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Undine help

sunpyre65sunpyre65 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
edited August 2014 in The Academy
Hey guys, I've been trying to build up my Undine reputation, I'm having some trouble.

Every time I enter a PvE mission I get stuck by the Undine spatial anomaly weapons (yellow blob things). Is there a tactic that would allow me to break free from them?

I'd appreciate any help on this.

Thanks Sunpyre65.
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    razar2380razar2380 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I usually use Attack Pattern Omega to break free. However, if you are using a ship with a limited tac station, I think there is a Science, or Engineering skill for your doffs that will do it.

    Also, if you use Emergency Power to Engines, you can get a boost to your engines power, which can help. Also, a single Aux to Batteries will do the trick sometimes by dumping your Aux power into engines, shields, and weapon power. It adds a small boost to those three subsystems, thereby slightly increasing your survivability.

    Also, if you are using Aux to Bat, you can use the doffs that reduce the cool down on boff skills when Aux to Bat is used. If you run a single Aux to Bat for the slight subsystem power boost, the doffs couldn't hurt.
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    dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Aux2id, apO, epte, maybe pol hull, evasive maneuvers, 3p cc ordinance to pop the bubble, that's about it...treat them like a tractor beam
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
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    grendelthewise#0990 grendelthewise Member Posts: 640 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You can use what was mentioned before, Emergency Power to Engines, Evasive Manuvers (sp), Omega Attack Patterns, and Deuterium. Those will help you alot. Hope this helps.
    Fleet Admiral of the U.S.S. ATTILA KHAN-CDA (NX-921911).
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    ovinspaceovinspace Member Posts: 310
    edited August 2014
    The ground mission is quicker and less frustrating, you'd need to do it every other day or so, but get a valuable resource package for doing it.
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    mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    First pop Hazard Emitters to get rid of the snaring goop effect, then use any of the speed boosting abilities mentioned above to get out of the area of influence of the blobs and rift.

    Joined January 2009
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    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
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