Whoever is in charge of marketing at Cryptic, you have really dropped the ball on the Delta announcement and blogs. We've had maybe two blogs in which you've talked about a new upcoming expansion and some of the species you will introduce. However, there have been no gameplay videos or any real stats about delta released. I'm wondering how I'm supposed to get excited about an expansion when you've shown me nothing to get excited about beyond pictures of a talaxian and a kazon. What should I tell my friends that play STO or my friends that play other games that have never played STO? Yeah, we've got a few pictures and some vague statements about t6 ships.
Add to that very vague statements made by devs that our current t5 ships can be upgraded to remain "competitive" with the new t6 offerings. What does competitive mean? Does that mean the t6 ships will still be better but our t5 ships can "somewhat put up a fight" against them in pvp? It's all hot air as far as I'm concerned until we see real stats.
Then, we have another problem. Your PR department decides to spill the beans on the free t6 upgrade for the bugship even though the bug ship has absolutely nothing to do with the delta quadrant or the delta rising expansion! Nothing, zilch! So, what are we left with? On one hand, you choose not to offer us any information on how much the t5-t6 ship upgrades will cost but on the other, you're willing to offer information on a completely unrelated ship that has no business being included in PR announcements about the delta expansion. I'm struggling to comprehend the logic behind offering no substantive information about the second major expansion in the game while offering some substantive information about a catch grab ship that more appropriately belongs in blog released after delta or in a blog that doesn't talk about delta.
What's the result? The result is the veterans of this game are treating your statements with suspicion and we're advising all of our friends and players to spend zero money on anything. The result is your expansion is already being seen in a negative light because you're unable to effectively communicate with the media or the player base on the most basic of levels. The result is I'm already losing interest in Delta because of how expensive it's probably going to be to upgrade my ships because my instincts tell me you're going to turn it into a gigantic cash grab. The result is cryptic is losing revenue because their PR has gone belly up. Anybody else feel the same way?
Edit: Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited but not as excited as I should be about a new expansion in STO.

If there aren't any of those other threads open... then this thread was going to end the same way and I'm just getting a jump on closing it.
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