party crash dump software. BUT why? It's a waste of my time. And I should not have to. It should be working before release and tested with everything.

I7 2600k
ASUS Mombo Sabertooth
32 Gig ram
water cooled
GPU= AMD TRI-X R9 290X 4gig DDR 5
3-screens with Eyeinfinaty but tried it in both single screen and 3-screen mode same lock up.

Anyone else having the same problems post here maybe we can help each other.


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    khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,007 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Post this in the bugs section
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