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Two players looking for a casual RP fleet

schposchpo Member Posts: 8 Arc User
edited August 2014 in Earth Spacedock

My girlfriend and I (both lvl 50 Vulcan science officers) are looking for a new fleet. Casual fleets with active members, without unreasonable requirements have priority. We have obligations in real life, and STO is our way to unwind. Or at least, we would like it to be. So we would like to avoid unnecessary drama if possible.

We would like to try some RP, but we are new at it. I have seen that some fleets require knowlege of Star Trek lore...
Well, we don't even remember things from real life, so that might be a problem. :D But our love for Star Trek is genuine.

If you have a fleet that might fit in the above description, and need some fresh players, please send an ingame email to Darib@schpo or post a contact here in this thread. Thank you.

Live long and prosper
Post edited by schpo on


  • pwecaptainsmirkpwecaptainsmirk Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Check out this blog


    It will tell you all about the OpenStarbase Project and the 26th Fleet, and RP Fleet that you may like :)

  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Thanks Smirk!

    As the XO of the 26th Fleet I would totally love to talk to you guys about finding a spot for you in our fleet. Feel free to grab me anytime you see me on @juroden
  • papertoastypapertoasty Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    allow me to extend you an invitation to alpha battle squadron.
    there are no hoops to jump through, no forms to fill out, no websites to sort through to join.
    we are as casual as casual can get, no drama, no politics, just about having fun
    we are always looking for good folks to help out with the holdings
    just like yourself, most of us are on at various times during the week, in between work and other things, so thats not a deal breaker for us

    currently, we are filling out the big t3 mine upgrade

    just send me an in game mail and I send you the fleet invite.
    its that simple

    fleet admiral Siodgirngei@papertoasty
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