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Omnitabula [Thread Defunct]




-Series Premise-

The Omnitabula, an orb that has a vast library of an ancient civilization locked within, but that is not its greatest treasure. Its greatest treasure is that it can lead its discoverer to its origins; the homeworld of its creators known only as the Xauseans. The knowledge contained there has the potential to become the next Preserver archive. However, a mysterious, and ruthless force known as Enigma seeks that knowledge for its own dark purposes. You and a band of the galaxy’s not-so-finest are the only ones who can stop this as yet undefeated foe, so you don’t have a chance in hell.

So, no pressure then.


Omnitabula: Awakening

The Omnitabula, an ancient orb containing vast amounts of knowledge rivaling the Federation's Memory Alpha is the key to finding Xausea, the orb's place of origin and the potential site of a great assembly of knowledge akin to the Preserver Archive.

But when the orb is taken by an illusive and wicked force known only as Enigma you must use any means at your disposal to take it back before the discovery of a lifetime is lost forever.

Podcast Review:
The Foundry Roundtable (Starts at 50.35, though please watch the rest of it :))


Omnitabula: Threshold


The informally self-labeled Task Force Impromptu is now effectively distanced from any help within the Deadzone. With no way out for the next decade, only one mission remains: finding Xausea, the homeworld whence the Omnitabula was made. There lies a potential wealth of knowledge the equal of the Preserver Archives, and a small hope of a way home.

But what will be found within the Deadzone will only begin to reveal the true nature of what is yet to come...


Omnitabula: Beyond

Everything comes together in this explosive conclusion of the Omnitabula trilogy. Discover the dark secret of the Xausean homeworld, acheive a greater understading of the nature of Enigma, and find the unexpected.


Original Message:

Pre-production of this series has been going so well that I think it is time I start spilling the beans on what’s what with my upcoming new series, Omnitabula, coming early 2015. Also, I’m just really excited about this project that I just couldn’t keep it all to myself anymore; I had to say something!

Since this series will be more character focused than any of my previous projects, character biographies will be the first bits of info to be revealed. After that, I’m not sure. Maybe have an overview of the starships for this series or something. Depends on how much info I should be revealing pre-2015 launch.

The actual production of this new series will not begin until after the all-but-likely foundry downtime post Delta Rising, so these pre-production information posts will give me something foundry related to do while that’s going on.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Dr. Elena Pearle
    Marital Status: Single
    Age: 38
    Lead Archaeologist/Researcher

    Dr. Elena Pearle has always been on the hunt to find answers about disappearances of ancient civilizations, even when she was a young girl back on Betazoid. It was that drive of curiosity that landed her a high position among a crack archaeological team, who call themselves the “Mystery Hunters,” who are contracted by several Federation institutions like Daystrom or Memory Alpha for solving the toughest of mysteries. They have solved many mysteries, such as the seemingly unexplained disappearance of the Quartzen Civilization on Quartzea IV, and recently the unexplained archaeological gap, a timespan where almost no record of exists, of the Voltia People on Voltai. Sometimes they are defeated by mysteries, such as the Civilization that still has no official name on Oouertaibmixanxerz V (the name is actually far longer, but it has been shortened to make it easier for others to pronounce, not that anyone actually could).

    The string of successes she did have allowed Dr. Elena and her team to be hired into high priority archaeological studies of the Dyson Sphere by the Daystrom Institute. The sphere is the site of a lifetime for Elena as there is so much to be explored. Yet, the task of researching it is made difficult by the presence of the Voth, causing some potential sites of study to become battlefields instead. It was fortunate then that a certain library, what can only be called a library that is, was not a battlefield. It is there that she makes her greatest discovery.

    What Dr. Elena had found was an orb. It was about 30cm in size, and had appeared to be purely decorative item. It was only after closer observation did Elena begin to realize what she had stumbled upon. She first began noticing, and this is where things begin to get technical, odd nano-crystalline patterns through-out the interior of the orb. These crystals being formed right down to the molecular level. After a series of tests, one involving an energy beam, she began to realize that these patterns were meant to be read. After making the necessary modifications to a tricorder, she found that it indeed carried data. This data appeared to be composed of only star charts, but that only scratched the surface of the nano-crystalline patterns.

    Elena, with help from everyone on her team counted all the patterns and came to an estimation of the amount of how much data each could represent (each crystal appears to have been “etched” in some fashion). After rechecking the results, they came to the astonishing prospect that this orb could contain more information than Memory Alpha itself, and then some. One of the members of the team nicknamed the orb the Omnitabula, a title that has stuck ever since. In order to confirm that it contains the amount of data it is suspected to carry, the Omnitabula will have to be accessed.

    To this day, it defies all attempts at decryption. It is like nothing anyone had ever encountered before, and there seems to be many layers of it. It was also discovered through these attempts at decryption that the crystalline structures at the center of the orb might actually be a generator of some kind, its purpose unknown. Dr. Elena quickly made the deciphering of the Omnitabula and the unlocking of its secrets her personal mission.
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Amanda Atalanta/ “Cobalt”
    Marital Status: Single
    Age: 35

    Current Command: USS Quartet

    One of few purpose built S31 ships, it is run by a minimal crew with most systems being automated with high redundancy. The origin of its unusual name is a bit of a mystery.

    She always had an eye to change the world in which she lived, but she often found great annoyance at all the “rules” and “limits” that was a little too limiting. Perhaps this was why she secretly joined Section 31 at only 19 years of age, when an agent had made an offer that was all too tempting (this happened shortly after her sister had enlisted in Starfleet). It had two points two all too tempting points, one that they would go to any lengths to protect the Federation and her ideals; two, that they could change the world for the better using their unrestricted resources. This seemed like an ideal group to work with to the then all too impressionable and renegade Amanda, who had adopted the title of “Cobalt,” which was her favorite color.

    The organization had an eye on her for her acuity and mental prowess, something that had made her family urge her to join Starfleet, which she constantly declined. She viewed Starfleet as being pretentious and self-righteous, facets that, in her view, made them too complacent and incapable of achieving the kind of change she was looking for.

    Section 31 seemed to fit well into her philosophy of how one ought to change the world, i.e., not letting anything get in the way of what needed to be done. But slowly she began to realize all too late of the organization’s true nature. The organization had attempted to conceal some of their darker nature from her because they knew that it could drive away what they viewed as an invaluable asset. However, “Cobalt” had already guessed their nature, and has increasingly become resentful of them. She wisely hid her feelings from the organization.

    It wasn’t until 2409 when she could redeem herself, and actually use Section 31 to finally make a positive difference somewhere. During a brief schism between two cells of S31, she chose the side opposed to the operative “Ray,” who had believed that a conduit leading to an all too dangerous enemy to be the weapon the Federation needed. “Cobalt” had effectively put an end to the situation after enlisting the help of an up and coming Starfleet officer, and by happenstance her sister. She had managed to conceal her service to S31, barely, throughout the entire “Conduit Incident.”

    Now it should be said that she has often wondered what her life would have been like if she had chosen to join Starfleet, to follow her older sister’s footsteps instead.
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Elliot Vasco
    Li Brynjar
    Human...................................................Trill (Joined since January, 2410)
    Marital Status: Single...............................Single
    Age: 32...................................................32
    Rank: Captain..........................................Captain

    Current Command: USS Etoile..................Current Command: USS Flameberge

    Left: USS Etoile . . . . . . . . Right: USS Flameberge

    It is nearly impossible to talk about one without talking about the other, as Captain Elliot Vasco and Captain Li Brynjar have seemingly always been in a perpetual state of friendly competition. This was the case all the way back to their Starfleet Academy days, where they raced to see who could graduate first. They finished at the same time. Then they had a little race to see who could be promoted to Captain first. They achieved this at the same time. Aside from the larger, career driven competitions, they also have their smaller ones. Just who has won the most of these can not really be confirmed, as Vasco and Brynjar would both give a different answer. How or why these competitions got started remains a mystery, although some rumors indicate the involvement of a girl. Perhaps they were trying to impress her in some way.

    Starfleet Command has always shown some concern with their rivalry, as it has been noted that things could get heated on occasion yet it has never gone too far. Starfleet tried assigning them to separate missions for at least a year only to notice that there was a noticeable drop in their performances. Since then they have always been paired together, yet Command was always wary about giving them a truly critical assignment. Both captains have noted this and are very annoyed.

    So far there is nothing extraordinary to note about their skills yet (by Starfleet standards). There have been hints that they could achieve more if they would not be so concerned with outdoing the other, and if they are ever to be given the right opportunity.
  • lordarathronlordarathron Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    This looks like it should be really good. Keep up the good work!
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited September 2014
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Eveline Atalanta
    Marital Status: Married (to Aetius Pyralis in Early Nov. 2409.)
    Age: 41
    Rank: Rear Admiral Upper Half

    Current (though technically past) Command: USS Audentia (refitted Jan. 2410)

    Technically, this is really the Admiral's favorite mode of transport, although it was her command when she was Captain. The actual, current commander is Captain Talarii who is close friends with the Admiral. Eveline likes to take any chance she can get to board, and even command the ship.

    With the heart of an explorer, she could have been considered a complete role model of a Starfleet officer if it wasn’t for her tendency towards unusual tactics.

    She applied to Starfleet Academy at the age of 21. She had always wanted to go to places nobody has ever been before, with just the thought of it being enough to give her unusual amounts of energy. This passion tended to manifest itself in the form of her tendency to use unusual solutions to any problem. This resulted in her using some odd solutions to certain academic challenges, particularly when it came to survival and combat exercises. She graduated Magna TRIBBLE Laude from the academy, and began her first tour of duty as a helm officer on the USS Mangudai, a Nova class starship.

    During her service on the USS Mangudai, her tendency towards unusual solutions allowed her to make a name for herself. This got the attention of the then Captain Gautier, who saw the potential in her and had become something of a mentor. Eveline always considered Gautier to be her role model. Within two years, and with a recommendation from her captain, she became first officer of the USS Thrush. It was there that she began to show great promise as a commander. Because of this, her tour on the Thrush was cut short when she was recommended by her captain for command of the Audentia, an offer she did not hesitate to accept. She has come to regard her time as captain to be her best years in Starfleet, since it was then when she was truly exploring the unknown.

    When the most recent Klingon-Federation War began, her skills as a captain caught the attention of the Admiralty, who were looking for commanders capable of running a small task force. Eveline was one of the few granted a promotion to the rank of Rear Admiral Lower Half since her tactics would be unpredictable to the Klingons. She was not particularly fond of the idea of being an Admiral, but she understood it was her duty to protect the very thing that had allowed her to live out her dreams.

    Her first trial as Admiral happened sooner than expected when she was investigating the crash site of a merchant ship. It turned out to have held a new type of Omega Molecule, and that brought a lot of unexpected attention from Nausicaan Raiders (Employed by the Breen), Starfleet, Section 31, and a host of other factions. This started a chain reaction of events that led to an intense conflict within the Badlands, initially a fight between various factions until the Borg showed up. The conflict ended shortly thereafter, with the new Omega Molecule being destroyed along with a conduit and several AU worth of subspace. That situation has since been classified and an investigation is still ongoing.

    Despite her accomplishments during the war and in the conflict later termed “The Conduit Incident,” she found herself missing the thrill of the unknown. It had seemed to her that exploration is in danger of taking a back seat to fighting the Federation’s recent plethora of enemies, if it hasn’t already. Eveline often wonders if she would ever have a chance at exploring again.
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    At this point you are probably wondering what in space this series is all about, so I have finally got around to providing a brief series synopsis that should answer that question. Hope it peaks your interest!

    The Omnitabula, an orb that has a vast library of an ancient civilization locked within, but that is not its greatest treasure. Its greatest treasure is that it can lead its discoverer to its origins; the homeworld of its creators known only as the Xauseans. The knowledge contained there has the potential to become the next Preserver archive. However, a mysterious, and ruthless force known as Enigma seeks that knowledge for its own dark purposes. You and a band of the galaxy’s not-so-finest are the only ones who can stop this as yet undefeated foe, so you don’t have a chance in hell.

    So, no pressure.
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Thras Ansgar
    Marital Status: Single
    Age: 49
    Rank: Captain

    Current Command: USS Validus
    Just a bog-standard Sovvy.

    The Captain of the USS Validus, Captain Ansgar, has shown competent command ability despite his cynical outlook on the universe as a whole. He never entirely trusts anyone, even his own senior staff. Strangely, this has never impacted his command performance which have always been up to snuff. His Chief Medical Officer shows concern from time to time, but whenever she investigates the effects of her commander’s cynicism she always finds that the “negative outbursts” are likely a form of catharsis. Sometimes these outbursts can be a source of wry amusement for his crew, often lowering tensions in a tight situation.

    He wasn’t always really cynical, but his time in the Captain’ Chair seemed to have amplified his dispositions. He had always possessed a certain level of cynicism, but it was often overshadowed by his enthusiasm for discovering the world around him. This enthusiasm eventually led him into signing up for Starfleet. After a few tough semesters, his cynicism grew but was not all that noticeable except to his close friends. After some time among the stars, and a few rough encounters with hostile species, he became more cynical, now starting to overshadow his lighter side.

    He came into command of the Validus during an encounter with a still to be identified species around research station Sigma 201. The mission was supposed to be a simple transport of research materials to Memory Alpha, but the attack came suddenly. The attackers had managed to disabled the ship in record time, leaving her powerless to defend the research facility, which was attacked shortly after. The encounter lead to the deaths of the Captain and First Officer, among others, leaving Ansgar as the senior ranking officer. Unable to assist the facility, he managed to lead the Validus to safety behind a moon, destroying a pursing attack fighter in the process.

    He did not escape the encounter unharmed for his right arm was severely injured. Despite this, he coordinated repairs and, when it was discovered it was all over, led the ship back to a drydock for repairs. The chief medical officer later convinced him to stay under medical supervision. His arm, due to complications, was later replaced with a mostly cybernetic one. It was later discovered that one of the senior staff, the chief security officer, mysteriously went missing just before the encounter.

    While it still remains uncertain who or what was responsible for the raid on the research station, his performance impressed the Admiralty enough that he was given official command of the Validus.

    This came shortly before another Klingon-Federation War

    It is safe to say that his time in the command seat was never a smooth one, which has contributed to his now very noticeable cynically inclined view of everything. One wonders if there is anything that can happen that could change his current dispositions for the better, if he could ever actually trust anyone again. Perhaps finding those responsible for the attack on Sigma may be the catalyst he needs.
  • pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    This is some really great work! I'm interested to see how this goes!

  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Oh wow, thanks! :D

    I'll try to not disappoint!
  • kagasenseikagasensei Member Posts: 526 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    awesome artwork. however, i think it is very ironic, that you put all this work into this when at the same time the mugshots of the characters were taken at extremely low graphic settings... ^^
  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Star has a fan :P.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    kagasensei wrote: »
    awesome artwork. however, i think it is very ironic, that you put all this work into this when at the same time the mugshots of the characters were taken at extremely low graphic settings... ^^

    Well it seems that I could squeeze a little more power out of my little machine after all! :D Character images have been updated with higher quality ones.


  • kagasenseikagasensei Member Posts: 526 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Well it seems that I could squeeze a little more power out of my little machine after all! :D Character images have been updated with higher quality ones.



    there ya go ;)
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Hmm.... Interesting.


    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • imadude3imadude3 Member Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    must play....... must. play must. plAY. muST. PLAY. MUST. PLAY!!!
    Maintaining peace through overwhelming firepower.
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Admiral Nikolai Gautier
    Marital Status: Married
    Age: 65
    Rank: Admiral

    Last Command: USS Phalanx


    One who was born to frustrate all his enemies (at least, that's what he later claimed), Admiral Gautier did not earn his reputation for nothing. He always had, and always will stand his ground no matter how dire the situation may be. This was apparent before he was accepted into the academy. In fact, it was this very trait that had made him such a prospective cadet in the first place, and it only grew during his time in the academy.

    Carrying this attitude with him into active service, he rose quickly through the ranks, achieving the rank of First Officer on the USS Feldspar inside only three years. A little over a year and a half later, he was promoted to the captain’s seat of the USS Indefatigable. It was during his time as commander of the indefatigable that he happened on a lieutenant Eveline Atalanta, who had impressed him with her unusual solutions to various problems. He became her mentor for a time, and finally recommended her transfer to the USS Thrush as a first officer.

    It also during his time in the Captain’s Chair that he proved his command ability in combat, especially against forces that often outnumbered and/or outgunned him. That isn’t to say that such battles were quickly decided, but that he has an uncanny ability to delay or survive a powerful enemy onslaught, sometimes to the point of being able to somehow respond in kind. This earned him the nickname “Corbomite” among those who know him after Captain Kirk’s fictitious substance.

    A case in point of his skills occurred during an incident with a rogue Klingon attack wing while heading towards K-7. During this conflict, Gautier managed to outwit and even score some heavy hits over a period of three hours after which a Starfleet task force arrived to capture the bewildered attackers. His performance during that conflict later earned him a promotion into the Admiralty when it was decided that Starfleet would benefit from having him apply his tactics across the fleet. This turned out to be a good move when the next Klingon-Fed War broke out.

    Gautier’s primary commands soon settled out in the Eta Eridani and Iota Pavonis Sector Blocks, in response to recent Tal’Shiar troubles. It was here when he became concerned with the disappearance of Adm. Atalanta and had to send in a rapidly up-and-coming Starfleet Captain to assess the situation. This eventually led to what became known as the “Conduit Incident.”

    Shortly after that episode he decided to retire to his family’s small business on Earth, part of the reason being that he “was tired of conflict.” The other being that he wanted to settle down with his family. Starfleet has tried to bring him back into service, but Gautier repeatedly states that they really don’t need him to return. At least, he seemed set on this until the Undine attack on ESD. That may have changed his mind somewhat.


    That leaves only two more biographies to go. Next week's will be last of the "heroes" and it is not one, but a whole squad of them!

    The final one (week 8) will be a glimpse into the villain.
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Due to an oncoming busy week, I'm releasing this one early.

    Left to Right: A'Eir, M'Athen, T'Agni, M'Elpis

    The Leopardus Unit

    Caitian Special Forces units are masters of a variety of combat scenarios including in-ship, on-planet, and space-fighter combat (their specialty). It is rare for anyone to meet commando squads like this, and often anyone who does are left unable to tell the tale. Most are often unaware of their presence due to their seemingly unnatural stealth abilities, thanks to their Caitian Physiology and intense training. These squads do not just operate at the infantry unit level, they are also trained in the art of space war in their fighter spacecraft.

    Initially they would often be deployed as a quick solution to any threats to the Caitian Homeworld, specifically any Ferasian threats. Due to recent events, however, their operational horizons have been expanded to deal with threats such as Borg, Undine and the Voth, and even having training in “what-if” scenarios that deal with possible future threats. One of these exercises involves an Iconian invasion, a scenario that attempts to extrapolate Iconian invasion strength based on knowledge gained from the spheres and gateways.

    One of these units, called “Leopardus,” is the subject this biography. They are known in the Special Forces as the “B grade” team, but don’t let that title fool you as they are still plenty dangerous.

    - - - - - - - - - - -

    - A’Eir [Squad Leader]

    Marital Status: Single
    Age: 39

    • As would be expected for one with the most experience in the unit, A’Eir is the Leopardus unit’s leader. He experience in the Catian Special Forces dates back to well before the recent Klingon-Federation War. He has been a part of many operations, small and large, and has accrued a 99% success rate.

    The lost 1% rate was due to a failed assault on a dangerous Ferasian cell known to be trafficking weapons and some kind of drug in 2409. It fell apart due to the arrival of an unexpectedly strong contingent of Remans. A’Eir managed to escape along with a few others. After this incident he has been put in-charge of the Leopardus Unit, which is seen as a B-Team by some of the other squads. He saw it as a demotion, a kind of price for his failed operation. Since then he has been attempting to erase that stain on his record, accepting and even forcing his way into the most dangerous assignments he could get.

    Currently, his squad is helping to push back a small Elachi incursion in Federation space before it becomes too serious.

    - - - - - - - - - - -
    - M’Athen [Squad Brawler]

    Marital Status: Single
    Age: 33

    • M’Athen is the squad’s “brawler,” she has an almost unhealthy fondness for the art of the melee and is easily excited in any close in fights. This excitement often resulting in a kind of ferocity few rarely see, making her especially deadly to anyone within range. Anyone. This is probably why nearly everyone who knew her in training often feared to practice martial arts with her for her ferocity often left her opponents senseless, sometimes needing medical attention.

    The roots of her terrifying ferocity lies in a past experience (when she was 17) where her family was at a colony that was the scene of a violent assault by Nausicaan and Ferasian Raiders. She had personally fended off several attackers as she made her escape. The fate of her family remains unknown, although she still makes attempts at finding them day after day. She joined the Special Forces as a way to nip dangerous threats in the bud, thus helping to prevent others from sharing her experience.

    It was uncertain what the true psychological impact of her past experiences may be and how it could affect her actual combat performance. However, because she was very skilled at what she has chosen to do and since she had determination to back it up, it was decided that she should stay in the forces, but was sent to join the Leopardus unit. She quickly earned the reputation of most dangerous element among her squad mates.

    - - - - - - - - - - -
    - M’Elpis [Squad Tech Genius]

    Marital Status: Single
    Age: 29

    • Joining the Caitain Special Forces for no other apparent reason than boredom, M’Elpis has always been almost unreasonably savvy with computers. She will often cause some mischief using computers if she believes she can get away with it. Luckily for most, her antics have proven to be largely harmless. Unluckily, it can annoy others, yet because she is so good at manipulating computer systems she has remained in the Special Forces.

    Because of this attitude, and in spite of training, she was assigned to Leopardus from the get-go. She holds the distinction of being the longest serving unit member. She was never promoted to squad leader partly because she has never wanted it, but mostly because the higher ups actually have some sense. When it comes to computer warfare though, there is hardly anyone better. On nearly all of her assignments she has shown, surprisingly, near flawless performance. Nearly every assignment.

    There has been one disastrous operation where all previous members of the Leopardus apart from herself didn’t make it. These members have since been replaced by the current squad makeup. Despite not actually making a mistake during it, she still feels some sense of responsibility for the disaster. Now she is often making improvements to her gear so that she “won’t miss anything again.” As of now, few organizations can claim to have personal computer systems as sophisticated as the one M’Elpis now has.

    - - - - - - - - - - -
    - T’Agni [Squad Rookie]

    Marital Status: Single
    Age: 24

    • The least experienced of the group, T’Agni’s job in the unit is to provide suppressing fire, from long range. He can also take out enemy squad leaders before the rest of the squad moves in. He currently shows great talent in long range marksmanship, although his arrogant attitude prevents him from reaching full-effectiveness (not enough focus). He believes his squad to be invincible, especially himself, a belief his other squad mates wish to see him grow out of sooner rather than later.

    All of the other Leopardus members have much experience in the ways of war, and the costs it all too often comes with. T’Agni believes they have just gotten old and bitter, and that they may actually be slowing him down, so they would do well to retire sooner rather than later.

    A’Eir believes that the young lad could amount to something if only he would grow out of his present irritation of an attitude that currently clouds his judgments.
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Since all of the main, good characters have been revealed, I thought it would be nice to get a photo of them all together!

  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    [Redacted] Intel 86-445A-OM: Enigma
    [Document declassified for selected Captains and allies of the Federation only.]


    Rare captures of Enigma forces.

    Little is known of the force known as Enigma, even less for the mastermind behind it. What is known is that it is some kind of far-reaching operation whose ultimate goal remains unknown to us. This goal will need to be discovered if we are ever to effectively defend the Federation against this threat. Not that we haven’t already tried, as many operatives have attempted to procure it. None have been successful. Few have ever returned from their assignments and others have met unknown fates.

    Any engagements with Enigma, should the threat of it ever occur, is ill-advised. If for any reason you anticipate that conflict is inevitable, then you must recruit whatever assistance you can find. Do not fight single-ship.
    Identification of an Enigma force can almost be impossible due its extensive use of proxies, most of whom remain under the radar. Very few of these proxies have been uncovered, some discovered within several intelligence agencies. As hard as it is to believe, they have even infiltrated our own ranks. It has only ever happened once. Of course, that is but a hope.

    The primary force, which we have termed “Enigma Actual,” historically have almost never shown themselves. When they do, it is often not known to be an Enigma operation until after a thorough investigation has taken place. The reason their attacks are so difficult to recognize is because they randomize the weapon types they use. For instance, they will use phasers for one attack, and the next they’re running polaron weapons. There have even been rumors of cases where some form of Borg technology was used. Not only that, but their troops tend to disintegrate (presumably via nano-technology) after either falling in battle, or upon capture making any kind of interrogation impossible.

    The reason these attacks can be confirmed at all is that they follow a distinctive style, with a seemingly specific aim. They are characterized by being sudden and decisive, and too often happening too quickly for any chance of an effective response to occur. And they almost always succeed in whatever their objectives were, which appears to be the harvesting of information. We still can’t confirm what exactly it is they are after, but they do not seem to be too concerned with anything related to the capabilities of the Federation, or any other known faction. We find this unsettling, to say the least.

    We have been able to mount a response on several occasions, often by having the luck of being there when it happens. These encounters are where Enigma displays his true deviousness. Sometimes what appeared to be victory when it was actually nothing more than a ruse to fool us into thinking we had a victory. A cover for the real operation that was happening beneath our noses. And they always pull this off, and we only discover what has happened too late. The level of coordination to achieve this is astounding, almost like the entire Enigma force is really just one living thing represented by different assets. If we could only find its head…

    Recent times have seen a marked increase in confirmed identifications of Enigma Actual operations, especially after the discovery of the Solonae Dyson Sphere. We are almost certain that this is a sign that they are getting close to whatever it is they are after, and we have so far been proven powerless to stop them.

    We will need to increase our efforts regarding this threat if the tables are to be turned, for the sake of the Federation’s survival. Requesting assistance from Starfleet and their allies is not off the table.

    [Addendum, stardate -------.]
    You should not pursue those whose abilities and motives are beyond your understanding, nor should you seek understanding.
    It will be for naught when the time comes.

    End of File.
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited November 2014
  • khregkhreg Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This looks truly epic. Can't wait to play.
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    @khreg :)

    Some more photos.




    This is going to be my last post for November as I will putting all my efforts on this project towards its completion as well as the New Year's project that I'm working on. Probably won't hear from me again until early-mid December.

    Until next time!
  • khregkhreg Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    From someone who used to do it many moons ago, that is some serious level design.

    Take a bow!
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    Intel MW-AQ-S260684-C Deadzone
    Location: Classified
    Size: 3 light years across on average.

    The aptly named “DeadZone” is a zone of space characterized by its appearance as a giant, impenetrable looking gas cloud, and where warp travel is impossible. Initially it was erroneously believed that this was the site of an Omega Molecule detonation but was later discovered to not be the case. That didn’t stop it from being classified and travel to its surrounding regions restricted.

    One startling discovery led to the disproval of the Omega Detonation hypothesis, and it was the existence of subspace tunnels, a phenomena that occurs once every decade and only lasts for an average twelve days. These phenomena could not exist in an area where subspace was completely destroyed by an Omega Detonation, so something else is happening here. There are now two explanations (among those who know of it) for the existence of this region. One claims that it is a natural phenomenon yet to be understood by current science. The other is that this region is actually artificial in origin, and this makes a certain kind of sense as it could explain why there are subspace tunnels. Namely, that they are used to facilitate travel and that the region itself is meant to ward off unwanted visitors. But this theory falls short due to the tunnels only opening every decade, and while the length of their existence lasts an average of 12 days, the actual time falling anywhere between 9 and 15 days. If this really is an artificial construct, then why is it so impractical? So the nature of the subspace tunnels as well as the area itself remain a mystery.

    Attempts were made to explore these tunnels by Starfleet Intelligence and the like, but the probes that were sent in and later ships to retrieve said probes and to explore were never heard from again. These as yet unexplained disappearances are the reason that the region continues to be a classified and restricted to travel. Long range scans were attempted instead, but these could only see into the tunnels before their winding nature prevented the scans from reaching deep into the zone. New methods of investigation into this region have been ongoing since.
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Omnitabula: Awakening

    Release Date: January 7, 2015
    Author: starfarertheta
    Level Requirement: 51+
    Faction: Starfleet
    Length: 45 - 90 Minutes

    Feature Information:

    - Story

    Mission Description (Subject to modification):

    The Omnitabula, an ancient orb containing vast amounts of knowledge rivaling the Federation's Memory Alpha is the key to finding Xausea, the orb's place of origin and the potential site of a great assembly of knowledge akin to the Preserver Archive.

    But when the orb is taken by an illusive and wicked force known only as Enigma you must use any means at your disposal to take it back before the discovery of a lifetime is lost forever.

    The characters:
    If you’ve been reading this thread since September, then you should know that I’ve put a lot of thought into the characters for this series. This is going to be a massive improvement over my previous outing, The Unsung Missions, where, in hindsight (always right?) I could’ve done more with the characters. This is, in part, the reason why I’m making this series, to try my hand at a story where the characters will have changed, even if ever so slightly, by the end of the story.

    This mission will feature dialogue summaries in order to help prevent the mission from being too long for those who are short on time.

    Branching dialogue will also be present, although they may be fewer in number compared to my previous efforts (this series is far and away the most story driven one I'm making to date).

    - Combat

    Both space and ground types will be present in this mission.

    The combat here will be relatively brief (so that you will not get bogged down), but sometimes difficult. There is also another element at play, the enemy Enigma, unlike other adversaries, does not use just one set of weapon types. Each encounter will be different. For example: one time they may use tetryon weaponry and the next they may use plasma weaponry. Should keep you on your toes. :)

    - Bonus Objectives

    This will be implemented differently from the bonus objectives in The Unsung Missions. 1) There will be fewer, and 2) they will be integrated more tightly with the main story (the reason for this change was the result of the suggestions from a well known reviewer.). Take a gander at these should you decide to play this series as they can provide background information on the subject of interest in a particular mission (each mission will have their own theme with regards to bonus objectives.)

    - Puzzles

    There will be few of these implemented into the mission, and they will be rather basic, text ones (it’s my first attempt at a puzzle in the foundry, so don’t go in expecting much.).

    - Miscellaneous Mission Info:

    * There are 10 maps, 5 ground and 5 space. 2 of the ground maps feature costume structures, with one of those even featuring some custom terrain (in so far as is possible in the foundry).

    * 45 custom costumes are used (some characters using multiple costumes.)

    Author’s note:
    This first part of the series is basically the introductory phase where the focus is on introducing you to the characters and to set up what comes in parts 2 and 3. Those are the parts I’m really looking forward to making as those are where what I consider to be the really good stuff happens (I have this whole thing written out, just need to build). As it stands right now, I’m focusing my attention of getting things just right in part one as it is the most important part. If I mess it up, then there really won’t be any point in making the other 2 parts.

    I sincerely hope you all will still be interested in giving this series a chance come January. In the meantime, back to the foundry…
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Edit: Nevermind. Here are some screenshots instead.


  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Don't know if these were recently added, or if I was just that thick this whole time, but I have just discovered the "Light - TRIBBLE' White Omni" detail objects. They make custom interior work look so much better! Take a look...


  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    When the Key of knowledge is found,
    Twelve heroes will follow it home,
    In search of its promised treasure,
    Awakening the journey.

    Along the way,
    Against nemesis of the twelve,
    Until the Key's home is reached,
    A struggle that will claim one.

    But when home is reached,
    It is in truth only a facade,
    Hiding within it the guarded Threshold,
    a gateway to home's true land.

    Through the door,
    The uncharted sea awaits,
    Removed from the realm of familiar stars.

    Lying in that Beyond,
    The treasure will be found,
    And yet be unexpected,
    But holding even greater value.

    And a greater power will reveal itself,
    Revealing the true nature of the nemesis,
    To be faced in battle else a starscape is forever silenced,
    But victory is never without cost,
    so four shall fall.

    When finally home,
    The seven remaining heroes,
    Forever changed with lessons heavy,
    Are left to face their separate journeys.

    Whelp, that marks my final post for this thread for 2014. Should give y'all something to think about for a bit.

    Wish you all a great and happy New Year! :)
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Well, I had scheduled part one of this series to be released today, except that it won't publish. :(

    So the release of Omnitabula: Awakening has been delayed.
This discussion has been closed.