I'm just about to head to bed and I'll be working while patch and release is happening.
So, I'd just like to say to all at Cryptic and to all the other players out there. Good luck tomorrow! I truly hope that when I get home, I'll be able to do a simple patch and start playing with no major problems. Considering the amount of effort some of you guys have put in, you deserve nothing less.
Now personally,
To Smirk: Enjoy your holiday! (Really? Your employer let you take a 2 week holiday, one day after a major expansion? Suckers!

To Trendy: You appear to have drawn the short straw. I'm sure Smirk will send you photos of him drinking margaritas on the beach to annoy you. But, keep the faith and bring your flame retardant panties in with you tomorrow. You may need them
To the Devs, IT and server specialists: We all respect and appreciate your work on this amazing endeavour. But please, DON'T **** UP!
To PWE management: You're all horrible people. Don't blame your staff for your ridiculous expectations
To the players: Don't freak out. STO will be back, even if it takes longer than normal. Think of this as an excuse to catch up on the more mundane aspects of life. Things like nutrition and hygiene....
See you all on the other side.