I am in a Fed ship and the other Fed ships are able to immediately identify that I am doing something spooky. If I knew that was a risk then wouldn't I do something to reduce the obviousness of the action (other than try to do the sabotage when nearby ships are farther away. Then if I am shooting at one ship right next to a space station, why is the station not doing anything.
the big escape is just one big menagerie; the NPC ships just start shooting at everything and not even try to evade to the cruiser. If the objective is to destroy ships then state that and make it so it has a specific number of patrols/ships to destroy before you can make an escape and then throw in some cut scene to represent the rendezvous and escape with the Negh'var.
I am in a Fed ship and the other Fed ships are able to immediately identify that I am doing something spooky. If I knew that was a risk then wouldn't I do something to reduce the obviousness of the action (other than try to do the sabotage when nearby ships are farther away. Then if I am shooting at one ship right next to a space station, why is the station not doing anything.
Agreed, that mission makes very little to no sense. It really shows it's age. I find it unbeliveable that after I'm uncovered to do something I'm not suposed to only 1 ship engages me, while the others just fly next to us and watch me blow up their friends.
the big escape is just one big menagerie; the NPC ships just start shooting at everything and not even try to evade to the cruiser. If the objective is to destroy ships then state that and make it so it has a specific number of patrols/ships to destroy before you can make an escape and then throw in some cut scene to represent the rendezvous and escape with the Negh'var.
The thing is - there's no objective like that. If you put your shuttle engines to max before you land on the starbase to free the prisoners and then when you're in space again and need to escape, just hit evasives and then full impulse as fast as you can and you'll rendezvous with the Negh'var and finish the mission without even firing a shot.
If you're slower and get shoot at the start, then you get involved in the skirmish and the game is programmed in a manner when you can finish/leave maps if you're under red alert, so you need to blow the other ships before you leave then. Same goes for the Negh'var, if you get them involved in the fight too, they can't finish the mission even if you're not at red alert because they are.
Agreed, that mission makes very little to no sense. It really shows it's age. I find it unbeliveable that after I'm uncovered to do something I'm not suposed to only 1 ship engages me, while the others just fly next to us and watch me blow up their friends.
The thing is - there's no objective like that. If you put your shuttle engines to max before you land on the starbase to free the prisoners and then when you're in space again and need to escape, just hit evasives and then full impulse as fast as you can and you'll rendezvous with the Negh'var and finish the mission without even firing a shot.
If you're slower and get shoot at the start, then you get involved in the skirmish and the game is programmed in a manner when you can finish/leave maps if you're under red alert, so you need to blow the other ships before you leave then. Same goes for the Negh'var, if you get them involved in the fight too, they can't finish the mission even if you're not at red alert because they are.