I got to the final space battle in this mission (RSE D'deridex at point blank); I am transferred to space and get a dialog box to read. As I read the dialog, I suddenly notice that the D'der activates a tractor beam and then does the infamous triple HY shot. I barely closed the dialog box when my ships goes up in flames.
This act is known as a "cheap shot" since the game does not wait until you close the dialog box and the player is just set up for a fall. Come on STO, if this is your definition of challenging game play them just add a lot more invisible one-shot NPC action and overwhelming forces of a hundred ships against the player and three weak NPCs.
Either reset the RSE D'der to not do anything until after the dialog box is closed and player has control of the ship or have the player at 10 km from the RSE D'der. Play fair and no more cheap shots. :P
Yeah, that kinda' sucks. The only thing I could recommend is activating the cloak before the dialog even pops-up - those new missions are adapted and it won't bring you out of cloak, so the D'Deridex won't be able to target you.