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Captain Smirk and the New Guardian DPS



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    coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Why does it matter?

    I believe the purpose of the stream was to show off the new ship. If you're taking a new car out for a quick spin you don't waste several hours tuning it for a racetrack.

    If people got a general idea of how it looked and handled in game then he has done his part, it's up to the players to figure out builds for it.
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    aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    markus1566 wrote: »
    I uploaded my log to my Dropbox, download it and have a look at it: (proof that my pets did 2x as much dps as smirk): https://www.dropbox.com/s/jv5d61vy4lexs7k/BattleofKorfez_03-10-2014_23-47.log?dl=0
    neppakyo wrote: »

    Captain Smirk is a very bad builder. As a dev, you think he would at least do a proper build as not to embarrass himself.

    So far the only embarrassment goes to the OP of this name & shame thread .
    I guess it was not enough to make fun of him in your XX-K DPS channel , and you thought the rest of us should join in on your trollish "fun" . :rolleyes:
    You're welcome to roll back to your self segregated zoo cage and to stay there . :D

    If I was him, I'd make the worst builds possible just to annoy folks.

    Well he could do that , but considering that the livestreams are just a un-glorified sales pitch , he might want to take time to find 3 winning loadouts (sci-eng-tac), and adapt those to the ship he's trying to promote/sell .
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    coupaholic wrote: »
    Why does it matter?

    I believe the purpose of the stream was to show off the new ship. If you're taking a new car out for a quick spin you don't waste several hours tuning it for a racetrack.

    If people got a general idea of how it looked and handled in game then he has done his part, it's up to the players to figure out builds for it.

    ^^ This.

    Besides, the guy is just PWE Community Manager: not a developer at Cryptic at all. Community Managers should know enough about the game to relay issues, or give the odd demonstration. By no means should he have to be an expert builder too. That's where we, the players, come in.
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    coupaholic wrote: »
    Why does it matter?
    Misunderstandings or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder on the part of the viewer, maybe? *shrug*
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    cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    By no means should he have to be an expert builder too..

    Sure he doesn't - But at least average would be nice, and at 770-1055 DPS he is only doing a third to a half of a below average player's DPS.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    Sure he doesn't - But at least average would be nice, and at 770-1055 DPS he is only doing a third to a half of a below average player's DPS.

    So, maybe he's an expert fitter, after all, as doing only 700k is quite difficult, especially in a T6 ship. :P

    Seriously, though, if I were a Community Manager, I'd make my loadout as mundane as possible too: you're not there to compete with players (or get inundated with questions about your setup, if you do).
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    cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    You've put a couple of orders of magnitude in where they shouldn't be. :)

    Even if it was as mudane as possible it would be better, see my ACR comment.
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    gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    Not relevant - look at the ship itself. you would spec a Guardian like a uni set to Sci ACR with added Grav Well, and ACRs can do ten, twenty times what Smirk did comfortably - For example, my ACR on a mostly VPvP set up (no doffs, no traits, but hadn't reduced gear) parsed 5k in a Fleet Alert last night, and it was only that low because A) my Fleet mate's Scim was annihilating everything before I got to shoot stuff, and B) I'm incompetent as a pilot and forgot traits and doffs...

    Smirk was actively trying to be that bad. There is no other explanation.

    think he was in his inventory he had a full set of 6 mk xii VR phasers and a mk xii photon and quantum.

    he just was actively trolling
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    darthraiderxxxdarthraiderxxx Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Nice name and shame thread.

    Some probably seem to not understand the purpose of those livestreams. It is to give us an idea of the new levels and ships. When you test out a new car, you don't first change the engine, put new wheels and a big spoiler on it either. Smirk's job in those livestream is talking to the audience and show/explain the new stuff and not how high his DPS is.

    I hope he now pulls a trolljob for the next livestreams and goes with a rainbow boat.
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    johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    II dont really get why ppl here think devs should be good at there own games.. Just because I do artwork or code for starcraft doesnt mean that i'm one of those 300 apm korean kids and win gsl's.

    The sad part is that any person above iq 70 should be able to do 10k dps without looking at the screen. Just do a few small things and gear doesnt even matter that much. Its sad because he had an opportunity to show how to properly fly a ship/cruiser and he didnt either for not caring or lack of skill.

    And tbh ignoring a few bad players here and there most ppl i know try to push ppl for dps to help them make this game easier for themselves. There may be a good laugh here and there but ppl in general dont post combatlogs to make fun of others but to get them thinking about their builds and how to improve. Not all but a lot actually are quite nice despite doing loads of dmg:)
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    thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »

    Thank you very much for that link. There is a scimitar build by SpencerB96 LINK there that I can actually understand for one. I just have never been able to follow the shorthand and acronyms used by 99 percent of the ppl who post their builds. And who write out their captain's trait choices, bridge officer layout, and duty officers...all in a way that someone like /me/ can read it.

    Yeah, when I look at a string of letters I just toss my hands up. I can't decipher STO shorthand. And SpencerB96 just took a minute and wrote it all out, nice and neat. I wish there was a website like STO Academy that had a format like that. ALL the information on ONE page, easy to read.

    Thanks again Orangeitis! :D
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    neppakyo wrote: »
    CombatLogReader—[10:44]— Dmg(DPS) —Rod@eragon 6.613.526(10.649) SAH 2@spen 6.361.905(10.261) Spectre@a3 3.704.543(6.215) Temo@ctcc4 3.370.243(5.233) CaptainSmi 489.205(770)

    CombatLogReader—[19:28]— Dmg(DPS) —Taela 17.418.024(14.963) SAH 2 10.449.706(8.962) Markus 9 7.899.442(6.763) Becky 14 4.476.297(3.862) CaptainSmi 1.205.141(1.055)

    With numbers like these, it'll be easy peasy to kill the new T6 ships ^^

    Captain Smirk is a very bad builder. As a dev, you think he would at least do a proper build as not to embarrass himself.

    This seems like less of an issue with the Guardian and more of an issue with bad builds being too bad.

    I think you want a smaller gap between high skill and low skill to keep things interesting and you want more things to prop up weak players while pruning the performance of peak players.

    I favor a revamped Dmg mod being something that, if stacked, will make autofire respectable DPS without scaling with player abilities, so that low-skilled players can do 9-10k dps with damage stacked and high skill players will want stats other than damage that stack with their skilled use of abilities.
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