I start a thread here so we can share our builds for Maha and try to overcome it weakness against the federation escorts

that will be able to go behind Maha and stay behind it and it will be hard to shake them off
Turn rate =15
Shield mod=0.85
Crew =200
Impulse mod=.2
Strong points:
5 fore slot and 5 tactical consoles
Console Universal - Heavy Disruptor Spinal Cannons
About Overwhelming Force (Starship Trait) I dont know how good it will be in practice.
because it is advertised as "your Beam Overload attacks will create a reduced radius Charged Particle Burst at the target's location. Your High Yield Torpedo attacks will create a reduced radius Photonic Shockwave at the target's location."
If the effect is produced before it is ok it if produced after BO or torpedo already hit the target I don't see any use of it.(maybe I am wrong )
So post your builds and discuss.
"There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
I refuse to be content
Likewise my Xindi build. For this build I love the lt tac instead of the ensign tac on the xindi.
But it definetly need to be tested first before I am more precise.
Shak - Fed/Rom - Sad Pandas Scort-Veteran - Known Haxxor
Shak'Re - KDF - Soehne von Khaless (Svk)
T'Shara - Fed/Rom - 58. Geschwader
TT1, APB1, BO3, APO3
Lt Tac (2 boffs, swap per situation)
THY1, CRF1 or TS1, CSV1
LtCmdr Eng
Lt Sci (Int)
IT1, HE2
Lt Sci (Uni)
PH1, ST2
Weapons Fore
4 Bio-Disruptor DHC, Bio-Molecular Torp
Weapons Aft
[Arc} Disruptor Beam Array, Heavy Disruptor Turret
Eng Consoles
8472 Set Console (forgot name), Fleet Neutronium, Fleet RCS
Sci Consoles
Plasmonic Leech, Choice Of Clicky
4 Fleet, 8472 Set (for torp and radiation bonuses)
3 Technician, Conn Officer (EPTE), Conn Officer (Tac Team), Warp Core (Cleanse)
Not 100% efficiency, but I figure its a new ship, lets take a stab at trying out all the features and seeing how it works out.
2 cannon cool down
2 sci team cool down
1 evasive cool down event reward
1 35% beam overload doff
Klingon honor guard 3 piece set
since it only has cloak not battle cloak
for the tac readiness and mask energy sig.
elite warp core (amp)
fore, 4 elite fleet DHC 1 enhanced bio torp
aft, 1 disruptor Omni beam, bio turret
console to go with the bio weapons above for 3 piece bonus
plasmonic leech, Old Borg Console. lobi bio tec console
crafted sci console, Proprietary console
5x disruptor console
the omni beam with bo3 might not do a whole hell of allot of damage but the ship skill it causes could be mighty handy same with the torp. normally id say gravometric torp, but the set bonus comes in handy. since its infection rate is not a % chance its guaranteed.