Who said I need a Cloak to make a vape? Hey, we got the best nuke console ever, the Nadion Saturation Bomb, and use it while dogfighting? Then lets get it cloaking, with Mask Energy Signature 3!
Build is quite simple. MES acts pretty much as a Defiant's Cloak. It's not battle, but it makes very hard to detect you. However, it doesn't take a console slot.
Tested with Walter B. on his Tac, he couldn't see my ship until I got 2km from him. That's with the above build, and no points in starship stealth.
So, I quickly built it, and brought it to Ker'rat. This thing is devastating.
Your Nadion Saturation Bomb deals 60616 (52386) Phaser Damage(Critical) to [evul klink name here].
Now add to it the damage from 3 DHC and a BO3 shot.
How to use it:
- MES is heavily dependant on Auxiliary power. Make sure to have this one active and EPTW3 at the ready before striking, any meter matters to avoid being detected! Plus it's a 4km range snoop ability as well.
- Pop EPTW3 when you're attacking, buff with everything you have, "decloak" and fire! I suggest to put weapons on autofire, and activate them before dropping MES. They won't fire, but as soon as MES wears off, they start to attack automatically.
- Bomb takes 3 min to recharge. Take this suggestion with a grain of salt, but consider keeping a copy of the console in the inventory. Yeah, you get what I mean.
- Battery doffs. They're my next buy to see how it will work then. I currently use 3 BO penetration doffs and two purple TT conns for the additional damage out of attack patterns.
- Maybe swapping Locators for Exploiters? I have 19.9% CrtH and 87,9% CrtD unbuffed, adding a Superior Operative to that tactical seating.
(about that guy who got "nadioned". He went with the upper hand denigrating my unconventional build. I had to vape him hard. LOL)
Your thoughts?
EDIT: Tried with three Maintenance Engineers battery doffs. >40k raw per bomb all the times. On lucky shots even higher.
per bomb :eek:
Looks like it would be funny in a 1v1 fight. I know I would ?WTFLOL? if I died to one. I'm sure you did but did you get your free exocomp? Besides the impulse capacitance cell, how else do you plan on getting away?
No I don't have the Exocomp. Don't ask me why.... :goes in a corner:
well I still gotta see one in Ker'rat who resisted it... but capacitance cell should be enough to go away. Otherwise, use the decoupler, go to a direction, when you know you can't be saw anymore, turn 180° and go to the opposite direction, you should escape nice and clean.
You're a bad fed and you should feel bad...
but really, get it like today, because the event ends tomorrow morning PDT. I have no idea how I even played the game before I got one for my toons. I thought I had a problem with Aux batteries, but now I think I might need to go to weapon battery anonymous. I seriously can go through 20 in 1 match.
if you do the actual academy event you can get a random purple doff that could possibly be another battery doff. It's a crazy grind for a random doff but it's possible.
I'd rather go buy them from exchange lol. Going to try the build now, will post later how it did. Meanwhile, thanks for your help!
Mmmmmmm. Slight problem less your planning on attacking someone afk I'm hard to see how this would work. You have like no heals, no tactical powers after your first attack. I fail to see how against someone in a big slow tanky ship you'll kill them, and how against a smaller faster ship you'll hit them at all. If your initial attack fails you're screwed. You don't have a backup. After nadion, your one protonic barrage and BO and crf.... You're wasted. Its funny how many times people using nadion against me have had fail damage, or have missed. Im sorry I just don't see this as an effective build. F your friend didn't see you til 2km away there's a problem. That's better than what the fed defiant/galx/avenger cloak does. While I'm not saying its impossible I'm saying.... Hats damn hard to do without skills in cloak. So something's wrong there. All I'm gonna tell you is your basing your build off too much chance. If you fail your first attack run you wait 3 minutes. Sorry. I feel like this is a real jerk post... But if you could post a video or something? I'd love to be proved wrong. Or pm me in like 2 days when I'm not in DC with no computer. Lol. @mynameisnom
Oh also IMO I'd stick with locators. TAC buffs provide plenty of severity
Also dat klink didn't seem to have much resistance. Expect more and be pleasantly surprised
Being Phaser Damage, and affected by phaser-boosting tactical consoles made it a monster.
It works. I tried it today with three purple battery doff (they stack, for a +30% damage on use of weapons battery), and it was even more devastating. I could bring down no problem a JHDC and many other big ships in Ker'rat. As long as they don't see me, they're going to pop.
3 min CD? I keep two more Nadion Saturation Bombs in inventory. After Alpha has cooled down, I can go back attacking.
Anyway, that's the whole point of a vape ship. Unload everything and run, not thinking about healing. ST2 is a lot already. Impulse Cell + Jam Sensors with high auxiliary will buy you 12 seconds of time to get away. By that time, you're away and with MES active. The power from that console is high enough that balances the lack of ambush. I didn't feel the need of it. Targets were just popping. The QQ in Zone chat from some klinks was hard enough that I can't tell.
It's not a jerk post. I'm doing an unorthodox build. I made it work. Proved that it works in Ker'rat under the eyes of other players. About slowing people down and stuff.
Fully buffed, I have 33k noncrit damage per bomb. Target can be hit by a maximum of 3. Add to them the shot of a BO3, and rapid firing cannons. You can bet it hurts. The simple fact that you met people that don't know how to use it doesn't prove much.
The weak point however is when someone is using RSP. Bomb itself is energy damage, it gets absorbed in most part.
Oh and it's not true that MES cloaks better. If you read better next time, the stealth difference between MES3 and Cloaking Device is 400ish.
RSP only heals after the named attack and as nadion is one series of attacks when it hits RSP will only block the next one that HITS fun fact. Also I thought nadion console stacking was fixed? O.o
Nadion bomb is buffed by phaser enhancing tactical consoles and any sort of tactical buff. Problem with RSP are the minor explosions that detonate in the cloud. I tested it with RSPs on, pretty much nullifies its effect. However, I managed to get the hand of it; firing faster than it takes for them to realise what happened and use RSP. I think they don't react in time because MES doesn't do the usual decloak sound that switches on the light in your mind, *dling*, vape incoming.
you sure? Because this build has proven to be able to oneshot in Ker'rat. And no, not just random guys, even the most experienced ones
You should give it a try first, before jumping to conclusions.
But Feds have cookies and lot of toys to play with ^^
Well I have a Rom-KDF... with a Scimi... I have already a build that works so I would know what to do...
Hey, I might even do it
I just need a Fleet.
But But but... they said the have cookies... really good cookies. Cookies I'd fight for.
OMG the ambiguous meaning :eek:
Constellation console moves you ahead 6km, quite unreliable considering you'll probably lose track of the target. Bombs can't be fired at less than 3km
Kinda laughing at the possibilities with new console,. Scimitar using warp shadows at level makes six targets, photonic fleet makes three more for a total of nine, add harry Kim's ship console that's ten add newConnie console, that's eleven... Now have a team of five using that combo in pve or PvP... That's 55 targets...
5 Scims, spamming Yelliwstone pets.
That's a lot of targets. Oh, and Nimbus calls too, for the LOLz.
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet