Just to summarize for easy reference, T6 ships have these features:
+1 console vs T5 ships. For base c-store ships, this means 10 consoles on the base T6 model vs 9 consoles on base T5 ships. Fleet, lockbox, lobi, 3-pack, and the reward ships that are broadly lumped into the T5.5 psuedo-tier all have 10 consoles, and it is expected that the T6 equivalents of those ships will have 11 consoles. No details were provided as to whether this is going to be incorporated into the existing eng/sci/tac framework we have now or if it will be something else (universal only? new BOFF class? dunno).
13 BOFF abilities vs 12 BOFF abilities on T5 ships. There was brief mention that some ships would get BOFF stations for a new BOFF class (and some wouldnt). However the overall number of abilities is going up. Presumably the ships that are not getting the new BOFF class will get the 13th ability added to one of the existing tac/sci/engi BOFF classes. No word on if this will be a low-level ensign station or a high-level ability added somewhere (like upgrading a Lt station to a LtCmdr station).
More hit-points vs the T5 ships. There is a twist here--the hit-points are added as captain levels up, so T6 with lvl 60 captain will have (much?) more hull than a T6 with a lvl 50 captain. Nothing was said about shield modifiers.
5 ship-based abilities and/or traits. These will be unlocked as the player works through some kind of combat-tracking mechanic. The first four of these abilities will be passives akin to Cruiser Commands ("damage resistance, critical hit chance, or hit points") and not active abilities like Singularity powers. Separately, a ship-based "trait" will unlock at the end of the progression which can be used with any ship that has a trait slot (portable among your personal ship roster). No info was given if the passives would be in addition to, or instead of, the ship-class powers like Cruiser Commands, so its not possible to make a comparison call on that part, but the new ship-based traits are new and not something that currently exists with T5 ships.
All in all, a fully-developed T6 ship will be more capable, more flexible, more durable, than equivalent T5 ships as they exist today.
Upgrades to T5 were also announced. These will provide a T5 ship with the incremental hit-points, +1 console, and some of the ship-based abilities and/or traits (not fully described). Upgrades will not provide the 13th BOFF slot or access to the new BOFF class. Although this compares favorably with base T6 ships, keep in mind that the T6.5 ships (fleet, lockbox, reward) will have an extra console plus the 10% bump in hull HP and the shield modifier,
NO numbers were actually quoted as far as Console slots go, except to say that T6 ships were getting 1 more. Seeing as the "default" is actually 9 on a T5 ship, and 10 on so called T5.5 ships, this could either mean that they are simply making all ships have 10.
To do the right thing though ALL current T5 and T5.5 ships should get 1 extra slot ... We'll have to wait and see.
NO numbers were given on BoFF seating, except to say that T6 ships would be getting 1 extra station ... Again, as with the console situation, there is a difference between T5 and T5.5 ships, and so far NO word on exactly how or what Cryptic will be doing ...
I have hopes, but sadly little faith in Cryptic's perspicacity when it comes to "looking after" players, due in no small part to recent changes in the game.