5% All Energy Damage
45.6 Physical Damage Resistance
45.6 Kinetic Damage Resistance
45.6 All Energy Damage Resistance
91.2 Radiation Damage Resistance
91.2 Fire Damage Resistance
47.5 Root Resistance
47.5 Stun Resistance
47.5 Knockback Resistance
9.5 Antiproton Damage Resistance
9.5 Proton Resistance
Shiled (Personal Shield Mk X [Cap] x2)
Weapon (Bio-Molecular Phaser Full Auto Rifle Mk XII [CritD] x2
132.1 DPS
17.1 DPS
While I'm not entirely happy about my shields being only a Mark X, I simply haven't been able to find anything better than it. My main issue is that I have never been able to beat a "Captain" grade enemy without the game glitching out in some way and keeping their health down after I've been defeated a couple of times. I've put up with this for far too long, can somebody please point me in the direction of some gear I should be looking for that is fairly easy to find. I'm not looking for top of the range super powerful stuff, just enough to beat an NPC captain, because there's no way I can take off 8.5k on a single enemy in the one go (never mind the shields, or any surrounding enemies as well).
5% All Energy Damage
45.6 Physical Damage Resistance
45.6 Kinetic Damage Resistance
45.6 All Energy Damage Resistance
91.2 Radiation Damage Resistance
91.2 Fire Damage Resistance
47.5 Root Resistance
47.5 Stun Resistance
47.5 Knockback Resistance
9.5 Antiproton Damage Resistance
9.5 Proton Resistance
Shiled (Personal Shield Mk X [Cap] x2)
Weapon (Bio-Molecular Phaser Full Auto Rifle Mk XII [CritD] x2
132.1 DPS
17.1 DPS
While I'm not entirely happy about my shields being only a Mark X, I simply haven't been able to find anything better than it. My main issue is that I have never been able to beat a "Captain" grade enemy without the game glitching out in some way and keeping their health down after I've been defeated a couple of times. I've put up with this for far too long, can somebody please point me in the direction of some gear I should be looking for that is fairly easy to find. I'm not looking for top of the range super powerful stuff, just enough to beat an NPC captain, because there's no way I can take off 8.5k on a single enemy in the one go (never mind the shields, or any surrounding enemies as well).
Post your ground/space build here, so people can better inform you please.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Think I got the hang of it, didn't help that the game had deactivated my traits at some point, but that's been sorted out (still isn't enough though).