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Odyssey Science Cruiser Healer Build



  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I would use the loadout system and keep the version you have but I would also make one with EPtE+EPtS with damage control engineers so you can chase pugs around to heal them. EPtE is also great to get out of control effects and you can use the emergency con officer to reset evasives if you want.
  • colonelkiracolonelkira Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rmy1081 wrote: »
    I would use the loadout system and keep the version you have but I would also make one with EPtE+EPtS with damage control engineers so you can chase pugs around to heal them. EPtE is also great to get out of control effects and you can use the emergency con officer to reset evasives if you want.

    Have fun, flying this ship with EptE. Bad inerta, bad turn rate. Maybe with 3+ RCS you can try to make it mobile. Otherwise it'll be a pain to maneuver it. I can say something about that, because i've tested it with a bastion, which has exactly the same movement stats. The doff isn't a bad thought though, but yeah it requires EptE. ;)

    To the build:
    I would swap TSS and ST, but that's a matter of taste. ;) Tractor Beam isn't a bad choice for offensive support, but the Oddy is too slow for most attack runs, unless you jump behind your target. Grab a second hazard probably. But it looks solid. ;) Can't say anything against your deflector/engine/shield-choice, i'm using the same on most of my builds. What's your skilltree?
    58. / SvK
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Have fun, flying this ship with EptE. Bad inerta, bad turn rate. Maybe with 3+ RCS you can try to make it mobile. Otherwise it'll be a pain to maneuver it. I can say something about that, because i've tested it with a bastion, which has exactly the same movement stats. The doff isn't a bad thought though, but yeah it requires EptE. ;)

    To the build:
    I would swap TSS and ST, but that's a matter of taste. ;) Tractor Beam isn't a bad choice for offensive support, but the Oddy is too slow for most attack runs, unless you jump behind your target. Grab a second hazard probably. But it looks solid. ;) Can't say anything against your deflector/engine/shield-choice, i'm using the same on most of my builds. What's your skilltree?

    I use EPtE all the time on my odyssey lol It works just fine. Power-sliding FTW!! I got the idea from a guy in a recluse doing the same thing. He was nearly untouchable because he just flew out of bit of CC. Riccardo is a good pilot. I'm sure he can handle it. Also as a pro tip, you don't have to use full throttle to engines at all times.
  • riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Have fun, flying this ship with EptE. Bad inerta, bad turn rate. Maybe with 3+ RCS you can try to make it mobile. Otherwise it'll be a pain to maneuver it. I can say something about that, because i've tested it with a bastion, which has exactly the same movement stats. The doff isn't a bad thought though, but yeah it requires EptE.

    To the build:
    I would swap TSS and ST, but that's a matter of taste. ;) Tractor Beam isn't a bad choice for offensive support, but the Oddy is too slow for most attack runs, unless you jump behind your target. Grab a second hazard probably. But it looks solid. ;) Can't say anything against your deflector/engine/shield-choice, i'm using the same on most of my builds. What's your skilltree?

    I'm used to the Scimitar's turn rate (7), Odyssey's a bit harder walk in the park to handle from my point of view lol, prolly because I never flew other healboats.
    Tractor Beam... that's mainly used when I jump and subnuke to hold the target, or decloak someone if I see him. (sensor scan, 135 aux, sensors skill). TSS and HE cool down in 40 second, a second one goes on 30 secs global... It gets a bit redundant imo.
    I'll post my skill tree as soon as I relog :)
    rmy1081 wrote: »
    I use EPtE all the time on my odyssey lol It works just fine. Power-sliding FTW!! I got the idea from a guy in a recluse doing the same thing. He was nearly untouchable because he just flew out of bit of CC. Riccardo is a good pilot. I'm sure he can handle it. Also as a pro tip, you don't have to use full throttle to engines at all times.

    I tested the powerslide, 10km for a full stop lol.
    to fly out of CC I use evasives with EPM for a burst of speed, Polarize when it comes to tractors. Evasive doff would be cool, but I'd have to give up Aux2Sif doffs...
    Riccardo is a good pilot. I'm sure he can handle it.
    Awwwww... thanks :D
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    OP, I hope you are using the Research Lab Scientist and Mainetence Engineer doffs. That's what I use on my Sci Oddy for heals. Reduces the cooldown timers to 16 seconds with a purple and blue of each. :)

    Other than that, pretty solid, although I suggest adding the Omega torp, KCB and Borg module for the 3pc bonus. I'd also recommend two separate TTs so you don't have to rely on doffs for those. Finally, work bees aren't that useful (I've tried them, they don't even show up as meaningful on the combat log), I'd replace that with something that buys you extra time when you're taking the heat - such as a Fluidic Phase Decoupler.

    EDIT: Here's what I use (or *used*, prior to Delta Rising... now, I'd suggest upgrading to a T6 ship because iirc there is no way to counter the intel disable powers with just regular abilities.)
    Blank spots means "put stuff in there that you feel is right". Intentionally left blank to place emphasis on the filled spots.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    OP, I hope you are using the Research Lab Scientist and Mainetence Engineer doffs. That's what I use on my Sci Oddy for heals. Reduces the cooldown timers to 16 seconds with a purple and blue of each. :)

    Other than that, pretty solid, although I suggest adding the Omega torp, KCB and Borg module for the 3pc bonus. I'd also recommend two separate TTs so you don't have to rely on doffs for those. Finally, work bees aren't that useful (I've tried them, they don't even show up as meaningful on the combat log), I'd replace that with something that buys you extra time when you're taking the heat - such as a Fluidic Phase Decoupler.

    EDIT: Here's what I use (or *used*, prior to Delta Rising... now, I'd suggest upgrading to a T6 ship because iirc there is no way to counter the intel disable powers with just regular abilities.)
    Blank spots means "put stuff in there that you feel is right". Intentionally left blank to place emphasis on the filled spots.

    Oh hai there! Long time no see this thread lol.

    This is what I'm running, squeezing the most out of those 5 engineering consoles. http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=scienceodysseyhealer15_0
    A month later I got the Biotech Patch; pretty awesome healing I'd say, ET3 heals for 17k ish, ST3 over 7k. Solid ship :)

    I decided to not use the Decoupler. I can stand keeping myself alive on my own, I'd rather use consoles that passively boost healing and/or resilience.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Oh hai there! Long time no see this thread lol.

    This is what I'm running, squeezing the most out of those 5 engineering consoles. http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=scienceodysseyhealer15_0
    A month later I got the Biotech Patch; pretty awesome healing I'd say, ET3 heals for 17k ish, ST3 over 7k. Solid ship :)

    I decided to not use the Decoupler. I can stand keeping myself alive on my own, I'd rather use consoles that passively boost healing and/or resilience.

    Yeah, the Biotech patch is super useful. Both my healers have it :)

    I would still suggest getting the Borg module, KCB and Omega torp for the 3pc invulnerability skill. Also, I'm not sure what the tractor is doing there, you could use an extra Hazards. Other than that, you've got a pretty solid healer ship.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
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