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1k Day Ship T5-U not T6



  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    imruined wrote: »
    You're overlooking the fact that Smirk and Trendy, for one point, would have likely been on the clock when doing those live feeds...

    Even if they were to volunteer their time, Cryptic have constant overheads to meet... Just because something has no physical form does not mean it has no value...

    Take BitCoin... It has value, though lacks any physical form because we place value on it...

    Though in-game items lack physical form, the service Cryptic provides has value as they incur expenses to provide that service and, as such, it is only fair they charge for us to enjoy that service...

    Let me ask you, amongst all of your entitlement posts, have you once acknowledged that not only has Cryptic developed Delta Rising completely free of charge, but have even employed voice actors from Voyager?

    It's investment such as that into STO that justifies Cryptic charging for CStore items...

    your missing the point, like I said before I am not disputing the fact that cryptic has overheads and costs, what I am saying is in game items have no value per se, its like if I send you a postcard that will cost me money cos I had to buy the postcard to send you so it has some monetary value, but if I send you a scan of the postcard via email and also to 1000 other people it has cost me nothing, especially as I got the postcard from my nan in Brighton.

    now I know they have to draw and animate these items and such plus they have server cost and all that and if they can sell some in game items to players that's great but the actual real world value of these items is zero, you cant put them on display or give them as a gift or sell them in auction and if cryptic sell 1000 of the DR packs to players and in a years time when no one is buying them any more give them all to every player they will loose nothing because they wont sell any more anyway and they basicly have no substance.

    don't get me wrong I don't fee entitled to anything I have bought my lifetime sub and im happy with it, what im talking about is future buyers if any who might be thinking of subbing or buying a lifetime sub, it is to those players that cryptic need to make the package as appealing as possible and a T5 ship upgraded to T5u just wont do it any more.

    now what will be the absolute cost of making the current ships T6 they already have the ship that wont change and they already have T6 stat pages made for T6 ships how much is that going to cost them to copy the T6 stats to the T5 ship 5 minutes and its done.
    but the potential gain in new subs and lifetime purchases is quite substancial.

    but as I said before that's just my opinion which aint worth much, I am allowed to have an opinion arnt I?.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    I know as per the TOS they reserve the right to close accounts after I think a year or more of inactivity, but I'm not sure if they can do it for LTS's. I wouldn't be surprised if they keep those accounts on the books and count them as a loss regardless of their being active or not because gamers are known for returning after long absences.

    Not sure if it's safe for everybody to do it but I've met a some people who didn't touch the game over a year and longer and ended up with 10 - 20 k Zen from their LTS. Wouldn't recommend to try it but I guess they take the "lifetime" serious and keep them around.
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    your missing the point, like I said before I am not disputing the fact that cryptic has overheads and costs, what I am saying is in game items have no value per se, its like if I send you a postcard that will cost me money cos I had to buy the postcard to send you so it has some monetary value, but if I send you a scan of the postcard via email and also to 1000 other people it has cost me nothing, especially as I got the postcard from my nan in Brighton.
    the internet access to send the post card cost something. that cost's divided between everything you do with it over the course of the month.

    nothing's really free. :)
    but as I said before that's just my opinion which aint worth much, I am allowed to have an opinion arnt I?.
    and others are allowed to have them too.
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    That mastery trait and extra BO power won't be semantics when Fleet T6 hits in a couple of months.
    You sure about that? Cause I'm not.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    stf65 wrote: »
    the internet access to send the post card cost something. that cost's divided between everything you do with it over the course of the month.

    nothing's really free. :).

    your scraping the barrel with that comeback.

    you could say in that case that every player of sto is paying to play even the ftp'ers in that case, they are paying for their internet connection and paying for their electricity.

    but as I scanned that postcard and sent the emails on the works equipment it didn't cost me anything, in fact I was being paid for my time, sure I checked with my employer and he said I could do it.

    but that's all just a hypothetical example its imaginary just like an item in the sto game, it didn't cost me anything to make it up or anything for you to read it.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    but as I said before that's just my opinion which aint worth much, I am allowed to have an opinion arnt I?.

    I've never once said anyone is not entitled to their opinion, nor have I specifically said yours was worthless...

    I just feel (ie it is my opinion) you're not giving due consideration to the whole picture, instead you seemingly feel that Cryptic are obligated to sweeten the LTS when ever they change something...

    We entered into a purchase agreement as it was at the time, not what it might be...

    To put this into perspective, hypothetically if Cryptic removed playable Liberated Borg from the LTS, would you expect them to retroactively convert your Borg into a generic Human, Klingon or Romulan? I highly doubt it as this modifies your original purchase...

    For this reason Cryptic have no obligation to offer more to LTS players, though I honestly won't refuse if they did, I won't ever expect, let alone demand, anything more than I was offered at the time of purchase as that was what we all agreed to buy...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    your scraping the barrel with that comeback.
    the point is you're trying to state things are free that aren't. you cherry picked your email example as if that has any bearing. what if the person you'd want to send a postcard to doesn't have email? my grandma can barely work her tv remote. she'd never understand a computer. so i'd have to send her a post card.

    everything has a cost associated with it; even if it's just using the gas to drive to the free petting zoo. even if it's just sending an email. even if it's just watching tv from an antenna on your roof; the cost there is the commercials you have to watch.

    stop trying to act like this game is any different then anything else in your life.
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cbob312 wrote: »
    Hey, if we're going with a new ship at least make it the same class so we can use the old parts we liked... which for me is only the warp nacelles, and I'm probably alone in that.

    The nacelles are nice, specially because they'd animate and change when you engaged your warp drive, which was really cool.

    I just hate the bloody beer belly on that thing. The Tactical mode on the KDF version looks terrible, too.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I can live with this too, the Chimera was TRIBBLE... I don't like how statistically it lost to the Rommie and KDF Vet ship either.

    its fugly from underneath, for that alone the ship should be sent to the scrapheap and let the zakdorn take care of it.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    imruined wrote: »
    I've never once said anyone is not entitled to their opinion, nor have I specifically said yours was worthless...

    I just feel (ie it is my opinion) you're not giving due consideration to the whole picture, instead you seemingly feel that Cryptic are obligated to sweeten the LTS when ever they change something...

    We entered into a purchase agreement as it was at the time, not what it might be...

    To put this into perspective, hypothetically if Cryptic removed playable Liberated Borg from the LTS, would you expect them to retroactively convert your Borg into a generic Human, Klingon or Romulan? I highly doubt it as this modifies your original purchase...

    For this reason Cryptic have no obligation to offer more to LTS players, though I honestly won't refuse if they did, I won't ever expect, let alone demand, anything more than I was offered at the time of purchase as that was what we all agreed to buy...

    yet again you are putting words into my mouth, I have never said cryptic are obligated neither have I said that I am entitled, I don't particularly care what they do with the lifetime subs or monthly subs.
    all I am saying is if they want to attract new subscribers and new buyers it might be a good idea to make the ultimate 1000 day rewards a little sweeter by upping the specs on the ship.
    after all when T5 was top dog would they have made the 1000 day ship a T4.
    and I know they are giving a free upgrade and I appreciate that but from a new buyers perspective its just not good enough.

    it doesn't bother me cos im getting the DR pack anyway but it might sway new buyers to take the plunge.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • nimblereapernimblereaper Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    you cant do that till DR launches on oct 14th.

    I see, they didn't make that clear!
  • brokenmirror2012brokenmirror2012 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Because every LTS eventually becomes a drain on profits. People don't buy LTS's because they are whales, they buy them to save money.

    It costs a monthly subscriber $510 bucks and 34 months to get all the vet rewards As opposed to a lifer that only had to spend $200 (on sale) to get them.

    The longer you are a lifer and the more characters you have the larger the loss in profits becomes for the company.

    For example:

    Come the 5th anniversary in three months, Cryptic will have lost $700 bucks in monthly subs on my account.

    Then another $180 in monthly stipends.

    I have 30 characters each with 5 free respecs for being gold, that's another loss of $750.

    Another 5 free respecs as vet rewards for $25 bucks.

    Then there's the free android boffs. Boffs sell for $5 bucks each on the exchange. For 30 characters that's another loss of $150.

    I also make heavy use of the environmental suits that used to sell for 700 zen. Armor I never have to upgrade. I outfit my entire away team on each character. That's roughly $35 bucks I don't have to spend to outfit each individual character and away team boffs. Another loss of $1,050 on my account.

    That's $2,855 minimum that Cryptic will have lost on my account come Feb 2015, not including, the value of the Lib Borg character, ship & costume slots, the crappy Chimera, and other assorted Gold/Vet perks.

    So please forgive me if I don't see why Cryptic has any incentive to encourage more people to buy LTS's.

    So just let me point out some problems here...

    You paid for 30 char slots, no you do not get 30 char slots free from being a lifer, you get 4, big difference. Now with that said. The respecs for each 30 chars, ALL 10 of em. Yeah? Lost money maybe? Have you used all 10 on all 30 chars? This is not lost money because most people will only buy 3-4 respecs, ever, and Anyone else, is most likely to grind out the not very large amount of dilithium to do so.

    Now then. WOULD you have continued subbing after F2P? My answer is no, yes I'm a Lifer, I don't use my Lifer Title, because They gave more people access to my Lifer Title, than the LOR Pack Title. Now more often than not, when I ask lifers on my friend list, "If lifer didn't exist, would u be subbing" and the answer is usually. "No, there are no subscription benefits"

    The LTS is just bonus money cryptic gets on people who wouldn't sub anyway. Now They did however, lose money off of my account, maybe yours, don't feel like mathing if your a prelaunch or not. Anyone who LTSed before the 1st anniversary cryptic lost money on. Anyone who LTS after F2P, not so much, they will lose money in the strippend. However, a lot of people are inclined to spend the strippend on the 500zen stuff, Which they don't actually lose money on.

    They don't sell the EV Suit Anyway, so yeah... They didn't lose money off you using it. 700 Zen for an EV Suit Several tiers under drops you find? Lol no. They didn't lose money on you, for an item they couldn't sell in the first place.

    Now the majority of that 3000 Dolars they have lost on you, is through meaningless items that should not have had value anyway. Ive never head of ANYONE spending $1000 on the EV Suit, which is useless statisticly BTW. Nukara EV suits are several times better. The rest of that 3000, is almost all in respecs. ERMGURD Free respecs, that everyone before F2P Got anway. Again they were suppoused to be free. Then the dev team changed, and changed, and changed, and now they aren't free anymore.

    Now I have a question... How much money did you spend? Because remove your ridiculous EV Suit and Respec math, they prolly made money off of you.
  • neppakyoneppakyo Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The person who selected this ugly design, needs to go in the corner and be hit with a telephone book. Also the person who did the specs on it should be as well.

    The chimera is the most ugliest ship in game. It makes the nebula a beauty queen. Hell, a brick of cement is more atheistically pleasing than the chimera.

    Yeah I'd be extremely happy with at least a new skin for it, and of course performance equally to the kdf/rom version or even a lock box escort.
    Quote about STO on consoles: "Not quite as bad as No man's sky, but a close second."
  • sgtschatzsgtschatz Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think they will make a new vet ship. Ours is a little out of date. I do not think it will or should be free. Being a vet only unlocks it for purchase. Wont be right away but they will do it. :cool:
  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    sgtschatz wrote: »
    I think they will make a new vet ship. Ours is a little out of date. I do not think it will or should be free. Being a vet only unlocks it for purchase. Wont be right away but they will do it. :cool:

    Smirk mentioned in the Dauntless Livestream that Cryptic are likely going to spice up the LTS with some new additions, nothing about a new ship was mentioned however...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

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