I think Cryptic should be more focused on content then ship sales. I think Eve Online and maybe a few other games get subscriptions because of it. The content is higher and stronger, and not based on one time ship sales. I would be happy to pay for Eve or any other subscription type game. I have one with Second Life and will get Eve Online.
Since the content is piece meal and sometimes crappy on STO. I wouldn't pay into it. The content is so low I am playing level 50 content with a Tier 4 ship which is still beating the content.
::looks at the Eve money pit::
if you had seen the story mission and queued mission on tribble, even in the WIP state they are in.....you would not have any questions about the quality of content in delta rising
Many people are forgetting one essential thing regarding STO:
For free players (myself included) and low payers to have the ability to buy C-store items without paying anything, there must be people who will spend their money to acquire ZEN and put it on the market for the rest of the people.
Don't get me wrong, I like the way Cryptic enabled us to access paid content without having to actually pay for it, but to say that "everything is free" is a blatant lie as well. Cryptic needs money to keep the game running, and while that money doesn't come from people using Dilithium Exchange to buy C-store items, it comes from the people who put that ZEN on the market in the first place. And yes, I know I said the same thing twice.
On the other hand, having not real $5 items (aside form Master Key) is another part of story... but I won't go into that.
Just because you read/watch an article/video made by a surgeon doesn't mean that as a result you personally will suddenly have the insight to judge other surgeons work/expertise. :rolleyes:
but we arent talking about a field that i have no participation in. this isnt brain surgery.
this is gaming, and i am a gamer. the extra credit videos are so successful because they are created by a dev, for devs, and presented in a way that gamers can easily follow. it is for that reason that so many people love those videos; they feel its a person 'in the know' voicing their own view with an eloquence and authority that they cannot voice themselves.
do you dispute what was in that video? or do you instead dispute that it is applicable to sto? because they are two very different things (and if you were clever you would have already realised that).
yes I know they'll likely never see it... but still theres that .000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance
i liked the item in the second of their vids i watched, the money bomb.
i thought i would like to see that in the game, its where you buy this bomb for say $1 or $2 then you go to somewhere like say earth spacedock and throw it and when it explodes loads of goodies pop out that other players can pick up.
the player that threw the bomb cant pick anything up but you can enjoy watching all the others scrambleing for stuff, and they can all tell who threw the bomb so you can bask in their gratitude.
it would be awsome cool if every now and then someone would pick up a free ship from something like that just like with the lockboxes, it would be like buying lockbox keys in reverse where someone else gets the star prize.
this sounded like an awsome device and i would love to see it in game, wonder if the discoball haters would complain over something like that.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I have very few issues with the F2P system and how it it is employed by STO. Even the cost of the new pack doesn't really concern me. I just think Cryptic needs to relook at how they implement their system. I think that they would have had more support from giving making the T5U a free upgrade for all ships then charge for the upgrade to T6. And by upgrade I mean add the BO ability and maybe the trait and make the BO ability tied to either Tac/En/Sci and not intel. If the Intel officer is as good as they want it to be people will buy those ships anyway.
but we arent talking about a field that i have no participation in. this isnt brain surgery.
this is gaming, and i am a gamer. the extra credit videos are so successful because they are created by a dev, for devs, and presented in a way that gamers can easily follow. it is for that reason that so many people love those videos; they feel its a person 'in the know' voicing their own view with an eloquence and authority that they cannot voice themselves.
do you dispute what was in that video? or do you instead dispute that it is applicable to sto? because they are two very different things (and if you were clever you would have already realised that).
Key words here are " anecdotal evidence " , and to parallel the surgeon quote, you can imagine all kinds of illnesses, and there are many books which talk about many diseases with identical symptoms. The extra credit videos play to the mob mentality, rather then putting responsibility on the mob to not bite off more then it can chew. This thread is pure evidence of people who think picking up a gaming controller gives special business and economics power to create a perfect game. It's not only flawed, but it's irresponsible to assume you know where a company stands when looking from the outside in. If there was a magic bullet for gaming development, it would have been used long ago.
There are many of us who don't see Cryptics path as entirely evil. I also acknowledge that there are some in this community who can find fault with it.
But to to post a video without context lacks intelligence.. It fans the flames without saying why.
When you think of it, the game currently boil down to:
1.) You can play lvl 60 content without paying $$$$
2.) $$$ makes the game go.
We can argue (as this forum tends to) where the money is being spent, what content we'd prefer, whether exploration should be the fundamental draw vs. conflicts, or whether or not PvP is 'whatever'... and that's ok.
Make suggestions. Defend those ideas. Get a job. Earn some cash. Go to college. Procreate.
Don't paint the game with one, albeit interesting & argumentative, brush.
Loving all these posts full of pretentiously judgmental declarations about the great unwashed masses but not one single substantive comment about what was in the actual video.
The "but stupid people will do stupid things!" argument is a one-size-fits-all solution for not having to grapple with the information.
Key words here are " anecdotal evidence " , and to parallel the surgeon quote, you can imagine all kinds of illnesses, and there are many books which talk about many diseases with identical symptoms. The extra credit videos play to the mob mentality, rather then putting responsibility on the mob to not bite off more then it can chew. This thread is pure evidence of people who think picking up a gaming controller gives special business and economics power to create a perfect game. It's not only flawed, but it's irresponsible to assume you know where a company stands when looking from the outside in. If there was a magic bullet for gaming development, it would have been used long ago.
I... have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say.
While I can only speak for myself I do not think I can create a perfect game. In fact I know I cannot many years of GMing more tabletop RPGs than I can remember have taught me one very important lesson. A good game depends heavily upon what you want to get out of it and your own personal taste.
What I am attempting to express to Cryptic as feedback is how the entire T5FU and fleet upgrade of the past for ships feels for me. To identify the fact that for me an amount of the resentment I have toward their product is because of this system in the past and the future one. That I do in fact want to give them $5 but I do not wish to feel forced to do so and I want something other than a master key to purchase that creates excitement for me.
Even with that said though the original linked video does highlight an important issue for the entire F2P market from a big picture standpoint even if it is not 100% specific to STO. An over reliance upon whales for your income and not having a diversified revenue stream from a variety of player types might not be successful long term for any F2P game nor the market.
STO is lucky though, it stands alone in two nitch markets. That of generic casual Sci Fi spaceship game and as a Star Trek MMO. It has absolutely no direct competition at the moment.
Nope. I dispute that the average TRIBBLE who has no training in any aspect of producing and maintaining an MMO, or running a multi-million dollar business knows what he's talking about just because he watched a video.
People can't repeat a single sentence to one another without TRIBBLE it up. I learned that fact in the navy during my firefighting training. You'd think it's easy to simply repeat something but it's not. What one person says and what another person hears are two completely different things.
It doesn't matter how simple and obvious you make it, people will still TRIBBLE it up. For example around 2000 I worked customer service for Kraft, and I got a complaint from a woman that had an allergic reaction to a candy bar. She was allergic to nuts. The product she was complaining about... Planters Peanut Bar. Apparently the name Peanut bar wasn't an obvious indication it contained nuts. Nor the list of ingredients that states it contained peanuts, and peanut oil, nor finally the fact that when opened it's plain to see the candy bar is made out of peanuts.
Key words here are " anecdotal evidence " , and to parallel the surgeon quote, you can imagine all kinds of illnesses, and there are many books which talk about many diseases with identical symptoms. The extra credit videos play to the mob mentality, rather then putting responsibility on the mob to not bite off more then it can chew. This thread is pure evidence of people who think picking up a gaming controller gives special business and economics power to create a perfect game. It's not only flawed, but it's irresponsible to assume you know where a company stands when looking from the outside in. If there was a magic bullet for gaming development, it would have been used long ago.
irl i am a chef.
i know full well that not only do i make a better bisque than anyone in the dining room, they are nearly guaranteed to not know how to make a bisque at all.
that being said, if i put too much salt in the bisque, they will say 'there is too much salt in this bisque'.
people dont need to be seasoned game developers to see flaws for what they are; flaws.
now if the argument is that the video isnt particularly well suited as an accurate assessment of whats going on with sto... i will agree with that. i dont for a minute think that sto is anywhere near the level of greed that video addresses.
but to bin all the videos, or the ideas behind the videos, or the credibility of the videos, or the legitimacy of gamers referring to the videos, merely because that one video isnt representative of cryptic? 'its not logical'.
but to bin all the videos, or the ideas behind the videos, or the credibility of the videos, or the legitimacy of gamers referring to the videos, merely because that one video isnt representative of cryptic? 'its not logical'.
I believe what is being addresses is that just because someone works in the industry does not make them a business guru. If someone wants to talk about the business aspects of a game company then show me your BA, MBA, DBA. The fact that someone can program gaming code does not make them a business expert.
You say you are a chef. Does that mean you automatically know every aspect of how to run a restaurant as a business? Do you know how to do payroll? Deal with Social Security? Dram Shop issues? Do you know how to offset inventory costs or deal with depreciation? There is a lot more that goes into running a business then simply knowing how to do one aspect of it - and it becomes even more complex when you are dealing with large corporations which have hundreds of millions in revenues each year.
Working in the industry does not make you a master of all the business aspects. Making a YouTube video and stating your views on something does not mean you are correct either - no matter how many people might agree with what you are saying. That is all anyone was really saying.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I believe what is being addresses is that just because someone works in the industry does not make them a business guru. If someone wants to talk about the business aspects of a game company then show me your BA, MBA, DBA. The fact that someone can program gaming code does not make them a business expert.
You say you are a chef. Does that mean you automatically know every aspect of how to run a restaurant as a business? Do you know how to do payroll? Deal with Social Security? Dram Shop issues? Do you know how to offset inventory costs or deal with depreciation? There is a lot more that goes into running a business then simply knowing how to do one aspect of it - and it becomes even more complex when you are dealing with large corporations which have hundreds of millions in revenues each year.
Working in the industry does not make you a master of all the business aspects. Making a YouTube video and stating your views on something does not mean you are correct either - no matter how many people might agree with what you are saying. That is all anyone was really saying.
What you're describing is essentially a copy-paste response to refute any and all points of view on the situation, regardless of whether they come from inside the industry or not, provided there's no business administration degree or better attached to the source.
'They can't know everything, therefore they can't be right' is NOT a valid argument. Neither is 'They're not the most experienced, so their perspective is worthless.'
Surely you know that this is not just some random dev making a video about games. These kinds of videos are what 'Extra Credits' does, and has done, for more than 4 years.
I believe what is being addresses is that just because someone works in the industry does not make them a business guru. If someone wants to talk about the business aspects of a game company then show me your BA, MBA, DBA. The fact that someone can program gaming code does not make them a business expert.
You say you are a chef. Does that mean you automatically know every aspect of how to run a restaurant as a business? Do you know how to do payroll? Deal with Social Security? Dram Shop issues? Do you know how to offset inventory costs or deal with depreciation? There is a lot more that goes into running a business then simply knowing how to do one aspect of it - and it becomes even more complex when you are dealing with large corporations which have hundreds of millions in revenues each year.
Working in the industry does not make you a master of all the business aspects. Making a YouTube video and stating your views on something does not mean you are correct either - no matter how many people might agree with what you are saying. That is all anyone was really saying.
To imply in any way that the crew of EC do not have the credentials to criticize the game industry when the writer of EC makes his living by consulting for the industry is pretty silly. You can disagree with them all you want and you can think what they are saying does not apply to STO.
Everything in STO is not obtainable for free. There is a New expansion coming out and Cryptic is giveing you HALF the Expansion for free. The other half witch has the best Items associated with the Expansion is $129.00. You CAN NOT obtain this pack without paying real world money for it. Every item in the $129.00 Legacy pack is 100% percent Designed to be part of the Expansion. If Exp. 2 for STO was free this Legacy pack would also be free or in your words be obtainable by playing the game over a large amount of time. Witch it is NOT.
Horse-Hockey. The items in the expansion pack will be put into the Cstore after the expansion launches just like the items in the LoR and Starter packs were.
Stop lying to people.
While you are probably correct, I still have yet to see (it may be that I missed it) any dev confirmation of this.
Horse-Hockey. The items in the expansion pack will be put into the Cstore after the expansion launches just like the items in the LoR and Starter packs were.
Stop lying to people.
Cstore does not equal free. Someone has to pay for the zen (ahem a whale perhaps) in order for anyone to buy them.
While you are probably correct, I still have yet to see (it may be that I missed it) any dev confirmation of this.
they didn't say they'll never make another ship ever either. does that mean they won't? only a child needs daddy to spell everything out for them. their c-store history speaks for itself.
they didn't say they'll never make another ship ever either. does that mean they won't? only a child needs daddy to spell everything out for them. their c-store history speaks for itself.
Please calm down
I was just reminding others that it's not certain, given the lack of any precedent for T6 ship packs, and the fact that said pack is the only known way to obtain them thus far. I acknowledged the fact that it is more likely that it will behave like packs in the past.
Horse-Hockey. The items in the expansion pack will be put into the Cstore after the expansion launches just like the items in the LoR and Starter packs were.
Stop lying to people.
Your respone sounds like it came from a child. Where is your proof you will get the exact same pack thats obtainable by your means of playing for months to get it. Proof? You are trying to stear people from the truth. Why would you do that. Whats in it for you.
i liked the item in the second of their vids i watched, the money bomb.
i thought i would like to see that in the game, its where you buy this bomb for say $1 or $2 then you go to somewhere like say earth spacedock and throw it and when it explodes loads of goodies pop out that other players can pick up.
the player that threw the bomb cant pick anything up but you can enjoy watching all the others scrambleing for stuff, and they can all tell who threw the bomb so you can bask in their gratitude.
it would be awsome cool if every now and then someone would pick up a free ship from something like that just like with the lockboxes, it would be like buying lockbox keys in reverse where someone else gets the star prize.
this sounded like an awsome device and i would love to see it in game, wonder if the discoball haters would complain over something like that.
They should do that with crafting materials. From time to time something very rare pops out. They would sell like hotcakes.
Your respone sounds like it came from a child. Where is your proof you will get the exact same pack thats obtainable by your means of playing for months to get it. Proof? You are trying to stear people from the truth. Why would you do that. Whats in it for you.
His proof is precedent, albeit a precedent of one, the Legacy Pack. Before Legacy of Romulus launched, the Legacy Pack went on sale for a "pre-order price," then when the the expansion went live, it went to its normal price, then 2 months after launch, it went in the C-Store at the Zen equivalent of the normal price (in $US) with everything that it had prior included.
He's trying to combat the culture of fearmongering and general raising of discord on these forums. What's in it for you to fearmonger and raise discord?
This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
Your respone sounds like it came from a child. Where is your proof you will get the exact same pack thats obtainable by your means of playing for months to get it. Proof? You are trying to stear people from the truth. Why would you do that. Whats in it for you.
His proof is that the items from both the LoR and Starter pack items are on the C Store. So, what's your proof that the items won't be?
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"
I... have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say.
While I can only speak for myself I do not think I can create a perfect game. In fact I know I cannot many years of GMing more tabletop RPGs than I can remember have taught me one very important lesson. A good game depends heavily upon what you want to get out of it and your own personal taste.
What I am attempting to express to Cryptic as feedback is how the entire T5FU and fleet upgrade of the past for ships feels for me. To identify the fact that for me an amount of the resentment I have toward their product is because of this system in the past and the future one. That I do in fact want to give them $5 but I do not wish to feel forced to do so and I want something other than a master key to purchase that creates excitement for me.
Even with that said though the original linked video does highlight an important issue for the entire F2P market from a big picture standpoint even if it is not 100% specific to STO. An over reliance upon whales for your income and not having a diversified revenue stream from a variety of player types might not be successful long term for any F2P game nor the market.
STO is lucky though, it stands alone in two nitch markets. That of generic casual Sci Fi spaceship game and as a Star Trek MMO. It has absolutely no direct competition at the moment.
What I see here in my opinion is a one size fits all video being posted with anecdotes referencing specific problems of other games, which amounts to a diagnosis by yourself of what the issue is. I could post half a dozen point and counterpoint philosophy and critical thinking and problem solving videos, that relate but do not pragmatically understand your current issue with the game. Responsible people whom believe their opinions have merit explain themselves, and don't expect a YouTube video which has sweeping generalizations to do the work for them. In fact I found a great irony in how they mentioned Hearthstone, because of Blizzard's already sizeable subscription fan base. As if everyone else can afford a super high operating cost like Blizzard or a low operating cost like GGG. Cryptic is in a pretty tough spot IMO, it's advanced engine, and low employee count coupled with being a F2p model.
I can assure you Cryptic isn't trying to kill their game by pissing off their base, but it seems to be heavily implied on this forum that they have a vendetta with their base, which is silly. So do the responsible thing and instead of blaming cryptic for trying to make money, and start engaging specifics and helping them know what you think, not posting YouTube videos out of spite of the development process. The fact they bought the voice overs of the voyager crew is proof enough. If you don't think so, I suggest checking out the alternate faux universe in which we got only ships instead. Which is what other mmos do.
irl i am a chef.
i know full well that not only do i make a better bisque than anyone in the dining room, they are nearly guaranteed to not know how to make a bisque at all.
that being said, if i put too much salt in the bisque, they will say 'there is too much salt in this bisque'.
people dont need to be seasoned game developers to see flaws for what they are; flaws.
now if the argument is that the video isnt particularly well suited as an accurate assessment of whats going on with sto... i will agree with that. i dont for a minute think that sto is anywhere near the level of greed that video addresses.
but to bin all the videos, or the ideas behind the videos, or the credibility of the videos, or the legitimacy of gamers referring to the videos, merely because that one video isnt representative of cryptic? 'its not logical'.
And some people will be utterly convinced you put too much salt in your bisque even if you put none in, and then they will try their best to convince the people around them that you are trying to give them a heart attack and some people will agree, not because they have evidence, but because they hear a convincing argument. I think there are some on this forum who don't even know what salt is, but they are convinced cryptic is using it too much.
::looks at the Eve money pit::
if you had seen the story mission and queued mission on tribble, even in the WIP state they are in.....you would not have any questions about the quality of content in delta rising
For free players (myself included) and low payers to have the ability to buy C-store items without paying anything, there must be people who will spend their money to acquire ZEN and put it on the market for the rest of the people.
Don't get me wrong, I like the way Cryptic enabled us to access paid content without having to actually pay for it, but to say that "everything is free" is a blatant lie as well. Cryptic needs money to keep the game running, and while that money doesn't come from people using Dilithium Exchange to buy C-store items, it comes from the people who put that ZEN on the market in the first place. And yes, I know I said the same thing twice.
On the other hand, having not real $5 items (aside form Master Key) is another part of story... but I won't go into that.
but we arent talking about a field that i have no participation in. this isnt brain surgery.
this is gaming, and i am a gamer. the extra credit videos are so successful because they are created by a dev, for devs, and presented in a way that gamers can easily follow. it is for that reason that so many people love those videos; they feel its a person 'in the know' voicing their own view with an eloquence and authority that they cannot voice themselves.
do you dispute what was in that video? or do you instead dispute that it is applicable to sto? because they are two very different things (and if you were clever you would have already realised that).
free jkname
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i liked the item in the second of their vids i watched, the money bomb.
i thought i would like to see that in the game, its where you buy this bomb for say $1 or $2 then you go to somewhere like say earth spacedock and throw it and when it explodes loads of goodies pop out that other players can pick up.
the player that threw the bomb cant pick anything up but you can enjoy watching all the others scrambleing for stuff, and they can all tell who threw the bomb so you can bask in their gratitude.
it would be awsome cool if every now and then someone would pick up a free ship from something like that just like with the lockboxes, it would be like buying lockbox keys in reverse where someone else gets the star prize.
this sounded like an awsome device and i would love to see it in game, wonder if the discoball haters would complain over something like that.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Key words here are " anecdotal evidence " , and to parallel the surgeon quote, you can imagine all kinds of illnesses, and there are many books which talk about many diseases with identical symptoms. The extra credit videos play to the mob mentality, rather then putting responsibility on the mob to not bite off more then it can chew. This thread is pure evidence of people who think picking up a gaming controller gives special business and economics power to create a perfect game. It's not only flawed, but it's irresponsible to assume you know where a company stands when looking from the outside in. If there was a magic bullet for gaming development, it would have been used long ago.
But to to post a video without context lacks intelligence.. It fans the flames without saying why.
When you think of it, the game currently boil down to:
1.) You can play lvl 60 content without paying $$$$
2.) $$$ makes the game go.
We can argue (as this forum tends to) where the money is being spent, what content we'd prefer, whether exploration should be the fundamental draw vs. conflicts, or whether or not PvP is 'whatever'... and that's ok.
Make suggestions. Defend those ideas. Get a job. Earn some cash. Go to college. Procreate.
Don't paint the game with one, albeit interesting & argumentative, brush.
The "but stupid people will do stupid things!" argument is a one-size-fits-all solution for not having to grapple with the information.
I... have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say.
While I can only speak for myself I do not think I can create a perfect game. In fact I know I cannot many years of GMing more tabletop RPGs than I can remember have taught me one very important lesson. A good game depends heavily upon what you want to get out of it and your own personal taste.
What I am attempting to express to Cryptic as feedback is how the entire T5FU and fleet upgrade of the past for ships feels for me. To identify the fact that for me an amount of the resentment I have toward their product is because of this system in the past and the future one. That I do in fact want to give them $5 but I do not wish to feel forced to do so and I want something other than a master key to purchase that creates excitement for me.
Even with that said though the original linked video does highlight an important issue for the entire F2P market from a big picture standpoint even if it is not 100% specific to STO. An over reliance upon whales for your income and not having a diversified revenue stream from a variety of player types might not be successful long term for any F2P game nor the market.
STO is lucky though, it stands alone in two nitch markets. That of generic casual Sci Fi spaceship game and as a Star Trek MMO. It has absolutely no direct competition at the moment.
irl i am a chef.
i know full well that not only do i make a better bisque than anyone in the dining room, they are nearly guaranteed to not know how to make a bisque at all.
that being said, if i put too much salt in the bisque, they will say 'there is too much salt in this bisque'.
people dont need to be seasoned game developers to see flaws for what they are; flaws.
now if the argument is that the video isnt particularly well suited as an accurate assessment of whats going on with sto... i will agree with that. i dont for a minute think that sto is anywhere near the level of greed that video addresses.
but to bin all the videos, or the ideas behind the videos, or the credibility of the videos, or the legitimacy of gamers referring to the videos, merely because that one video isnt representative of cryptic? 'its not logical'.
free jkname
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
You say you are a chef. Does that mean you automatically know every aspect of how to run a restaurant as a business? Do you know how to do payroll? Deal with Social Security? Dram Shop issues? Do you know how to offset inventory costs or deal with depreciation? There is a lot more that goes into running a business then simply knowing how to do one aspect of it - and it becomes even more complex when you are dealing with large corporations which have hundreds of millions in revenues each year.
Working in the industry does not make you a master of all the business aspects. Making a YouTube video and stating your views on something does not mean you are correct either - no matter how many people might agree with what you are saying. That is all anyone was really saying.
What you're describing is essentially a copy-paste response to refute any and all points of view on the situation, regardless of whether they come from inside the industry or not, provided there's no business administration degree or better attached to the source.
'They can't know everything, therefore they can't be right' is NOT a valid argument. Neither is 'They're not the most experienced, so their perspective is worthless.'
Surely you know that this is not just some random dev making a video about games. These kinds of videos are what 'Extra Credits' does, and has done, for more than 4 years.
To imply in any way that the crew of EC do not have the credentials to criticize the game industry when the writer of EC makes his living by consulting for the industry is pretty silly. You can disagree with them all you want and you can think what they are saying does not apply to STO.
You cannot discredit them.
While you are probably correct, I still have yet to see (it may be that I missed it) any dev confirmation of this.
Cstore does not equal free. Someone has to pay for the zen (ahem a whale perhaps) in order for anyone to buy them.
Please calm down
I was just reminding others that it's not certain, given the lack of any precedent for T6 ship packs, and the fact that said pack is the only known way to obtain them thus far. I acknowledged the fact that it is more likely that it will behave like packs in the past.
Your respone sounds like it came from a child. Where is your proof you will get the exact same pack thats obtainable by your means of playing for months to get it. Proof? You are trying to stear people from the truth. Why would you do that. Whats in it for you.
Stupidity, ignorance, and paranoia have become rampant.
Welcome to the past year of the forums.
They should do that with crafting materials. From time to time something very rare pops out. They would sell like hotcakes.
Pertinent info is in the video, not the bipolar forum response. :rolleyes:
Reader discretion is advised.
His proof is precedent, albeit a precedent of one, the Legacy Pack. Before Legacy of Romulus launched, the Legacy Pack went on sale for a "pre-order price," then when the the expansion went live, it went to its normal price, then 2 months after launch, it went in the C-Store at the Zen equivalent of the normal price (in $US) with everything that it had prior included.
He's trying to combat the culture of fearmongering and general raising of discord on these forums. What's in it for you to fearmonger and raise discord?
His proof is that the items from both the LoR and Starter pack items are on the C Store. So, what's your proof that the items won't be?
-Leonard Nimoy, RIP
What I see here in my opinion is a one size fits all video being posted with anecdotes referencing specific problems of other games, which amounts to a diagnosis by yourself of what the issue is. I could post half a dozen point and counterpoint philosophy and critical thinking and problem solving videos, that relate but do not pragmatically understand your current issue with the game. Responsible people whom believe their opinions have merit explain themselves, and don't expect a YouTube video which has sweeping generalizations to do the work for them. In fact I found a great irony in how they mentioned Hearthstone, because of Blizzard's already sizeable subscription fan base. As if everyone else can afford a super high operating cost like Blizzard or a low operating cost like GGG. Cryptic is in a pretty tough spot IMO, it's advanced engine, and low employee count coupled with being a F2p model.
I can assure you Cryptic isn't trying to kill their game by pissing off their base, but it seems to be heavily implied on this forum that they have a vendetta with their base, which is silly. So do the responsible thing and instead of blaming cryptic for trying to make money, and start engaging specifics and helping them know what you think, not posting YouTube videos out of spite of the development process. The fact they bought the voice overs of the voyager crew is proof enough. If you don't think so, I suggest checking out the alternate faux universe in which we got only ships instead. Which is what other mmos do.
And some people will be utterly convinced you put too much salt in your bisque even if you put none in, and then they will try their best to convince the people around them that you are trying to give them a heart attack and some people will agree, not because they have evidence, but because they hear a convincing argument. I think there are some on this forum who don't even know what salt is, but they are convinced cryptic is using it too much.