Hi all,
I was hoping to get some long term advice. Like many in game right now I've stopped all gear purchases until we get some solid info as to the gear upgrade system, but I'm still saving resources for big purchases.
My current build is a Fleet Excelsior, the Agamemnon:
http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=tetnaught_0 . Though I intend to pick up a Fleet Gal X at the next ship sale (any advice to pvp optimize that ship appreciated.
The tac boff is an embassy rom with SRO, the rest are human. My current Doffs are 3 purple Technicians, 1 blue RSP fabrication engineer, 1 blue WCE eptx debuff cleanse doff and an exocomp.
Anyway, with all this in mind I'm forming a tentative shopping list of stuff, mostly focusing on new space traits):
Inspirational Leadership,
Intense Focus,
Living Hull?
Counter Command Deflector and Engine (to replace Omega/Borg)
Hydrodynamics Compensator,
Heavy Bio Phaser Turret
Multi-Energy Relay
Possibly a new elite fleet deuterium-stabilized warp core (replacing my reinforced one with one that reduces energy drain, though to be honest I think I prefer the bonus to Aux and Shields. what are your experiences with the spire DS cores guys?)
I'm thinking about going over to a phaser build long term, both to feel more trek and replace my now outdated tetryon guns. I also might swap RSP 3 for DEM 3 and DEM 2 for RSP 2, but I'm not sure yet.
As you can see most of the gear and traits above are focused on enhancing accuracy on the lance and boosting phaser dmg for a more canon-y feel while retaining pvp power.
Any other suggestions chaps?
Obviously this is all subject to change as new info on the X2 gear comes out, but its good to have goals in the meantime.
Many thanks in advance.
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Inspirational Leadership, too expensive for too little benefit
Intense Focus, decent buy if cheap
Helmsman, fantastic, coupled with new cce doff should be epic
Momentum, useless fluff
Living Hull? Decent if you have nothing else and is free
Marion. Useless for beams
Counter Command Deflector and Engine (to replace Omega/Borg) double borg for the hull heal is the superior choice. Counter command 2p is more for escorts zooming around
Hydrodynamics Compensator,not that impressive for beams, field generator or neutroniums would be better
Heavy Bio Phaser Turret. Great if your going dhcs
Multi-Energy Relay, useless..stick with fleet tacticals
Possibly a new elite fleet deuterium-stabilized warp core (replacing my reinforced one with one that reduces energy drain, though to be honest I think I prefer the bonus to Aux and Shields. what are your experiences with the spire DS cores guys?) supposedly a dps booster bit I can't honestly tell without a parser
As for boff loadout. No point using dem. Eject plasma for tail huggers is always a win
Epts 3 is a staple
Don't use beta, instantly cleansed by tactical team...use omega
I think that's all I got on a first glance
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
I reckon I'll follow your advice beammedown and get a copy of tractor beam, replacing the current HE2 (I have the cleanse doff so it isnt necessary, and thanks to aux2bat the healing i get from it is pitiful).
On a related note, I'll swap polarize hull for science team 1, since science team isnt aux dependant and can clear sub nuc beam. I wont need the tractor break since I'll be following you reccomendation dahminus to go with APO1 other APB.
I must admit I was a bit surprised to hear Inspirational Leader wanst that good, it looked so awesome in theory. Same for Marion. Id heard such rave reviews about both too.
Would it make any difference to your gear recommendations, if it was for a phaser focused fleet Gal-X? Its just I cant see what a fleet neutronium has over a hydrodynamics compensator, especially factoring in the 2pc +phaser bonus with the turret (though admittedly I havent used either, so ill defer to your experience) and the targeting systems bonus is nice for the lance and acc overflow.
My reasoning for the Undine deflector and engine was that the accuracy bonus would help the lance, while the engines great turn and inertia would make the ship less whaley, what do you think of the borg 2pc post nerf?.
Out of interest why is momentum so inferior compared to helmsman? they both total +10% turn rate, and while helmsman does have the awesome evasive cooldown reduction momentum totals +10% defence.
PS guys, what are your opinions on the fluidic coccoon and pattern recognition traits? When the whole Upgrade system thing is released, and we get access to an 11 console fleet Galaxy-X, should I use the 11th console slot for the saucer sep (unless they make the 11th console a tac slot, of course)
Thanks so much again chaps, youve been an immense help.
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I thought +10-30 everything, specially always up for aux2bat cruisers, was awesome. Not that I like aux2bat. Heck, escorts get +20 a lot with the low CD abilities.
Do you go for the 7-9 bracket in any skills? Generally no. And it's very unreliable.
I stand by my statement
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Thats true, though isnt that because brackets 7-9 give only measly returns? like less than half what brackets 1-6 give per skill point invested?
I imagine id be able to keep up a full set of stacks pretty easily with the numbers of powers i use. According to stowiki, +30 in targeting systems equals an extra 5% accuracy, not to mention all the other bonuses id get, cos according to the description it is a boost to all skills.To be honest, the more i read on it the more it sounds amazing, unless im missing something big (which is a distinct possibility, as im opertaing on two hours sleep atm)
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There isn't enough traits to fully fill out 9 slots. So it can get in. By default.
Just don't assume it's. +30 to all systems. 3 stacks is super rare, 2 stacks is fairly rare and 1 stack comes and goes.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Wow, i didnt realise. Sadness
Wouldnt auxtobatt improve that? With 3 purple tech doffs im triggering powers almost every second.
Out of curiosity, which space traits and doffs would you recommend? Cost and difficulty of obtaining is no object as its a long term project.
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I used to get 2 stacks fairly commonly just by using tac skills which all have low CD. Imagine it with the spam aux2bat ships tie to the spacebar.
Chance of it to proc once by using X number of abilities at the same time.
1) 10%
2) 19%
3) 27%
4) 34%
5) 41%
6) 47%
7) 53%
Use aux2bat combined with a good amount of 15sec global cooldown abilities. I know 5 off the top of my head that have a 15 sec global cooldown, and 3 of those are pretty useful in PvP.
Also, as to Dahnimu's comment about the last 3 skill points. We're not talking +15 on a single skill, we're talking about a boost of +10-30 on all of them. Heck, I see plenty of people in PvP buying op assets which boost one set of skills only +10.
Don't buy marion, is useless now.
That build needs a neutronium asap.
Vin Naftero@playhard88 - FED Sciencie
K'tan@playhard88 - KDF Tactical
Argento@playhard88 - RRF Tactical (FED)
I look forward to road testing it in Kerrat against you guys soon.
What up with marion? last I heard he was the be-all end-all of AtB builds.
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Following you guys' advice, DEM has been replaced with EWP, PH has been replaced with Tractor Beam 1, APB has been replaced with APO. One thing of my own design is the replacement of hazard emitters 2 with sci team 2.
My reasoning is that sci team clears sub nuc, and more importantly isnt dependant on aux. With aux2batt my aux levels are ultra low most of the time. Sci team doesnt have that problem.
Ive put 2 pc borg back on in place of 2 pc Omega.
I would have followed your advice playhard88 and put on a Fleet Neutronium (+ turn), but Im not investing in any gear right now (since I'll need to shell out dil to upgrade it in a few weeks anyway).
Anyway, what do you think guys?
Thanks so much for all your help so far.
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Probably get another neutronium. Fleet or normal in place of the rcs
I'd still use hazard emitters over tractor beam. Hell I'd use tbr over st2 and swap tb1 for st1
The exocomp doff is the maintenance one yes? I'd get the reverse tbr doff...if you go the tbr route
Otherwise I'd swap the exocomp for a quatermaster battery doff, the evasive maneuver doff, or perhaps a brace for impact shield doff
Looking decent man
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Leech also adds aux power, which your constant a2b cycling will eat. When the leech power buff expires you will be faced with aux offline, which may throw your ability cycling off balance and of course prevent any use of a2b, tb, he or whatever.
Thats my Excelsior's last refit done. Im gonna skip T5U and go straight for a Guardian as my new tactical cruiser once DR hits. Feels like the end of an era Goodbye Agamemnon-D.
On the topic of the Guardian, Im thinking of doing a "canon-ish" pvp build with her: basically going with 6 phaser beams, the KCB and the Gravimetric Photon or Enhanced Bio Photon (though I might be tempted by the new Delta weapon set, depending on the set bonuses and the power of the Neutronic Torp).
Id use the ens universal to slot torp spread 1, and the LTC Sci to slot Grav Well, but it would otherwise be the same basic idea as my current build.
On this line of thinking, since it would require all new weapons, what would be the best Mod layout for eventual upgrade to MK XIV epic?
Im currently thinking [Accx3] [CrtD] and then the special epic mod. Im unsure of Elite Fleet Phasers, since it would gurantee being saddled with a useless DMG mod, and no elite fleet weapon can have Over or Snare.
In any case, I'd love you guys' opinion on my Guardian build once I've finished designing it (need more info first).
Of course, so much depends on the stats of the rep sets after upgrade doesnt it, not to speak of the new delta set. Imagine if some rep shields and warp cores pick up AMP and Adapt?
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