I would say I liked SWTOR far more than this one...but that was before they went F2P and...that happened. Designwise it is still a superior game. But the cash grab is equally evident. That kinda killed it for me.
OP, the fact that you haven't specified "other games" or laid out a comparison/contrast really makes me question your credibility. Your opinions arr your own but...some common frame of reference would be helpful here.
Crafting: You didn't mention that we can't choose the modifiers attached to the gear. Sometimes I have to craft something many times before I get the one I want/need. This uses resources that aren't guaranteed to begin with. If the only wild card was rarity I wouldn't have an issue with it.
Lockouts: I have a better solution for the lockouts. How about they don't focus so much on "repeatable content?" Oh yeah, they'll make less money on making a great game than on time sinking our money away. Nevermind.
Reputations: The reps have evolved, and they have gotten better overall. But there is one nagging thing I can't get past -- they all revolve around "repeatable content." There's no story in the early ones (like Omega and Nukara). And while there were a few new maps added when the reps were added there wasn't a lot different. Yes, Dyson was part of a mini-expansion, and Romulus was part of LoR. But the reps themselves -- play, get points, spend points, play same thing again, are all identical. It would be nice if they had something unique other than the enemies and maps.
Gear Drops: Drop rates are still horrible no matter how you look at it. It's always been that way. Remember what a pain it was to get antithorons? I'll agree that the system has evolved, but overall I haven't seen any huge improvement in the grind-to-loot-ratio.
The Grind: I've mentioned this several times already. "Repeatable content" should not be the game's only content. That's the direction they're going and they've already dumped FEs forever. Well, we might get a new one with X2, but FEs themselves are extinct. Any grind that doesn't make an effort to hide the grind isn't worth doing. That's about 90% of the game now.
Bug Fixes and Patching: There maintenance cycle of STO is pretty short compared to othersI actually laughed at this. Bug fixes? Regularly? SINCE WHEN?? Look at the new DOff UI--it was supposed to fix some of the long standing problems with the old UI, right? Well, turns out it caused more AND kept many of the old ones. This has yet to be addressed. The closest we have is them saying they'd look at the Jem'Hadar chain and see if we can finish it on alts one day. Remember when they took out Terradome" They said it was because they would rather remove it than to fix the bugs. Same with the DS9 Fleet action. Your confidence in their bug fixing is laughable.
Just sayin' that the cashgrab in SWTOR is like 10 times more insane than in STO. i mean, you need to pay real money to disable the visuals of your helmet and you need to pay for raid content and other stuff.
i read the rest of your comment too, but you disqualified yourself already in the first paragraph by comparing the f2p model of SWTOR and STO and concluding they are equal cashgrabs. Pure insanity.
And the rest is basically YOU expecting STO to be a single player game, which you finish in a day or two.
Then you take those expectations and project them on a MMORPG, which it will never fulfill. Usualy you do not complain about an apple not tasting like an orange, or do you?
Rep grind and gear grind + timegating are basically the bread and butter of MMOs, if you feel that this is too much repetition you should stay away from ANY MMO, be it subscription or f2p, since they ALL have it. There is no exception.
the only thing i give you credit is that you mentioned cryptic's very poor bug fixing history.
Seen a lot of BS on the forum lately, but your comparison between SWTOR and STO and your conclusion is definately the very summit of "mount BS"
PS: Love your solution for less lockouts/timegating...You basically say:"MAKE MORE CONTENT!" simply genius! (that would be me being sarcastic)
OP...and various defenders of sto, you either don't have the experience to judge this mmo vs others...or you're wearing sto colored glasses.
crafting system is a joke, materials acquired by running content repeatedly THAT you already have to run repeatedly for rep. on top of that rng whether or not you actually get the mat. then further dilithium costs and totally useless to new players. the overall concept is good...the implementation blows.
lockouts? erm, why even bothering mentioning that eh? it's the same thing day after day after day after day...longer lockouts might at least make it more tolerable....maybe, if you have the memory retention of a politician. are there games with 24 hour lockouts...yep...but the have more CONTENT in a lot of cases so it isn't quite the EXACT SAME THING.
rep system...one of the worst. 'lets make only a few maps, create high requirements that will take weeks to fulfill and players will love to run them until they an do it sound asleep' there is no dynamics to earning rep, there is no difficulty to earning rep...there is only GRIND. and it's a grind not tempered by having choices. you MUST run with a group you WILL wait if you play at off peak times and you WILL pug with a possibility of trolls and afkers joining.
gear drops...don't make me laugh. vendor trash which isn't even worth as much as it once was.
covered the grind which is one of the worse i've seen in hundreds of mmo's...and i played grinders and still consider sto's by far worse because content is completely and utterly lacking...as well as the pug thing, off peak playtimes, required grouping.
finally...bug fixes...how could you even say that with a straight face. 2 lines of 'known issues' when there are a LOT more. my menus bouncing around on their own, items unequipping themselves, torpedo misfires, still sudden one shots out of now where, doff assignments, and currently, parts of the new upgrade and crafting system just not working properly. there's more...several of which have been around for years.
fleet system, which you didn't mention because hey...anyone can join a fleet right? unless of course they'd want to make their own fleet with people they know...like friends rather than strangers, and TRIBBLE soloers for fleets or endgame content like rep, after all c cryptic is so rich it doesn't need retain new players or feels the need to expand the player base to include other gamer styles.
seriously OP...before you get all glowy eyed thinking STO is better than most mmo's, play more than 3 maybe and do note, facebook games really don't count as mmo's, that's the only place i could figure you got the idea that sto's grind isn't that bad.
Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
We the players of Star trek Online have it very easy compared to many of the other MMOs out there when it comes the pace of acquiring end game equipment and resources As STO is many peoples first MMO they have little or no reference . Let us compare to some of MMOs.
STO is a very forgiving to its players compared to the other games on the market. They want you to play it and feel accomplished as you do so. We could have it much worse then what people think we have it. The changes they have coming with Delta Rising are going to do wonders for the game. If something doesn’t work right they will adjust.
I agree! I'm not so much a fan of sci fi as I am of magic and fantasy, but this is a fun game, I really enjoy playing it! The mechanics of it allow for smooth game play. It's been really player friendly to me, even though I'm F2P.
I know it doesn't follow the shows as some have stressed, but I'm not sure it's supposed to. This game is based off of the new Star Trek where Romulus exploded and the alternate future is taking place.
The only advantage to queued missions other MMO's have, is a kick button for trolling and AFK players on your pug team. No one cares if your Meds ran out, or if you have to walk your dog. Think ahead so others do not have to carry your share of the map!
As long as the game is available, I will keep playing. I just hope it never goes under like SWG. This game is my MMO comfort zone!
New Lunar Republic
"Where monsters rampage, I'm there to take them down! Where treasure glitters, I'm there to claim it! Where an enemy rises to face me, victory will be mine!" -Lina Inverse
We the players of Star trek Online have it very easy compared to many of the other MMOs out there when it comes the pace of acquiring end game equipment and resources As STO is many peoples first MMO they have little or no reference . Let us compare to some of MMOs.
Crafting: What if we had to roll off for the crafting packs at the end of the queues. One pack for 10 people at the end of CCE. it would not be very friendly. Or if they were static spawns in an open world and some the items were on random cool downs based when the item was last collected. Yes you can open the packs and not get a very rare material, it just means you can relax while your cooldown resets and enjoy other content. The only that limits the amount of crafting you can do is time, not some arbitrary level or amount of areas you can craft.
Lockouts: Imagine if we could only queue up and complete each elite queue once a day and the fleet action maps once every 3 days. Sure there would be a random elite queue you could do but you could get something you are not specialized in and are completely unprepared for. If this was an open world mmo waiting for randomized long respawns. Mostly all of STO time gates are out in the open for you to see and are not hidden by game mechanics. All queued content stays relevant and is not locked out from as your progress in the game.
Reputations: The rep system has undergone a major evolution since its first launch, gone are the scaling costs. What if some of the more popular reps were locked behind the more mind numbing ones and the gear you got from them was just considered starter gear and was replaced with the first drop of loot you got from completing a queue. The reps here are straightforward in what you have to do to improving them. There is no cryptic quest text one what you have to do and get.
Gear Drops: Cryptic has experimented with fixed loot tables that everyone has seen in other games. They lead to cases where you could run the same instance 300 times without ever seeing the item in your loot bag. You could see and only have it taken from because the dice did not like you that day. Now you have a gurantured measure of how much work you have to do with any item set. no relying on dice to agree with you or other players after the same item. We have been given a system where we control the progress of our equipment and not have it dictated to us by the luck of the draw. With the new upgrade system we can find own personal favorite pieces of gear and never worry about it losing relevance to you.
The Grind: Every MMO require a time investment it is the nature of the beast. All progress in the grind is very visible and easily noticed. Doing a reputation project gives very clear feedback on your progress. It is not hidden behind some message you get when your click at a contact. There are games where you have to login every day and, if you do not you will lose progress in any long term progression. There is very little competition for resources and objectives. The ability to acquire resources is easily unlocked with in a few level after starting your character. Ultimately it becomes a grind when progress is not apparent and STO does a good job making every bit of progress visible. No running the same content for that one drop and not seeing drop, then having to wait a week to get chance at it again
Bug Fixes and Patching: There maintenance cycle of STO is pretty short compared to others, barring unforeseen problems at might happen. Bugs are an inescapable part of any system as complex an MMO. Serious bugs are caught relatively quickly and fixed. Some games can not fix bugs till there next major update and that could be months away. The hardest part of bugs is them to replicate in the testing environment so they can see what is causing the issue. Sometimes you just have to play around the bugs. The Devs to listen to do and care about this game.
STO is a very forgiving to its players compared to the other games on the market. They want you to play it and feel accomplished as you do so. We could have it much worse then what people think we have it. The changes they have coming with Delta Rising are going to do wonders for the game. If something doesnt work right they will adjust.
+1 to you OP. People say STO is pay2win or pay2play? hahahahaha please, go and play Age of Wushu on the Golden Kirin server, then come back and tell me about STO being p2w.
Just sayin' that the cashgrab in SWTOR is like 10 times more insane than in STO. i mean, you need to pay real money to disable the visuals of your helmet and you need to pay for raid content and other stuff.
i read the rest of your comment too, but you disqualified yourself already in the first paragraph by comparing the f2p model of SWTOR and STO and concluding they are equal cashgrabs. Pure insanity.
Seen a lot of BS on the forum lately, but your comparison between SWTOR and STO and your conclusion is definately the very summit of "mount BS"
I gave up on SWTOR shortly after it went F2P. Obviously you didn't figure that out. You just read one sentence (and I don't believe you read all of it) and said "I disagree with that one statement so that invalidates all of it." What are you, 7? 8, maybe? Forum rage is SO junior high (yes, that's sarcasm).
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
OP do you play MMOs just to play MMOs? I play games to have fun, MMO or single-player or co-op or whatever doesnt matter really, gameplay is what matters. MMO checklist doesnt mean anything.
Asking if STO has better daily-grind mechanic than other MMOs is only really useful metric if your objective in life is a day job in a virtual world
League of Legends takes effort to ensure heroes remain relevant without making you repurchase them via an upgrade system.
Marvel Heroes likewise has been revamping all their old character releases to keep them relevant and fun to play. They also communicate directly with the community without hiding behind fanboi podcasts. Just recently a dev did an AMA on their forums.
Warframe. Dota 2. Hearthstone. Path of Exile. I could go on.
STO is not the worst. Nor is it the best. They release content at a snails pace, some things are over priced, and they put nearly no effort to keep older items purchased updated unless it can be monetized.
The core problem I see with STO F2P development is the heavy impact monetization has on development. It always feels tacked on in a heavy handed way that detracts from what was created instead of enhancing it. Will Cryptic make more money selling upgrade tokens for T5 than they would have by keeping the T5 ships relevant? That is a massive back catalog of products they pretty much just tossed into the waste bin.
Marvel Heroes is running a 'Midtown Madness' week event right now. As part of that a limited edition fortune card is available in the store and can drop in game. The card contains nothing exclusive that grants power that cannot be found in the game, mostly cosmetics and actual fun toys (not BiS items). Those cards enhance the event, they do not detract from it.
But you are correct, STO is not the worst by a long shot. They are not bad, doesn't mean they cannot improve.
Agree, but marvel heroes.. dude, its one of the worst games ive ever played. how can people enjoy a game where you basically smash buttons and abilities in a super fps laggy environment and you cant even see what you doing? sure, the basics are great but the implementation.. i just played for about 2 days and i had enough of it lol. And the f2p model is far worst than STO, by far.
About SWOTOR i played for about 6 months, but i never liked it. Maybe the graphic style (too flat) , the limited options to non subscribers, i dunno, but the f2p model is far worst than STO , again. In fact, maybe one of the worsts ive ever seen.
The f2p model of STO is great, but what is not great is the way this game is threated. The same mechanics applied year after year. Old content is abandoned instead improved, and new glitchy content is released with a few bugs, that are not going to be solved, until the next year, that are going to be forgotten, because again, new content is released. This only makes this game really beautiful on the outside , but a mess from the inside. And its really a shame, because it could be an amazing game. But one thing that makes games to be the worst is the complete lack of interest to fix bugs at all or make old areas and features to grow up instead destroying em or just avoid em. It can be the best game in the universe, but if no bug fixes are made, and no interest of improving things, its the opposite. Any company can dedicate 100% of the money and efforts to make great content, but the proper thing to do is to make a balance between fixing bugs, keeping old content evolving and releasing content. I wish this would be the case of STO.:(
Just sayin' that the cashgrab in SWTOR is like 10 times more insane than in STO. i mean, you need to pay real money to disable the visuals of your helmet and you need to pay for raid content and other stuff.
Even if STO>SWTOR that does not mean it is good enough. That's like saying grade D beef is good because it's better than what they use in cat food.
The f2p model of STO is great, but what is not great is the way this game is threated. The same mechanics applied year after year. Old content is abandoned instead improved, and new glitchy content is released with a few bugs, that are not going to be solved, until the next year, that are going to be forgotten, because again, new content is released. This only makes this game really beautiful on the outside , but a mess from the inside. And its really a shame, because it could be an amazing game. But one thing that makes games to be the worst is the complete lack of interest to fix bugs at all or make old areas and features to grow up instead destroying em or just avoid em. It can be the best game in the universe, but if no bug fixes are made, and no interest of improving things, its the opposite. Any company can dedicate 100% of the money and efforts to make great content, but the proper thing to do is to make a balance between fixing bugs, keeping old content evolving and releasing content. I wish this would be the case of STO.:(
Agreed. If they took even just the funds spent on VO work and used it for fixing bugs and evolving older content it would go along way.
Agree, but marvel heroes.. dude, its one of the worst games ive ever played. how can people enjoy a game where you basically smash buttons and abilities in a super fps laggy environment and you cant even see what you doing? sure, the basics are great but the implementation.. i just played for about 2 days and i had enough of it lol. And the f2p model is far worst than STO, by far.
When did you last play? I played it at launch and it was..terrible. Tried it again recently and they have improved the game massively. Eternity splinters replaced random hero drops basically if you play the game for X amount of time you can buy the hero of your choice.
Just sayin' that the cashgrab in SWTOR is like 10 times more insane than in STO. i mean, you need to pay real money to disable the visuals of your helmet and you need to pay for raid content and other stuff.
Can you buy those from other players with in-game money? According to people on this forum you can't complain if you can grind for them. :rolleyes:
Agree, but marvel heroes.. dude, its one of the worst games ive ever played. how can people enjoy a game where you basically smash buttons and abilities in a super fps laggy environment and you cant even see what you doing? sure, the basics are great but the implementation.. i just pla
basically smash buttons and abilities in a super fps laggy environment.. sounds like sto pvp.
Crafting: You didn't mention that we can't choose the modifiers attached to the gear. Sometimes I have to craft something many times before I get the one I want/need. This uses resources that aren't guaranteed to begin with. If the only wild card was rarity I wouldn't have an issue with it.
Obviously you never tried the crafting in Diablo 2. At least in STO you don't need to worry about getting low level mods. D2's mod system would often spit out ridiculous combinations of mods on crafted gear that made the gear pretty useless. Such as mixing a level 1 mod with a level 40 mod.... In STO, you at least are guaranteed something appropriate to your level
I would also add that the Devs do in fact listen to the players. In some MMOs, it is not uncommon for for problems on the forums to be up there for several years with no favorable response by the game devs. At least in STO problems are addressed in a very timely manor. I am also sure that most if not all the devs play STO with both their work accounts and their own personal accounts. I can not say the the same thing for other MMOs.
I agree that we the players have it real easy in STO, as compared to other games. I played World of Warcaft for 8 years and I find that all of the points listed above are quite correct. Sadly however, I know that there will be the trolls and haters that will start complaining about this post right away. For people like that, I only have one thing to say to you --- GET OVER IT CUPCAKES!!! This game could be much worse and a lot tougher to play. If that does not make sense to you then my motto ingame is the only advice I can leave you. "WYSIWYG AND IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THAT THEN STFU!!!!!!!
BWHAHAHAHAHAHA.....that's some funny **** right there! It's like you are talking about religion....'I used to be a Christian for 8 years,but now I'm a Scientologist I find that all of the points listed above are quite correct...'
Kudos man....funniest **** ever!
The PWE/Cryptic sweatshop...not where the game is made,but where the game is played!
Take back your home,end the grind!
Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
I would say I liked SWTOR far more than this one...but that was before they went F2P and...that happened. Designwise it is still a superior game. But the cash grab is equally evident. That kinda killed it for me.
OP, the fact that you haven't specified "other games" or laid out a comparison/contrast really makes me question your credibility. Your opinions arr your own but...some common frame of reference would be helpful here.
Crafting: You didn't mention that we can't choose the modifiers attached to the gear. Sometimes I have to craft something many times before I get the one I want/need. This uses resources that aren't guaranteed to begin with. If the only wild card was rarity I wouldn't have an issue with it.
Lockouts: I have a better solution for the lockouts. How about they don't focus so much on "repeatable content?" Oh yeah, they'll make less money on making a great game than on time sinking our money away. Nevermind.
Reputations: The reps have evolved, and they have gotten better overall. But there is one nagging thing I can't get past -- they all revolve around "repeatable content." There's no story in the early ones (like Omega and Nukara). And while there were a few new maps added when the reps were added there wasn't a lot different. Yes, Dyson was part of a mini-expansion, and Romulus was part of LoR. But the reps themselves -- play, get points, spend points, play same thing again, are all identical. It would be nice if they had something unique other than the enemies and maps.
Gear Drops: Drop rates are still horrible no matter how you look at it. It's always been that way. Remember what a pain it was to get antithorons? I'll agree that the system has evolved, but overall I haven't seen any huge improvement in the grind-to-loot-ratio.
The Grind: I've mentioned this several times already. "Repeatable content" should not be the game's only content. That's the direction they're going and they've already dumped FEs forever. Well, we might get a new one with X2, but FEs themselves are extinct. Any grind that doesn't make an effort to hide the grind isn't worth doing. That's about 90% of the game now.
Bug Fixes and Patching: There maintenance cycle of STO is pretty short compared to othersI actually laughed at this. Bug fixes? Regularly? SINCE WHEN?? Look at the new DOff UI--it was supposed to fix some of the long standing problems with the old UI, right? Well, turns out it caused more AND kept many of the old ones. This has yet to be addressed. The closest we have is them saying they'd look at the Jem'Hadar chain and see if we can finish it on alts one day. Remember when they took out Terradome" They said it was because they would rather remove it than to fix the bugs. Same with the DS9 Fleet action. Your confidence in their bug fixing is laughable.
I would say that to all in this thread, each of us draws out of the game what we
desire/makes us happy. Its not a matter of right. or wrong, relevant, or irrelevant.
Its a matter of perspective. Its obvious to me that the "OP" recognizes there are
flaws in the game (Lord knows I have encountered a few myself), but these flaws
do not seem to impact his game expierience as much as "Daqhegh" above. This
does not make the OP right, nor "Daqhegh" wrong. Just a different set of expectations.
Just sayin' that the cashgrab in SWTOR is like 10 times more insane than in STO. i mean, you need to pay real money to disable the visuals of your helmet and you need to pay for raid content and other stuff.
i read the rest of your comment too, but you disqualified yourself already in the first paragraph by comparing the f2p model of SWTOR and STO and concluding they are equal cashgrabs. Pure insanity.
And the rest is basically YOU expecting STO to be a single player game, which you finish in a day or two.
Then you take those expectations and project them on a MMORPG, which it will never fulfill. Usualy you do not complain about an apple not tasting like an orange, or do you?
Rep grind and gear grind + timegating are basically the bread and butter of MMOs, if you feel that this is too much repetition you should stay away from ANY MMO, be it subscription or f2p, since they ALL have it. There is no exception.
the only thing i give you credit is that you mentioned cryptic's very poor bug fixing history.
Seen a lot of BS on the forum lately, but your comparison between SWTOR and STO and your conclusion is definately the very summit of "mount BS"
PS: Love your solution for less lockouts/timegating...You basically say:"MAKE MORE CONTENT!" simply genius! (that would be me being sarcastic)
crafting system is a joke, materials acquired by running content repeatedly THAT you already have to run repeatedly for rep. on top of that rng whether or not you actually get the mat. then further dilithium costs and totally useless to new players. the overall concept is good...the implementation blows.
lockouts? erm, why even bothering mentioning that eh? it's the same thing day after day after day after day...longer lockouts might at least make it more tolerable....maybe, if you have the memory retention of a politician. are there games with 24 hour lockouts...yep...but the have more CONTENT in a lot of cases so it isn't quite the EXACT SAME THING.
rep system...one of the worst. 'lets make only a few maps, create high requirements that will take weeks to fulfill and players will love to run them until they an do it sound asleep' there is no dynamics to earning rep, there is no difficulty to earning rep...there is only GRIND. and it's a grind not tempered by having choices. you MUST run with a group you WILL wait if you play at off peak times and you WILL pug with a possibility of trolls and afkers joining.
gear drops...don't make me laugh. vendor trash which isn't even worth as much as it once was.
covered the grind which is one of the worse i've seen in hundreds of mmo's...and i played grinders and still consider sto's by far worse because content is completely and utterly lacking...as well as the pug thing, off peak playtimes, required grouping.
finally...bug fixes...how could you even say that with a straight face. 2 lines of 'known issues' when there are a LOT more. my menus bouncing around on their own, items unequipping themselves, torpedo misfires, still sudden one shots out of now where, doff assignments, and currently, parts of the new upgrade and crafting system just not working properly. there's more...several of which have been around for years.
fleet system, which you didn't mention because hey...anyone can join a fleet right? unless of course they'd want to make their own fleet with people they know...like friends rather than strangers, and TRIBBLE soloers for fleets or endgame content like rep, after all c cryptic is so rich it doesn't need retain new players or feels the need to expand the player base to include other gamer styles.
seriously OP...before you get all glowy eyed thinking STO is better than most mmo's, play more than 3 maybe and do note, facebook games really don't count as mmo's, that's the only place i could figure you got the idea that sto's grind isn't that bad.
Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
I agree! I'm not so much a fan of sci fi as I am of magic and fantasy, but this is a fun game, I really enjoy playing it! The mechanics of it allow for smooth game play. It's been really player friendly to me, even though I'm F2P.
I know it doesn't follow the shows as some have stressed, but I'm not sure it's supposed to. This game is based off of the new Star Trek where Romulus exploded and the alternate future is taking place.
The only advantage to queued missions other MMO's have, is a kick button for trolling and AFK players on your pug team. No one cares if your Meds ran out, or if you have to walk your dog. Think ahead so others do not have to carry your share of the map!
As long as the game is available, I will keep playing. I just hope it never goes under like SWG. This game is my MMO comfort zone!
"Where monsters rampage, I'm there to take them down! Where treasure glitters, I'm there to claim it! Where an enemy rises to face me, victory will be mine!" -Lina Inverse
I gave up on SWTOR shortly after it went F2P. Obviously you didn't figure that out. You just read one sentence (and I don't believe you read all of it) and said "I disagree with that one statement so that invalidates all of it." What are you, 7? 8, maybe? Forum rage is SO junior high (yes, that's sarcasm).
Asking if STO has better daily-grind mechanic than other MMOs is only really useful metric if your objective in life is a day job in a virtual world
Agree, but marvel heroes.. dude, its one of the worst games ive ever played. how can people enjoy a game where you basically smash buttons and abilities in a super fps laggy environment and you cant even see what you doing? sure, the basics are great but the implementation.. i just played for about 2 days and i had enough of it lol. And the f2p model is far worst than STO, by far.
About SWOTOR i played for about 6 months, but i never liked it. Maybe the graphic style (too flat) , the limited options to non subscribers, i dunno, but the f2p model is far worst than STO , again. In fact, maybe one of the worsts ive ever seen.
The f2p model of STO is great, but what is not great is the way this game is threated. The same mechanics applied year after year. Old content is abandoned instead improved, and new glitchy content is released with a few bugs, that are not going to be solved, until the next year, that are going to be forgotten, because again, new content is released. This only makes this game really beautiful on the outside , but a mess from the inside. And its really a shame, because it could be an amazing game. But one thing that makes games to be the worst is the complete lack of interest to fix bugs at all or make old areas and features to grow up instead destroying em or just avoid em. It can be the best game in the universe, but if no bug fixes are made, and no interest of improving things, its the opposite. Any company can dedicate 100% of the money and efforts to make great content, but the proper thing to do is to make a balance between fixing bugs, keeping old content evolving and releasing content. I wish this would be the case of STO.:(
Even if STO>SWTOR that does not mean it is good enough. That's like saying grade D beef is good because it's better than what they use in cat food.
Agreed. If they took even just the funds spent on VO work and used it for fixing bugs and evolving older content it would go along way.
When did you last play? I played it at launch and it was..terrible. Tried it again recently and they have improved the game massively. Eternity splinters replaced random hero drops basically if you play the game for X amount of time you can buy the hero of your choice.
Can you buy those from other players with in-game money? According to people on this forum you can't complain if you can grind for them. :rolleyes:
basically smash buttons and abilities in a super fps laggy environment.. sounds like sto pvp.
My character Tsin'xing
BWHAHAHAHAHAHA.....that's some funny **** right there! It's like you are talking about religion....'I used to be a Christian for 8 years,but now I'm a Scientologist I find that all of the points listed above are quite correct...'
Kudos man....funniest **** ever!
Take back your home,end the grind!
Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
I would say that to all in this thread, each of us draws out of the game what we
desire/makes us happy. Its not a matter of right. or wrong, relevant, or irrelevant.
Its a matter of perspective. Its obvious to me that the "OP" recognizes there are
flaws in the game (Lord knows I have encountered a few myself), but these flaws
do not seem to impact his game expierience as much as "Daqhegh" above. This
does not make the OP right, nor "Daqhegh" wrong. Just a different set of expectations.
Welcome to humanity...
I submit, it is not a "zero sum game".