I've been working on a fun little Constitution/Exeter build for use in non Elite STFs, Fleet Actions, and other non Elite queue missions, thought I would share it with the forums.
So far this is what I've come up with-
I'm playing around with Boff layouts and Fleet Gear, but so far it is a remarkably tanky ship, given what I'm working with. Damage output, as you can imagine, is minimal, but it packs enough of a punch that with effort I can keep up with the team; essentially what I'm banking on is the phased biomatter proc hitting a target that my team is concentrating fire on. This works in a couple of the Borg STFs and I've had some luck in the Fleet Defense missions. With power creep being what it is, and the boost to phaser damage that the Undine Rep has given us, I think these fun projects are becoming much more viable builds for those looking to experience the existing content in new, exciting ways. I'm working on squeezing more DPS out of it, but I doubt I will be able to do much more. I'm interested in exploring how I might make it into a support type vessel.
I will try to keep this updated as I make changes if anyone else is interested in following my madness; I am also exploring builds for other ships of this tier. Your thoughts and suggestions are welcome, although I would appreciate trying to keep the flames to a minimum, I know how riled up this place gets when someone brings up Constitutions and endgame in the same post. Anyhow, thanks for taking a look!

STO Beta Test and Launch Veteran
Its also always nice when people cant read the part where the OP says he/she's doing Normal STFs.
But here are a few things I can think of:
While it wouldn't make much difference, but swapping the RCS for second Neutronium would give you slightly more survivability. Since you use 3 beams and 1 torpedo turn rate isn't really a huge factor to consider and the T2 Exter already has a good trun rate for a cruiser.
2 Neutronium with [+Turn] should be enough for that. Or maybe even TRIBBLE [+Turn] and go for [+HullHP] and/or [+HullRep] for more beef and maybe a spire tac console. The rep tac console is nice but it only gives 1/4 of your weapons a noteworthy boost. The pahser boost is somewhere around 13% if I'm not mistaken, the spire console would almost tripple that and since it would boost 2/4 of your weapons it may be the better option.
I would swap boffs to:
EPtS1, EPtW2
ET1, A2B1
I would move the uni consoles to engineering ones - at this sort of ship level you die if a sphere so much as looks at you sternly, so using [-th] Fleet Embassy consoles gives more time between starings at the respawn timer, or allows you a bit more damage before you draw agro.
Also, a Fleet Spire Plasma-Integrated [AMP] Core with correctly managed power levels, and Counter Command Deflector will add a bit more DPS.
There are issues with T2 ships doing Elite STFs, but with teamwork and a high quality build it is doable.
And that is a very sad truth.
NOTES: The RCS console is one of the new Conductive RCS Accelerators with the [Turn] modifier, the Sci console is one of the new Exotic Particle Field Exciter with [PowIns] modifier.
He uses it for everything including ESTFs :eek: I've parsed it several times in ISE and got about 3K DPS, thats better than what a good portion of people in T4/5+ ships can do! :P
Once Cryptic finish off the R&D system so you can choose the modifiers you want rather than it be random I plan to craft Antiproton Cannons/Turrets with [CrtD] [CrtH]x2.
It alone has no trouble killing probes, or spheres solo. Now if I wanted to bring one of my ships like my DHC avenger or something I could utterly destroy the elite solo. Switching down actually kinda makes them fun, cause I don't vape transformers and the like in 10 sec or less.
If your a good player you can take T1s and do fine. T2 connie can survive without dying in the borg stfs without a problem, now Voth bullworks are another matter with those shield bypass torp spreads. But those kill T5s so meh.
As much as I'd like to think I could pull off an Elite STF with one of these, I'm painfully aware that it is a foolish course of action; that is why I stick to normal STF runs with these builds, less difficulty and less on the line.
Do you have much experience with the plasma integrated warp cores? I haven't taken much of a look at them, I'm still working with one of the elite ones. I will need to update it's stats soon so you can see what I'm working with. Also, do you have any tips for using A2B? I have not had much luck mastering it, I think I need to learn more about the principle behind it.
Are you getting decent damage out of the AP weapons? I had considered going for a bit of a JJPrise look with a wide angle torp and AP cannons/turrets, but I have had minimal success speccing AP in the past.
These are all very good suggestions, I will have to look into my build a bit and see how they impact it. I will be honest, I had not given too much thought to the HullHP aspect, considering that you are right in that the cubes and spheres will eat me alive. I wonder if a combination between -Th and shield heal/increasing consoles would be the best approach. I have a couple of the embassy consoles, I had been considering a plasma build with this. Would the Romulan/Reman space sets be the best way to maximize plasma damage?
Haha, touche, I happen to have access to it and I prefer it over batteries. I micromanage, but never got into the habit of using them. Do you have any suggestions for reusable battery type items? I also run the Nimbus Pirate Distress call thing, I've found it helps me a little bit in tough spots.
I will have to look into them!
STO Beta Test and Launch Veteran
I've taken my Exeter build into ISE and I got 5k DPS before the counter-command rep was added. Now I have to redo my build and see what's up now.
Thanks, OP!
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
Well, I ran an ISE tonight with 2 fleetmates and 2 PUGs. I was 3rd in DPS at 6.4k.
CombatLogReaderInfected Space[7:04]Duggan: 9,095 DPS | Martin Brody: 6,690 DPS | Jon Lonehawk: 6,426 DPS | William Adama: 4,201 DPS | Sen: 3,735 DPS.
I was the only Tac. No Faw from me and only one Beta 1 from Duggan. Duggan and Brody were Engs, Adama and Sen were Scis. I only died once at the end, to the Cube blowing up, as I was too close.
I have all reps at max.
BOffs: Ens Tac: BO 1; LT Eng: EPtS1, Aux2Bat1; LT Eng: ET1, A2B1; Ens Sci: ST1
DOffs: VR EWO: 35% Shield Pen (BO); Dicrok; Exocomp;3 VR Technicians
Gear: 2 VR Phaser DBBs [CrtD]x3 Fore, 360 Phaser, Heavy Bio-Molecular Phaser Turret Aft
Counter Command Deflector, Engine, Shield. Elite Fleet Hyper-charged Warp core MK XII [eff][w-a][ecap][amp][trans]
Devices: Weapon Batt, RMC, SFM, Deuterium Surplus
Eng Consoles: Assimilated Console, Bio Neural Infusion Circuits
Sci Consoles: Hydrodynamics Compensator, Plasmonic Leech.
Tac Consoles: Vulnerability Locator MK XII [+pha]
This is the build I was using. I may do more experimenting and report back here. This was fun!
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
Only thing to note is the prices were cut drastically with the 9.5 price adjustment, so prices aren't accurate.
Plasma-Integrated Cores are the best - the power regen bonus and power level resistance (which reduces weapon power drain, directly increasing DPS) is worth far more than the boost between 0 and 75 power and overcap of 5 on Aux and shields or Aux and engines.
The bonus power gain of the reinforced and hyper-charged Cores is actually 0, because you make your weapons, shields and engines power to at least 75 or more so that you can get the most benefit from your Core's [AMP] Mod of 3.3% extra damage for each subsystem at 75 power. (obviously, your Aux is cut to 5 due to A2B)
The modifiers of a Pla-Int Core are simply far superior for what you want to do.
A2B - the ability takes your Aux power, cuts it to 5, and redistributes it to weapons, shields and engines; this however, is not the reason to run it. You use Technician Doffs to make your A2B reduce cooldowns by up to 30% per activation with 3 VR Doffs.
Work out which abilities you want to use most often, and then use A2B in such a way as to make you have max uptime of them. A2B is a mixed bag - there are disadvantages to it, such as HE1 in my example being reduced in effectiveness as a hull heal. (I would still keep it around for its main use as clearing debuffs mind)
Its also worth noting my above boff layout is minded equally on damage and survivability - using doffed BO1 as per jonathanlonehawk's build will do more damage.
Now I will say, those 3 people were communicating and cross healing. I'm sure if you took all of their powers, you probably got 1 whole t5 ship.
RCS consoles aren't that bad. It helps you to avoid enemy fire and could probably give you that extra bit of crucial time to target that Prophets-darned heavy plasma torpedo. It's still hilarious to see Connies as agile as a T5 escort, though.
*busts down your door while wearing a Starfleet uniform*
Time to boldy go, losers.
#this is how you SHOULD collect your crew from shore leave
What helps you avoid enemy fire in this game is the defence stat iirc. I don't think turn rate as boosted by RCS consoles boosts that stat.
Pretty much - boosting speed is the easiest way to increase defence, turn rate doesn't affect defense numbers, but can affect your actual defences like moving out of range of attack.
Its like if you take a Vo'quv at impulse 300, and a BoP at impulse 300, they will pretty much have the same defence - difference is a Vo'quv will need ages to turn, and the BoP could well be able to turn within its own wing length at that speed.
Both are impressive to watch mind, a speeeeeed Vo'quv needing a dab of oppo out of turns is fantastic fun to pilot.
Got me to 5k in ISE (CombatLogReader with DPS-Channel settings).
Unfortunately it didn't work that well after losing all those defensive traits from the reps because it draws a lot of aggro. Switching BFAW to BO should make it work really well now, but you will probably still need a team that crossheals.
As I ran out of BOFFs I had to change my build a bit and am now running around with more heals and less offensive capabilities: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=ussdonegalpug_6112
This also works in PuGs where you are on your own most of the time. I have yet to parse it, but it feels like I still contribute a lot, at least the enemies think that as I seem to be the priority target more often than not.
If you run your Exeters with Phaser Beams (weird that I have to say this, but I mean ORANGE phasers!) join the channel linked in my signature picture. We often do T1-T2 runs. We even do Elite STFs in our low Tier ships!