From Las Vegas Screenshots, I believe we've seen two new planets (to feature in Delta Rising). The first is
this one here, and it's likely connected to the Iconian.
There is however, another planet, which can be seen
here and
here. Taking the architecture into account, I would summarize that these two pictures are of the same planet.
The question I pose to each of you, is to which Delta Quadrant species does this planet belong? It looks sophisticated and clean, so that's the Kazon and Talaxian out, and last we saw of the Ocampa they didn't seem capable of creating anything like that, so it's a fair shout that they're out too.
Anyone got any good guesses? Apparently it's a known species, one of which we've encountered.
"Let them eat static!"
Federation - Mirel II, Tala Lyleh sh'Ezlem, Vro'kul, Jahrel, Giweatu, Jhrol th'Ezlem, Katariina Rebane, Eleftheria Palaiologou, Surel, Saimon, TheEfficientSaurian
KDF -Mirel I, Anirez Norai, Talash
Romulans - T'Lara, Makath 'The Needle' Ayailat, Mirel III
needs more SPIKES!!
I've died so many times in game I have to wonder why the Kobali haven't repurposed my corpse yet....
the first one is zerg heaven!
quarra looks more primitive and industrialized, lots of pipes and metal working around, its not them.
they reanimate dead bodies to life again but completely replace the dna and chemical make up to that of a kobali, in essense not a zombie but a completely new lifeform and not like commander shepard :P. if the kobali are returning then its likely that former starfleet officer lyndsay ballard or known as jhet'leya will be the one to pursue some sort of contact with the alpha quadrant as the liaison knowing what she does about home, that would fit with harry kim and the rhode island a bit more since harry had a crush on lyndsay before her death.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
not to mention in Sphere of influence, it mentions that the iconians are considering turning the quarrens into a servitor species.
im aware of the connection, but if were quarra, it would be more primitive looking then these sleek looking designs in the pictures.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
It was never mentioned that they aren't able to reproduce by natural means. I guess it's just an assumption that they can't because of their unique ability/procedure. It wouldn't be too farfetched though to think that (with growing their population) they'd not both reproduce normally, and reanimate the dead.
This leads me to my next question though; can the Kobali actually be killed? If they can reanimate and restore corpses, then surely any one of them that dies, can just be brought back to life..?
I can just picture it now, a Kobali Doctor/Scientist stood over an awaking, formerly dead Kobali "Welcome back to life. You died, but we've restored you. The only problem is you changed gender during the process. Congratulations!"
I'd assume you can kill them, but keeping them dead would require genocide.
Obviously they can be killed, but at what point would the Kobali decide "right, this one has died enough, just let them go!"
perhaps its as simple as it looks, once the transformation is complete of the former dead, its a second chance but still very much the same when you kill em and they stay dead not being able to do anything about it because there is nothing more to transform. but cloning, sure they likely have dna samples from the original donor, but i dont think its on the same order as the cloning means that the dominion employ. maybe once more with the clone and thats it.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
How did you make your signature do that?
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Captain Bi Shonen's official Thread!
Do not worry. There is a Bortas inbound. :P
It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
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On the plus, if your character dies whilst fighting the Kazon, Borg, Voth or Undine, have no fear. Call a Kobali and you can be resurrected with a brand new life; though you'll have to take on a new identity and serve within the Kobali fleet. Maybe this is how Cryptic are going to introduce tokens to re-species your character, except you don't get to choose which species you become, it's going to be Kobali. :P
Unfortunately, I think you are right, that the Kobali aren't going to be the bad guys. I wish you were mistaken, but they are probably gonna be one of the 'allies'. Makes me really... disappointed, to say at very least. I really don't find it appealing to have anyone stealing the dead of other races, turning them into one of their own...
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
"bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
"Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9]
"Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy
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