BUG - Taller boots clipping through long trousers.
I've noticed that all the loose long trousers options now have a problem with any taller boots. Basically, where before they would play fine with boots like leather, sierra or antares they now seem to load the whole model for the boot which results in the top of the boot poking out and through the trouser leg in a very unsightly manner.
All the boots seem to clip just above the sole at the back of the boot, just above the heel. The following boots are taller and have the top part poking through;
Boots - Leather
Boots - High, TOS style
To reproduce - Just use these boots together with any pair of loose long trousers and it's plainly visible.
BUG - Missing parts in tailor for females under "Loose, mid ankle".
My toons have all lost the Bajoran trousers option from loose- mid ankle as well as the panels & pockets option which has been missing for the best part of a year now.
To reproduce - Just look under "Loose, mid ankle" in a uniform slot in the tailor and you should see that where there were 2 options a few days ago (Bajoran and Cutoffs) the category is greyed out with only one option (Cutoffs). It used to have "panels & pockets" there a long time ago, an option which is still available to male toons or in outfits which haven't been edited since it vanished.
I forgot to mention that bikini bottoms seems to have a very slight clipping issue on the...er, behind? not a huge issue, but it doesn't seem to go away if one plays with the sliders.
Is it just me, or have ankles gone freakishly thin, especially when using the tight trousers..
The issues are still present, but worse than ever now as things like the TNG admiral split trousers and the whole female TOS outfit are missing.
All of this has actually caused most of my outfit slots to be completely unusable. I can't edit them (tailor won't save to those slots) nor can I switch to the existing outfits in those slots.
Start Screen
Costume Selection Screen
Missing ankle-length "Panels and Pockets" on female characters
Present ankle-length "Panels and Pockets" on male characters
The issues are still present, but worse than ever now as things like the TNG admiral split trousers and the whole female TOS outfit are missing.
All of this has actually caused most of my outfit slots to be completely unusable. I can't edit them (tailor won't save to those slots) nor can I switch to the existing outfits in those slots.