It might help you understand how your systems are working, if you and the staff spent a bit of time actually playing PvP with live players, borrowing some of their tools and techniques, and learning things like why resistance isn't defense, burst isn't pressure, power levels matter, turn rate matters, and why a glass cannon shouldn't be tanking the same way that a beefalo-resistance-machine is.
Your statement of intent here really shows you haven't got much in-game experience dealing with the systems you've created. Which is, in a sad way, kinda hilarious when you think about how so many of the systems you've created have no use in PvE, but are ridiculously OP and unbalanced in PvP.
Aux2Batt builds, Aux2Damp builds, teams don't share a cooldown anymore.
The incredible cleansing Hazard Emitters.
APO vs. every OTHER attack pattern.
The entire "Raptor" class for KDF-soft like an escort, turns like a cruiser, can't carry enough resist or defense, and the turn rate means getting guns on target before you die is difficult-at-best. an entire SHIP CLASS that doesn't do what it's supposed to do, from a WARLIKE RACE yet it's an inferior warship to the one built for "Space Coast Guard" Starfleet in the same nominal role.
Crew Mechanic-still busted, gimps ships with larger crews because hull hits hit crew proportionally, but crew recovery is linear-meaning that ships with SMALL crews are back to 100% while your Borts, Moghs, Vo'Quvs, Cruisers, Oddys, etc. etc. and such are 'softened up' far longer if they don't die immediately. Crew impacts out-of-combat hull repair, and restoring subsystems, as well as the effectiveness of your Team abilities. Given that most Cruisers have a Lt. tactical, this means half of the core abilities you need to function, function less well in a PvP environment if you're running a heavy cruiser, carrier, or "Big TRIBBLE ship" like an Oddy or Bort.
The dominance of Sci in PvP. The class is next to useless in PvE, but put it up against people, and it's a dominator-because Debuffs only work on players. I subnuke a Pve target, and it doesn't even slow him down, but I subnuke someone in PvP, and he's either popping science team and hoping to avoid the incoming long enough to recover, or he's toast.
Factional differences-the only 'difference' left, is a scale from Best (Romulan, with Romulan ship and Romulan Boffs) to worst (KDF).
It's clear, if your statement is taken at face value as a statement of your intent, you need to spend some time playing vanilla pvp, and learn what the core systems in your game actually do, and how they actually work-THEN you can maybe tailor something like your (PvP) proc/mod in a way that doesn't draw the ire of the dedicated PvE crowd while being ignored by the PvP crowd.
Only thing I could tell devs that would be productive from all this is to test stuff with PvP mentality before releasing it. In other words, take any mechanics to its extremes in the game first. A good example is shield penetration which I for see getting a home run hit from the merf bat since you can stack so much of it in DR that you might as well forget that shields exist.
Only thing I could tell devs that would be productive from all this is to test stuff with PvP mentality before releasing it. In other words, take any mechanics to its extremes in the game first. A good example is shield penetration which I for see getting a home run hit from the merf bat since you can stack so much of it in DR that you might as well forget that shields exist.