Hello everyone!
Those who have been in Ker'rat lately probably saw my new toy meant for draining
Aside the fact that I guess I launched myself pretty good in science career (got some nice congratulations in 1v1s, held my own and killed some known faces as well), I'd like to have opinions on my actual build, from people more experienced than me in this field.
http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=larakhansdrainvesta_0 (Leech is the next and last buy).
DOFFs are included in the notes section.
Thanks in advance!
Have you tried nukara web mines?
All I got...hopefully lucho will check it
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Actually I was thinking about Tachyon Beam 3. With Over 260 points in flow capacitors it might do the work. That's three deflector abilities cooled down by deflector officers. i wanted to slot a RSP, but I can't find room for it. I can't slot one EPTS because I don't have room for the doffs, so I should give the ensign to engineering, keep two EPTS1, add RSP. Though I would lose a TT. It would turn out like
Btw, GW1 is a LtCmdr ability, TSS2 Lt.
Thinking about phased polaron. Probably I will in the future, but I think auiliary phaser are good anyway. Nukara mines still out of reach unfortunately...
You called?
1) I like the Yellowstones. Between them and the tractor beam, you could trap someone and maybe get some tyken's aftershocks which are always devastating.
2) Good flow caps, but you'd probably only be able to completely drain unprepared Romulans without Tyken's getting aftershocks.
3) Obelisk warp core is awesome for max drain effect.
4) Science team and hazards will serve you well.
What I'd change:
1) Not sure why the mismatch in set pieces or why you have marked you have anti-proton sweep when you don't. A two piece Jem-Hadar set, even the mk XI one is fine.
2) Yes, Aux cannons are nice, but you're cutting the Tyken's drain and energy siphon's duration if you're activating them while firing the cannons. Have you considered polarons, polarized disruptors, protonic polaron, or phased polaron weapons?
3) With 3 purple deflector doffs, and using Tykens and Siphon ALWAYS at the same time, you seldom need two copies of the abilities.
4) I don't think you need the Vesta set, specially the phaser damage one since nothing boosts it there.
5) Juel Ducane is the worst doff ever. It will proc once every two minutes making him worse than your phaser weapons. You're better served by the Voth Diplomat doff.
The warp core engineer doff you mention, it's just the more common variant? The debuff cleanse variant would serve you better since energy siphon will already keep your power levels pretty high.
Add singularity cloak and you could be 500 - 550. Maybe then you could actually drain even non roms! And yes I know about sensor scan ... but that is easily beaten by moving out of 10KM range.
- Judge Aaron Satie
They're unique equip - each type.
Also, it would be Partigens - Flow for the Sci, since it's a Partigens console. Could also get a Flow Eng console.
2pc Strikeforce and 2pc Apex also provide +Flow...
note: not all was a reply to Dez, just being lazy.
edit: speaking of lazy, I'll just tack this on to this post...er, do folks feel comfortable running a WCE (even the cleanse) on a 30+ sec EPtX cycle instead of a 15+ sec cycle?
came up with this.
With the previous build I could drain a friend's Contortrix with points in Insulators down to 10/10/0/0 without Leech.
Considering the EWP from Yellowstones, and dropping second copy of Energy Siphon, I can bring them to it and make them stuck with a TBR w/ pull doff.
Added Jem'Hadar engines. Going to drop engine power to minimum, raising shield power.
I'm quite reluctant on not using the Vesta's set. The Quantum Bubble has been a life saver in Ker'rat and premades. Anyway, tried replacing the Aventine's console with the Leech and adding another Flow Capacitor. 293 now.
The WCE was the cleanse one anyway. But, considering I'm running ST1 already and TT1, 30 seconds of EPTX... no.
And here http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=larakhansdrainvesta21_0
More engineering heavy to make up with more heals and counters to TBRs, GW, vapes.
If so, I would wager to recommend those aft, for some tasty holds.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Yes they can.
Just out of curiosity... do you mean the sci heavy or engi heavy variant of the builds?
2x DCE eptx cd reduction
2x Dev Lab Sci st cd reduction
1x WCE remove debuff variant
1x Matter antimatter a2d variant
unfortunately I don't like that setup. those ES and Tyken's will take ages to cooldown. x3 Deflectors are a must with three/two abilities and nothing will move them out.
Aftershock Tyken's helps holding the target even more, giving the ability the chance to spread even more.
Orotha Venna with my current Flow Capacitor skill has 25% chance to drain weapon power by 51 each time a Team power is used (yep, that's less beating to care of, I already love that guy! Withstanded a 3 vs 1 for several minutes in ker'rat as they couldn't spike hard enough to kill me).
that's... 5 doffs. One open.
Oh yeah, I can use the Aux2damp doff there, for additional res. :P
I too like the engi variant more ( http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=larakhansdrainvesta21_0 ). Quantum Bubble not strictly needed anymore... except when mini's around. Then I'll happily ditch a flow cap to protect from his proton
Find room for GW somewhere
Believe me, 3 are needed. You need to use both drains at the same time, and even with 3 I find myself sometimes (RNG hates me sometimes) waiting twice in a row for the damn 1 min full CD.
Been there myself!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Actually no it's not. I've been using those two power together, lawd it gets annoying when they go on 1 min cooldown, your build isn't doing what it should do during that time...
However, the Voth guy that drains weapon power by a lot when you're fired at when using a Team ability, well wins. I could absorb the beating of 3 klinks in Ker'rat yesterday for several minutes (happened again, lol), alone. Needless to say I didn't die, and when my team arrived they fled :P
This is what I'm flying now, and I'm kinda sure I won't change it. Maybe swapping out for phased polarons. The engineering-heavy setup made it waaay more resilient, and I'm liking it.
Anyway, it's a team-focused ship. Alone you'll surely hold ships from killing you, but not killing them.
Wooowee tank heaviness there, only thing I would change is the eng epts1, for eptw1 for that extra 10% damage boost, seeing how you already got good shield healing covered.
Well scratch that, unless you are going to run 1 or more VR DC doffs, for the eptx cd reduction.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Or, to even be more evul, lowering EPTS3 to EPTS1, replacing ET1, and using EWP. Not sure how good it would be, as Yellowstones already EWP on their own...
A pooo spammer huh?
It could work, and the theta vent console would be awesome to go with it, but alas you are already stretched on consoles, so up to you!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
ewp is evil... try it.
now, i've seen the 2.2 setup...
2 transphasic clusters?? you can have only one afaik. take out one for the gravimetric...
except for these little changes, it's nice. gg
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
you can have as many clusters as you want, but just two make sense. I'd rather have two nukes than a nuke/unbuffed photon torpedo.
My favorite doff.
Yeah non-engi ships with a lot of secondary engi seats are kind of king right now, because they get to keep their killing powers and add in all the OP immunities and boosts.
I have learned that Sci defenses are almost as good though, although it largely depends on the rest of the build. EG, jam is most useful when you can battlecloak during the window, or can follow up with a subnuc, neither of which apply in your case. Although you have enough sci seating to do something interesting like jam and then MES.
Indeed. Here's a pic of a pug I did today http://i.imgur.com/TkfUzKC.jpg
I was able to withstand the damage of three tacs, timing debuffs and heals. Probably the sci-heavy setup would have killed me. I got in a team with many newbies IMO, they had to target my drained target to score a point...
Kudos to Dahm for that compliment in chat, build is WAI
Nice build Ric, I prefer the pali for the extra drain console but the Vesta would be a close second.
out of curiosity, does that diplomat really drain weapon power like advertised, because I tested it and the results where rather weak.