and to help this terrible alpha predator set, allow the player to mount the cannon on the back, like the experimental proton weapon. It does less damage than even a beam array, and the damage at distance doesn't any where near make up for it, but I like playing with novel stuff like that, as would others, but not at the expense of an important front slot. Even with this change it would be underpowered still but it would be forgivable in the back.
I don't know if that would make it particularly viable. I bought one for my Tetryon build, and transferred it to tribble, and ground it into an epic. It's still not really too good. The damage or re-fire rate needs to be ramped up quite a bit, or the range extended to 15 km or so, might make up for it. The graphic for it firing is really cool though.
Edit: Another thing with OP's suggestion would be make it a sorta turret. No changes, but it's 360 arc and can be mounted on the rear.
"..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino
Edit: Another thing with OP's suggestion would be make it a sorta turret. No changes, but it's 360 arc and can be mounted on the rear.