just happen to be browsing the front page, finally buying the operations pack, when i saw 2 blogs i didn't recognize
looks like i beat trendy to the punch
lock box trait Failsafe Scrambler:
When your hull drops below 20%, automatically Placate all foes within 10km for 5 seconds and reset Threat vs. all nearby NPCs (max once per 60 seconds)
its better to be ignored then kicked. i don't know what we did to TRIBBLE the devs off, but the age without the trice damned placates is so over.
STO Resources: <Ship Comparison - All Tiers + Small Craft + Hangar Pets> <Damage Resistance>
<R&D + Upgrade Costs> <Duty Officer Finder> <Suliban Doff Reqs> <Fleet Costs> <Rep Costs>
<Keybind Tour the Galaxy> <Fleet / Armada Management> <Currency Exchange> <Other STO Links>
Exotic Absorbtion is also silly.
And I can't get why the're so obsessed with the Benthans. Even the B'omari were more notable. But it's like a mere mention of the Benthans makes the whole dev team TRIBBLE.
I keep failing to understand Bort and Hawk's obsession with adding placates into the game mechanics when they really aren't needed at all.
all lockbox ships would be but they are too lazy to change them ,plus they want to sell the new ones .Old ships are garbage.What is really a miracle is that people still play this game.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
since people QQed many times about this Im 100% sure its just malice.
You've voted with your wallet, and said "Great Job Geko!". lol
All is see with DR is the gap between a fresh 50 and a maxed out char being so huge that a fresh 50 would never want to bother playing a pvp match. It would take such a long time for a casual player to upgrade to MKXIV Gold, with all the reps, traits, etc and even begin to compete against a p2W PvP'er who just buys every new PvP beneficial toy that drops.
The bar has just been raised so high, I can't even see it anymore.
When struck by any Exotic Damage ability, gain 20% Shield Hardness and a minor Shield Regeneration for 10 seconds (max once per 60 seconds)
Considering that nearly all exotic damage abilities actually go right through your shield i'm not too excited about this.
Failsafe Scrambler:
When your hull drops below 20%, automatically Placate all foes within 10km for 5 seconds and reset Threat vs. all nearby NPCs (max once per 60 seconds)
Just terrible... . It won't stop any vapers, just make standard play even more drawn out.
Positive Feedback Loop:
Activating any Exotic Damage ability grants you a 10% increase to Hull and Shield Healing effectiveness. Activating any Hull or Shield Heal grants you a 10% Bonus to Exotic Damage. Each effect is mutually exclusive.
More power for sci captains and exotic spam.
Starship Trait:
Load Viral Torpedo (Starship Trait)
After achieving level 5 in your Benthan Assault Cruiser, you will unlock the Load Viral Torpedo starship trait. While this trait is slotted, activation of Engineering, Science, Tactical and Intelligence Team now load a Viral Torpedo. This causes your next Torpedo attack to disable your target(s) for a short period of time. This can occur once every 20 seconds.
Again another abilty (Viral Matrix) sci captains can swap out in favor for something else. But this all depends on what "disabled" acutally means. If it is an actualy disable i doubt it will replace photonic shockwave, at least if you do want to keep spamming your torps.
Partners in Arms (Starship Trait)
After achieving level 5 in your Hazari Destroyer, you will unlock the Partners in Arms starship trait. This special trait can be used on any starship that you own. While the Partners in Arms starship trait is active your ally targeted heals and buffs now provide you with a boost to all damage for a short time. This buff stacks up to 3 times
I see a 5 man sci circle jerk incoming.
Everything else seems rather meh. The escort is slow. The cruiser is too tac focused to be a real support cruiser and the Khazon ship is only T5.
When struck by any Exotic Damage ability, gain 20% Shield Hardness and a minor Shield Regeneration for 10 seconds (max once per 60 seconds)
FBP shield penn balance pass! available now in a lock box near you!
Positive Feedback Loop:
Activating any Exotic Damage ability grants you a 10% increase to Hull and Shield Healing effectiveness. Activating any Hull or Shield Heal grants you a 10% Bonus to Exotic Damage. Each effect is mutually exclusive.
Corrosive Plasma sounds a lot like romulan plasma, plasma+ disruptor proc. sounds like the debuff to res slowly increases or something. was 2 new weapon sub types, both basically the same color, a good idea to release at the same time?
the Talaxian can salvage matts, and has a level 3 intel skill, the availability on those is nil currently. and literal terran pet cats are available too, offending caitian everywhere im sure.
the ships are some nice tier 6 stock, and that kazon raider is a clever replacement for the line of mirror ships.
Benthan Assault Cruiser
1.25 shield mod, because the monbosh's wasn't high enough
COM eng
LTC tac
LT tac
LT sci*
LT uni
5/2/4 consoles, its got 11 as i figured
10.5 turn, but just a cruiser so cant use DHCs
limited intel equipping, its only sci station is the hybrid. not exactly ideal, and if you use the uni LT for sci your left to run your cruiser on just a COM eng. the tac seating seems ether excessive or perfect for non AtB approach, but overall its a tac cruiser and would be weaker without one. the console sounds cool, it absorbs incoming energy damage and toughens you up or you can release it offensively. if you don't care for intel skills or AtB, its the ideal tac cruiser for you
ship trait: Load Viral Torpedo:
Engineering, Science, Tactical and Intelligence Team now load a Viral Torpedo.
This causes your next Torpedo attack to disable your target(s) for a short period of time.
This can occur once every 20 seconds.
a torp impact gives you VM, because it wasn't already annoying enough when torp hits scrambled your sensors
Hazari Destroyer
1.15 shield mod
COM tac
LTC eng
LTC sci
LT tac*
ENS uni
3/3/5 consoles
15 turn, so its totally non viable right guys
well! that didn't take long, +1 undine nicor everyone, in a more attractive package. the LT tac being the intel hybrid makes this much more able to slot at least 1 intel skill. not super remarkable, but a very beefy ship with high marks in all categories. the console is basicly ES cast on yourself, that should be a nice defensive measure. the trait buffs your damage when you cross heal.
the kazon raider is a raider, guess that shouldn't be a surprise.
08 shield mod
COM tac
LTC uni
LT tac
LT uni
ENS uni
2/3/4 consoles
19 turn
you can even upgrade it into a 10 consoles tier 5U ship
i have to say, the kazon ship replacing the line of mirror ships is a clever idea. tier 6 kazon ships would be a hard sell to the player base, but low end tier 5? thats believable. look for the cryptic designed kazon cruiser, and the big fat carrier in future boxes.
Well 60 is the new end game not 50... and you will get your ship mastery by the time you hit 60 I think unless your leveling with doff missions.
Gold weapons are unimportant... one extra mod isn't going to make or break anything.
As for ultra rare weapons... new players have it easy there.
They can now get ONE good set of weapons when they first start playing... and just upgrade them along with them. The chances are if they do that by the time they get to end game they should have a full set of at least Ultra Rare (perhaps even 1-2 golds). From there its grabbing fleet or rep gear items.... and going. Honestly being allowed to run REP at level 50 and having end game being 60 should make it easier for new people as well. As long as they are not power leveling... they should have time to at least have 4 Rep traits to slot. (perhaps not the best ones) still they won't be completely fresh.
They should have dropped the requirement to farm Rep marks to 40 awhile back to make it a bit easier on new players. Still same effect now... combo of Upgrading low level stuff / starting rep 10 levels before the end will mean completely new level 60s will be at least partially ready.
i had 2 choices, stop playing or cash in on the pack and just deal with it. because without it i couldn't remain at the level of competitiveness i'd be satisfied with, and buying everything piecemeal would be cost prohibitive. yes DR is going to be hell on pvp, with this trait and the intel powers especially, but im looking forward to a major change up because its gotten kind of dull lately. but i could sure as hell do without such an absurdly powerful placate proc, thats for damn sure.
also i had bought the pack seconds before i went back to the front page and saw the blogs. though in truth that wouldn't have stopped me from cashing in if i had known about it already. in games, relationships, all of life, you got to take the good with the bad, and try to change the bad whenever possible.
i bought a lifetime account day on, legacy pack, and now DR pack, and a ton of ships in between, only a handful with saved up dil, im one of those that pulled out the card more often then not. and i would really like to see the moratorium on placates remain, pvp has been golden without them
Repair Platforms OR Projected Singularity
Metreon Gas Canisters OR Projected Singularity
Repair Platforms OR Metreon Gas Canisters
this explains why the gorn sci ship drones could be used on anything now.
feds get that or the d'deridex console
kdf get regent console or d'deridex console
roms get platforms or regent
thats cool, the gas console was wasted on the regent, a ship that can actually stack particles in a big way i bet could make this hurt. now the most common poo cloud will be brown! lol dedicated sci ships could probably really make that d'deridex console pretty powerful. it to wasn't an optimal fit on the ship it came with really.
Are you sure shield hardness is an actual anti shield pen value? The cruiser command's description also states it increasing the ship's shield hardness, but actually increases its resists, AFAIK.
Has it ever been confirmed that hardness and resists aren't the same thing?
shouldn't be? otherwise resistance and hardness would mean the same thing. the delta rep shield has hardness stacks it can gain, but its resistance didn't feel near as high an an elite. hardness has got to be penetration defense only
From what I have gathered from people on tribble. Yes 60 is the new end game. Kerrat was shut of on tribble I think... however yes you can expect there will be 50-59 and 60 zones.
However it would be pretty hysterical if they out right remove kerrat as they seem to be against getting gear as drops and the zone makes no sense now that fed and the Kontraband Done Faster factions are at peace.
they should make one change to karrat, the borg ships flicker like holograms. makes no sense for there to be borg there. it should be thew main wargames locations, in this time of peace between galactic powers
At a glance Berserker looks situationally useful. It will make cloak strikes that much more powerful in that regard. I suppose it is to give us incentive to get close to enemies, but anyone using a pulsewave already has an incentive. Outside of playing a cloaking character there really isn't much of a use for this trait. 5 meters is also very close and it is very rare for enemy players to allow you to remain that close due to the number of negative effects. Honestly it should be a decent trait, but not widely used for PvP.
Imminent Danger makes me want to cry...so much for avoiding 100% dodge "chance". Shattering Harmonics/Omega Shield Mk XIV (+35%) and Gambling Device (+10%) for +45% free dodge. Crouching pretty much gives us +95% dodge chance while crouched. Why even make the trait 80% rather than 100% dodge chance? Even for the appearance of "dodge chance" still being a "chance" this trait really should be labelled: "When falling below 25% health: All damage is halved for 6 seconds (60 second cooldown)". Stack this trait with Hunter Instincts and we are back to the old dodge stacking game..arg.
Overcharging will definitely make shield tanks more attractive. It is basically a free copy of self tactical initiative lite for engineers. Secondly it will unfortunately give players another reason to run and hide when their shields take any damage in PvP. This trait won't be fun just because it teaches players to avoid anything outside of brief engagements before diving for cover. Having the trait trigger when at 85% cap or less would be much more effective in encouraging combat as it would make the player get out into the open to use the trait cooldown reduction.
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Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Could be fun, ship specs looks nice.
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
wait ... what??
You play Kerrat Online ?