Hell if I know. You tell me. JK. Because the first time I seen a bird of Prey decloak and destroy the science ship in Star trek 3 "serch for spock" I was in Love. I dreamed of a day when somebody would make a game where I was able to fly one of these beast. Now I can. I'll be here until cryptic shuts the servers down. Then I'll probably get as many trek fans as I can to march against PWE. So they can turn them back on. Yes, I'm a trekkie , always will be, its in my blood. I bleed green.
Because it's Star Trek, I like the game and its mechanics, I like the community, I like the FTP model, I think that the Devs (especially Tacofangs) are pretty cool in general, and I've had so much fun on these very forums.
Because it's Star Trek, I like the game and its mechanics, I like the community, I like the FTP model, I think that the Devs (especially Tacofangs) are pretty cool in general, and I've had so much fun on these very forums.
Because it's a "Star Trek" game.. if it were not, I wouldn't play it.
This. Plus my "bunny" crew. If this were called anything else other than Star Trek, I wouldn't have even looked at it. I've said it before, I'm here for Star Trek, not for Cryptic.
Because it's a metric load of fun. It's also free.
I was first attracted to it because I've been a Trekkie since as far as I can remember (one of my earliest memories, from '66 most probably, is sitting in a high-chair, watching the Enterprise gliding across one of those planets that looked like a fancy bowling ball). However, if I weren't having fun, I'd be out of here - there's a reason I only played Star Fleet Battles once.
I had hoped for so much more. I had hoped to be immersed in the setting that changed the world, that has influenced technology and culture all over the planet for the last 50 years.
What we got in the end is such a disservice to the Star Trek legacy, I simply can't bring myself to play it... and that's very sad.
I actually had liquid coming out of my nose from laughing so hard when I read this. You are talking about Trek fans; the most contrary, argumentative, opinionated group of fans on the planet. A fan-base which perpetually argues about how A sucks but B is wonderful: love TNG, hate Voy; love DS9, hate ENT; love ENT and TOS but hate DS9 and VOY; JJprise is great... JJprise suxs, etc. You put 50 Trek fans together and ask them what they want from a Star Trek game and you will probably get at least 5 completely different major answers and a dozen more less common answers.
No matter what any Trek game does there will always be some segment of the fan-base which does not like it because it is not what they think Trek should be about. And that is not me trying to convince anyone that STO is a great game - I have called it an "average" MMO at least a dozen times in various threads over the years - it is simply me saying that Trek fans are too divided into cliques now to ever agree on anything about the IP and how it should be portrayed; and that is not even taking into account all the necessary gaming tropes required to make it work as an MMO rather then a SIM or TV series.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
'Sides, Star Trek was one of my first sci-fi fandoms when I was a wee lad. I'm still in awe over the scene in the very first movie where Kirk and Scotty check out the refit Enterprise...
it is simply me saying that Trek fans are too divided into cliques now to ever agree on anything about the IP and how it should be portrayed;
Oddly, I agree with most of what you wrote, but beg to differ on this point.
Think of this way, Trek fans may argue endlessly over how many angels dance on the head of a pin; but nobody is debating whather they're angels or not, or the existence of the pin.
It's not a digital thing either, there's no clear yes or no from the various fans.
But a way of demonstrating it may be the reaction to the tier 6 ships.
The intel ships ran into significent debate over whether they were sufficiently trek or not.
The guardian ran into significently less resistence on that point.
There is a sense of Trek, but it's more analog than digital.
And one has to recognise both the possibility of getting it, as well as the difficulty of keeping STO in the sweet spot too.
Think of this way, Trek fans may argue endlessly over how many angels dance on the head of a pin; but nobody is debating whather they're angels or not, or the existence of the pin.
I disagree, somewhat. We are talking about a game where many players cannot even accept that the timeline has advanced past the TNG era and so are constantly demanding T5 Connies, etc. Players who demanded Dauntlesses, Constellations, Wells, and D'kyrs without giving any thought to how any of that should fit into a 25th Century setting. This is a game where players demanding "I want" is more important to them then any sense of canon consistency. The TOS clique fans want to see the TOS stuff added. The TNG clique fans want to see the TNG stuff added, etc. Everyone wants a different angel dancing on a different pin. Just look at how many people complained about the new Expansions being in the Delta Quadrant rather then about their favorite series.
When you try to please everyone and their clique too much you end up with STO: a mishmash of canon and fan-boy daydreams.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
SWG was what I preferred to play until I found out about STO. Was able to beta test this game, and fell in love with it. Bought my lifetime subscription Feb 2nd 2010 and have not regretted it since. This may sound funny to some, but what has kept me here is the ships and the ability to customize your bridge officers. I can make my crew however I want (within reason) and based on faction, I can fly the iconic ships... K't'inga (my personal favorite), Vor'Cha, Negh'Var, Ambassador (my second personal favorite), Prometheus, and so many others that are in canon.
I play mostly for the space battles and the "community" that I am a part of.
Though glad I can still get some use out of the current ships with the T5U upgrades coming in a few days, I am severely disappointed that we can't upgrade them to full T6 capability. This, to me, is a slap in the face to Star Trek fans who want to fly the iconic and canon ship designs and not the house-designed ships Cryptic has made for Tier 6. To be fair though, I am looking at the Eclipse and the Guardian, though I would prefer canon skins for them.
I understand that there are some licensing issues between Cryptic and CBS over ship designs and their implementation in the game, But I don't think CBS would have objected to allowing the current ships that they have oversight on to be used under the new ship system. I mean, they are already in the game. I think that Cryptic just wanted to cut corners and throw out things that would make them money that they designed in-house and didn't want to bother with licensing (possibly even royalties for canon designs) and maybe other issues.
There's nothing wrong with making money... my issue is the tactics used by Cryptic/PWE in the specific case of STO... namely with the lockbox and RNG systems in place that allow you the "possibility" (however small a percentage that is) to get what you want or what you pay dilithium or buy keys for.
Didn't get what you want this time? Buy more keys and open another lockbox... Don't worry, we can add as many into the game as people will still buy keys to open them. Didn't get that mod you wanted? Buy more Zen, convert to Dilithium, and upgrade another one of your weapons, consoles, etc. If you spend enough of either, you might get lucky.
Simply put, this is Star Trek. Granted, not exactly the Star Trek that I would like to be a part of, as there is so much of the IP that is missing and I see no effort on Cryptic's or PWE's part to add in the other things that made Star Trek great on TV and the movies. All I see are more and more time/dil/resource sinks and cash grabs.
Though there is much about this game I find disappointing, I still play because of my loyalty to the franchise. Besides, I have a large amount of time and money invested in this game. Why waste it even if I don't like everything that's being done with STO?
Since this is the only Star Trek "online" game out there that I know of, it is what I play.
-AoP- Warrior's Blood (KDF Armada) / -AoP- Qu' raD qulbo'Degh / -AoP- ProjectPhoenix Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Then why are you here? It never made any sense to me, this business about hanging around on game forums after you've given the game itself up as a bad job.
I used to play WoW. Signed on just before "Wrath of the Lich King" dropped, played until shortly after the Cataclysm. Then I realized that I'd never get anywhere, because everything was always going to be geared toward the folks who'd been playing since vanilla WoW, and had hours every day to spend at it as well. So I left. I'd been active on their forums, too, but when I dropped the game, I never looked back.
So why haven't you cut loose? You don't think the game is Star Trek, and you know as well as I do that nothing you do or say will change the corporate direction, so why do you hang out here at all?
Then why are you here? It never made any sense to me, this business about hanging around on game forums after you've given the game itself up as a bad job.
I used to play WoW. Signed on just before "Wrath of the Lich King" dropped, played until shortly after the Cataclysm. Then I realized that I'd never get anywhere, because everything was always going to be geared toward the folks who'd been playing since vanilla WoW, and had hours every day to spend at it as well. So I left. I'd been active on their forums, too, but when I dropped the game, I never looked back.
So why haven't you cut loose? You don't think the game is Star Trek, and you know as well as I do that nothing you do or say will change the corporate direction, so why do you hang out here at all?
Some people just love to complain
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Conversation is irrelevant, views are irrelevant, conflict is irrelevant, you will be assimilated, you will know peace, order, we will raise your quality of life.
Though I have not bothered to play much lately, I still login to progress a few things and will probably check out the DR content. I stick around because I like the space combat and the Star Trek IP.
The space combat is my favorite part and I like the ground combat because it is not FPS (something different for a change).
What I do not like is how complicated they are making everything. I gather materials, build components, build the upgrade token, apply a few upgrade tokens and some dil to an item, come back in two hours and get my upgraded item. Materials and dil should have been enough. Or at the very least everything in the 'crafting' system should be build with mats only. This is the whatever century, with replicators and all kinds of crazy good technology. I should be able to feed materials into a fabrication machine and pick up my pew pew on the other side of it an hour later. Think 3D printer, we can already make engine gears and medical equipment with them, why not shields and what not in whatever century this game is in.
Things also take longer than they should. It takes too long to get to level 15 in the 'crafting' system. They should have stopped the train at level 10. Getting to level 10 felt about right.
I also hate how they 'listen' to our feedback. If you are going to only listen to our tribble bug reports then say so. If you are going to ignore our thoughts about how things should be overall be honest about it, don't tell us that you listen to feedback, tell us that you listen to our bug reports.
It is Star Trek
It is free
It has space combat (though other star trek games (Starfleet Command, Bridge Commander, Starfleet Academy) actually had "better" space combat)
It is an MMO, not sure if a singleplayer Star Trek game could hold my interrest for more than a week.
I always liked star trek. the idea that other species lived out in the unknown and manged to thrive without all the insane ideas this world is forcing on us.
Like my personal favorite the Klingons, reminds me of how it is back home. clans are tight, we take care of our own and do not want government involvement in anything. Sure we may have a feud between clans, (some lasting generations) but we don't go crying to others to solve our problems. But most have a strong sense of loyalty and service to our country. (i'm 3rd generation ARMY retired.) Mostly because family lore tells us how bad things were under other governments and how good ours used to be before they tried to control every aspect of life, deeply ingraining a sense of indebtedness that has lasted through the generations.
(My son Joined the air force breaking the chain of Army Service )
Just to me it shows that even if our world is going to down the wrong path the hope that with other lifeforms are out there the spirit of life and freedom can live on.
So yeah i play the game, don't like the path its on with all the one mission fits all species but its just a game. but no other game lets me have a Klingon char. with a Klingon ship. so here i am for better or worse until a better Klingon game comes along.
and i didn't even mind too much that when i started playing i had to make a fed char before i could play Klingon. to me it worked out in my head as i had to use the federation as the vessel to get me out of where i was and onto the better stuff. once off never look back.
Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days.
Players are going to demand their favorite TOS Phaser or Enterprise MACO costume gets added to the game and then a few days later in another thread they are going to complain about how non-canon STO is.
Humans are nuts.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Don't really need another reason, lol.
You're soooooo un-cool.
Welcome to the club. :P
Sarah Knightly - Co-leader; Frontier Explorers - U.S.S. Witchblade
Rias Gremory - Leader; Frontier Marauders - I.K.S. B'ullwinkle
We aren't afeared of you, emporer whatsyername. Go sit in a gravity well and eat some torpedoes.
Sarah Knightly - Co-leader; Frontier Explorers - U.S.S. Witchblade
Rias Gremory - Leader; Frontier Marauders - I.K.S. B'ullwinkle
Youd be surprised at how hard it is to "sit" inside a gravity well.
Have a gravity sofa
This. Plus my "bunny" crew. If this were called anything else other than Star Trek, I wouldn't have even looked at it. I've said it before, I'm here for Star Trek, not for Cryptic.
I was first attracted to it because I've been a Trekkie since as far as I can remember (one of my earliest memories, from '66 most probably, is sitting in a high-chair, watching the Enterprise gliding across one of those planets that looked like a fancy bowling ball). However, if I weren't having fun, I'd be out of here - there's a reason I only played Star Fleet Battles once.
No matter what any Trek game does there will always be some segment of the fan-base which does not like it because it is not what they think Trek should be about. And that is not me trying to convince anyone that STO is a great game - I have called it an "average" MMO at least a dozen times in various threads over the years - it is simply me saying that Trek fans are too divided into cliques now to ever agree on anything about the IP and how it should be portrayed; and that is not even taking into account all the necessary gaming tropes required to make it work as an MMO rather then a SIM or TV series.
'Sides, Star Trek was one of my first sci-fi fandoms when I was a wee lad. I'm still in awe over the scene in the very first movie where Kirk and Scotty check out the refit Enterprise...
Oddly, I agree with most of what you wrote, but beg to differ on this point.
Think of this way, Trek fans may argue endlessly over how many angels dance on the head of a pin; but nobody is debating whather they're angels or not, or the existence of the pin.
It's not a digital thing either, there's no clear yes or no from the various fans.
But a way of demonstrating it may be the reaction to the tier 6 ships.
The intel ships ran into significent debate over whether they were sufficiently trek or not.
The guardian ran into significently less resistence on that point.
There is a sense of Trek, but it's more analog than digital.
And one has to recognise both the possibility of getting it, as well as the difficulty of keeping STO in the sweet spot too.
When you try to please everyone and their clique too much you end up with STO: a mishmash of canon and fan-boy daydreams.
I play mostly for the space battles and the "community" that I am a part of.
Though glad I can still get some use out of the current ships with the T5U upgrades coming in a few days, I am severely disappointed that we can't upgrade them to full T6 capability. This, to me, is a slap in the face to Star Trek fans who want to fly the iconic and canon ship designs and not the house-designed ships Cryptic has made for Tier 6. To be fair though, I am looking at the Eclipse and the Guardian, though I would prefer canon skins for them.
I understand that there are some licensing issues between Cryptic and CBS over ship designs and their implementation in the game, But I don't think CBS would have objected to allowing the current ships that they have oversight on to be used under the new ship system. I mean, they are already in the game. I think that Cryptic just wanted to cut corners and throw out things that would make them money that they designed in-house and didn't want to bother with licensing (possibly even royalties for canon designs) and maybe other issues.
There's nothing wrong with making money... my issue is the tactics used by Cryptic/PWE in the specific case of STO... namely with the lockbox and RNG systems in place that allow you the "possibility" (however small a percentage that is) to get what you want or what you pay dilithium or buy keys for.
Didn't get what you want this time? Buy more keys and open another lockbox... Don't worry, we can add as many into the game as people will still buy keys to open them. Didn't get that mod you wanted? Buy more Zen, convert to Dilithium, and upgrade another one of your weapons, consoles, etc. If you spend enough of either, you might get lucky.
Simply put, this is Star Trek. Granted, not exactly the Star Trek that I would like to be a part of, as there is so much of the IP that is missing and I see no effort on Cryptic's or PWE's part to add in the other things that made Star Trek great on TV and the movies. All I see are more and more time/dil/resource sinks and cash grabs.
Though there is much about this game I find disappointing, I still play because of my loyalty to the franchise. Besides, I have a large amount of time and money invested in this game. Why waste it even if I don't like everything that's being done with STO?
Since this is the only Star Trek "online" game out there that I know of, it is what I play.
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Well, look down at my signature. That kinda sums it up at the moment.
I used to play WoW. Signed on just before "Wrath of the Lich King" dropped, played until shortly after the Cataclysm. Then I realized that I'd never get anywhere, because everything was always going to be geared toward the folks who'd been playing since vanilla WoW, and had hours every day to spend at it as well. So I left. I'd been active on their forums, too, but when I dropped the game, I never looked back.
So why haven't you cut loose? You don't think the game is Star Trek, and you know as well as I do that nothing you do or say will change the corporate direction, so why do you hang out here at all?
Some people just love to complain
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Love the space battles, unlike all other MMOs they never seem like grinding to me because they are so much fun to play.
We will heal you.
The space combat is my favorite part and I like the ground combat because it is not FPS (something different for a change).
What I do not like is how complicated they are making everything. I gather materials, build components, build the upgrade token, apply a few upgrade tokens and some dil to an item, come back in two hours and get my upgraded item. Materials and dil should have been enough. Or at the very least everything in the 'crafting' system should be build with mats only. This is the whatever century, with replicators and all kinds of crazy good technology. I should be able to feed materials into a fabrication machine and pick up my pew pew on the other side of it an hour later. Think 3D printer, we can already make engine gears and medical equipment with them, why not shields and what not in whatever century this game is in.
Things also take longer than they should. It takes too long to get to level 15 in the 'crafting' system. They should have stopped the train at level 10. Getting to level 10 felt about right.
I also hate how they 'listen' to our feedback. If you are going to only listen to our tribble bug reports then say so. If you are going to ignore our thoughts about how things should be overall be honest about it, don't tell us that you listen to feedback, tell us that you listen to our bug reports.
It is free
It has space combat (though other star trek games (Starfleet Command, Bridge Commander, Starfleet Academy) actually had "better" space combat)
It is an MMO, not sure if a singleplayer Star Trek game could hold my interrest for more than a week.
Like my personal favorite the Klingons, reminds me of how it is back home. clans are tight, we take care of our own and do not want government involvement in anything. Sure we may have a feud between clans, (some lasting generations) but we don't go crying to others to solve our problems. But most have a strong sense of loyalty and service to our country. (i'm 3rd generation ARMY retired.) Mostly because family lore tells us how bad things were under other governments and how good ours used to be before they tried to control every aspect of life, deeply ingraining a sense of indebtedness that has lasted through the generations.
(My son Joined the air force breaking the chain of Army Service )
Just to me it shows that even if our world is going to down the wrong path the hope that with other lifeforms are out there the spirit of life and freedom can live on.
So yeah i play the game, don't like the path its on with all the one mission fits all species but its just a game. but no other game lets me have a Klingon char. with a Klingon ship. so here i am for better or worse until a better Klingon game comes along.
and i didn't even mind too much that when i started playing i had to make a fed char before i could play Klingon. to me it worked out in my head as i had to use the federation as the vessel to get me out of where i was and onto the better stuff. once off never look back.
Players are going to demand their favorite TOS Phaser or Enterprise MACO costume gets added to the game and then a few days later in another thread they are going to complain about how non-canon STO is.
Humans are nuts.