After experimenting with cannons for a little bit (and ultimately finding them more cool to look at but less useful than beams given how my character and bridge officers are), I've come to the conclusion that it's probably a bad idea to do an all-cannon build on a carrier. At the moment I have three beam arrays (one fore, two aft), one beam bank, and two torpedo launchers (again, fore and aft). Is this ideal for this kind of ship? The turn rate for the Vo'Quv is atrocious even when attempting to compensate with terminals and you cannot use subsystem targeting with cannons.
So, has anyone made cannons work on a carrier or is it well and truly one of the worst ideas in the history of forever?
You could run single cannons fore and turrets aft and load it with RCS consoles in your Engi slots to get as much of a burst to turn rate as you can. Probably more trouble than it's worth though. I run six beam arrays on my Vo'. I've also run a single torp up front with Torp Spread and go broadside with beams then point the torp forward whenever torp spread was ready again.
Great ship, cant turn in less than 1 hour however lol.
Beams are best for this build, mines and kinetic cutting beam work as well.
Never use dual cannons on it as it will never fire. Single cannons will fire very rarely, Dual beam banks are like single cannons. Your choices are beams, or turrets. While beams work best, turrets are viable on this ship as they will have 100% uptime. Beams can only overlap broadside, and even that is hard to do in this ship vs anything faster than you.... you know.. everything...
I run 2 beams with cutting beam front, with 2 beams and nukra mines aft and try to use sci to move others where i want them so i dont have to move.
PvE - I could see how it could work. might not be very effective, but to better than average pugger possibly.
PvP - suicide. You'll never get a hit in.
Single Cannons would be a bit more viable, but still not very effective.
You could possibly try full RCS Accelerators, A2D2, EPtE3, Deuterium Surplus and lots of Conn Officers to reduce Evasive Manoeuvre's cooldown, but it probably wouldn't work that much better.
Mind, a Vo'Quv doing that sort of movement would be like truck racing - probably look very cool if you could do it.
No, in fact it would look very cool doing it, just imagine in ISE coming off full opposite lock to strafe the Cube, vaping the f**k out of it, powersliding like a naval destroyer ordering full to port to bring DHCs on the Spheres...
I'm going Mirror Vo'Quv racing, that sounds brilliant. Not very damage dealing in all likely hood, but seriously good fun to fly...
After experimenting with cannons for a little bit (and ultimately finding them more cool to look at but less useful than beams given how my character and bridge officers are), I've come to the conclusion that it's probably a bad idea to do an all-cannon build on a carrier. At the moment I have three beam arrays (one fore, two aft), one beam bank, and two torpedo launchers (again, fore and aft). Is this ideal for this kind of ship? The turn rate for the Vo'Quv is atrocious even when attempting to compensate with terminals and you cannot use subsystem targeting with cannons.
So, has anyone made cannons work on a carrier or is it well and truly one of the worst ideas in the history of forever?
you can make cannons work on any ship in the game for PVE.
As noted, not having a beam for your subsystem attack is an issue, but honestly the subsystem attack skill is weak and can be lost.
I have done a cannon JHDC and recluse build both. Talking DHC, not single cannons.
single cannons are easy on the VQ, put 3 up front and 3 turrets aft. Its about like a beam array build for dps except you have to get to less than 5k distance with it. Also beams are easier on the officer seats; you can slot FAW1 and FAW2 and TS3 on the VQ. A cannon VQ, because there are NO rank 1 cannon skills, looks like ts1 / tt1 with scatter/rapid or rapid/rapid or something (scatter/ scatter???).
IMHO your best bet for the VQ, honestly, is going to be beams. 3 dual beams up front (sub in a torp if desired), cutting beam and an omni aft, with your pick for the final weapon (turret? mine/torp?). It just is not a good cannon ship: lacking cannon skills and tac officers, slow to turn, 6 weapons, few tac consoles.... its just not a gunship.
If you insist on a DHC build... fleet turn consoles and the undine console, the solanae (engine?) whatever it is that adds turn when being shot, use evasive and DO with evasive cooldown.
If you don't mind a single cannon build, its just practice at getting in range. here 3 cannons and 3 turrets is the build, get to 3 KM distance and unload. Or 2/torp /3 turrets if you like.
If you want a sci ship/gunboat, use the dyson, or the TSABC, or the karfi carrier, or a BOP, or the X carrier.
After experimenting with cannons for a little bit (and ultimately finding them more cool to look at but less useful than beams given how my character and bridge officers are), I've come to the conclusion that it's probably a bad idea to do an all-cannon build on a carrier. At the moment I have three beam arrays (one fore, two aft), one beam bank, and two torpedo launchers (again, fore and aft). Is this ideal for this kind of ship? The turn rate for the Vo'Quv is atrocious even when attempting to compensate with terminals and you cannot use subsystem targeting with cannons.
So, has anyone made cannons work on a carrier or is it well and truly one of the worst ideas in the history of forever?
PVE wise, you can make a very, very good Voquv cannon build.
First, get the Mirror VoQuv.
Second, Run A2B + Tech Doffs on it.
Third, Use elite scorpion fighters for it since they have reasonable cooldown even with TRIBBLE aux and do very, very good in pve.
Fourth, Use Tactical Team 1, Torp Spread 1, and Cannon Scatter 1.
5th. Use Dyson Torpedo launcher with its 2 piece set. Use Undine Torpedo Launcher for its 2 piece set.
6th Use Disruptor damage and photon torp damage.
You use the grav well on the lt. commander sci for CC on pve ships to bring everything clustered together, open fire with csv and torp spreads. Use A2B to keep tact team, torp spread, and csv on global.
Run 3x Technicians purple ( Easy farm for Btran mission chain. ) and 3x projectile doffs for faster spitting torps.
PVE is easily an orchestrated, prediction game. All the spawns will spawn in the same places no matter what. Making sure the front of your ship is pointed in that direction is a cinch. If you need to turn, slam it in reverse and turn. You get a faster turn while while not diminishing your arc's field of view by being closer and thus, forcing things out of arc view.
This is what i currently use btw. It runs great for pve.
Fore: Elite Fleet DHC Disruptor, Dyson set Torp, Undine set Torp.
Aft: 3x Elite fleet disruptor turrets
EDIT: It works. Honestly. I usually get 1st in Crystal entity elite ( Though no mean feat tbh. ) With this setup.
Borg STF wise, everything is predictable easy clumped up spawns. Grav well and open fire. Pretty much much same with all other pve Ques. I've been using this setup for months now. With Hazard emitters 1 scrubbing off plasma dots from borg stfs. Transfer shield str as a moderate shield heal. EptS, Engie Team, RSP. Use borg engines and deflector. You got plenty of shield heals and hull heal to keep you alive in any pve content. It helps a ton more ff you're an engineer with Grace Under Frie for Miracle Worker and RSF.
My personal setup is.
Fore: Fore: Elite Fleet DHC Disruptor, Dyson set Torp, Undine set Torp.
Aft: 2x Elite fleet disruptor turrets , Undine Heavy Turret ( To complete 3 peice set for luls. )
Deflector: Assimilated Borg Deflector
Engines: Assimilated Borg Engines
Shield: Elite Fleet Resilient
Core: Elite Fleet AMP Warp Core
Engineering Consoles - Whatever universal consoels you need to slot + Fleet Mine ResAlls.
Science Consoles - Shield % Capacity Consoles
Tactical - Your Set console thats tactical from whichever one of the reps it was, dyson, or undine. Then disruptor spire tact consoels for crit.
The set bonuses for dyson torp and undine torp gives a pretty nice amount of disruptor and photon torp damage. 3 peice set bonus for undine gives you the lulz gimmick attack. All in all, very solid and well rounded for pve.
I ran Dual Heavy cannons before on a Vo'quv Worked very well against the Crystalline Entity once you park and shoot. Really wouldn't use cannons on that ship anywhere else though.
I ran Dual Heavy cannons before on a Vo'quv Worked very well against the Crystalline Entity once you park and shoot. Really wouldn't use cannons on that ship anywhere else though.
I'd use cannons everywhere but PVP. Its not like the game is scripted to randomly spawn Damage Sponges, I mean npc ships anywhere else but at set areas.
I'd use cannons everywhere but PVP. Its not like the game is scripted to randomly spawn Damage Sponges, I mean npc ships anywhere else but at set areas.
The vo'quv is an exceptionally powerful ship due to its insane hull strength and its ability to launch full sized birds of prey but it's also the slowest thing this side of a snail when it comes to maneuvering so the likelihood of making cannons, even single cannons, worth while is like waiting for molasses to run up hill in the middle of December. In truth, even though the vo'quv is such a tank, I always personally felt like it should have been set up a little different than it currently is.
Keep it slow moving and slow turning as it is now with all its magnificently fortress like hull and ability to launch birds of prey but give it cloaking (not battle cloak and yes I know I said before that no carrier besides the current cloakable ones should ever have cloaking but if set up this way then I'd make an exception for this one) and limit its use of weapons to only turrets, torpedoes, and mines only able to fire while visible then give it the unique power to launch its fighters/bops while cloaked (temporarily becoming visible when vessels launch from it much the same way as the b'rel when it fires a torpedo while cloaked). In essence it would become a mobile stealth fortress which would be a perfect fit for its intimidating size and abundance of hull strength. I know this isn't really a play style that most people prefer but lets face it no one picks the vo'quv if they want to play a more classic dog fighting style.
The vo'quv is an exceptionally powerful ship due to its insane hull strength and its ability to launch full sized birds of prey but it's also the slowest thing this side of a snail when it comes to maneuvering so the likelihood of making cannons, even single cannons, worth while is like waiting for molasses to run up hill in the middle of December. In truth, even though the vo'quv is such a tank, I always personally felt like it should have been set up a little different than it currently is.
you can easily get a carrier to turn 20 d/s or higher if you want. Single cannons are 180 arc, and the worst case for hitting a target is 90 degrees. You will be hitting your target in about 4 seconds (assuming over 20 d/s) in the rare cases where a target is exactly 180 behind your orientation. The average case of something not in your arc is 2 seconds. The number of times, in pve, that a target is behind you (exception, undine lane mission) are so few that evasive will get you turned around in 1-2 seconds for those very rare situations. It is perfectly viable for single cannons and turrets on this ship.
Its no worse than a beam array boat that has to turn 90 degrees to get something in the broadside arc. Actually the overlapped broadside arc is smaller, so it is harder to get your target into that, yet no one complains about it.
Done it - you have not lived until you try a DHC'ed, APAed, APOed, EPtE'ed, A2D'ed, Deuterium surplused, Evasive Manoeuvring Vo'Quv.
It is insane, like a Star destroyer impersonating an F1 car, and pulling it off (for about 10 seconds...)
I have a new favourite ship in STO.
Um, how about doing all of that on a B'Rel? If Cryptic wouldn't count torpedos as hit or miss at launch, it could out run and out maneuver everything except energy weapons and the Hargh'Peng. Torp spreads would be pointless since it could out maneuver them
Back to the big carrier. I used to run the mirror version. I really liked it as a tank using beam arrays. Fly in, get a bunch of stuff shooting back and manage the incoming damage.
Um, how about doing all of that on a B'Rel? If Cryptic wouldn't count torpedos as hit or miss at launch, it could out run and out maneuver everything except energy weapons and the Hargh'Peng. Torp spreads would be pointless since it could out maneuver them
Back to the big carrier. I used to run the mirror version. I really liked it as a tank using beam arrays. Fly in, get a bunch of stuff shooting back and manage the incoming damage.
The difference is a B'rel is an F1 car, not a Star Destroyer.
Beams are best for this build, mines and kinetic cutting beam work as well.
Never use dual cannons on it as it will never fire. Single cannons will fire very rarely, Dual beam banks are like single cannons. Your choices are beams, or turrets. While beams work best, turrets are viable on this ship as they will have 100% uptime. Beams can only overlap broadside, and even that is hard to do in this ship vs anything faster than you.... you know.. everything...
I run 2 beams with cutting beam front, with 2 beams and nukra mines aft and try to use sci to move others where i want them so i dont have to move.
In PVP, I would never even dream of putting DHCs on a Vo'Quv.
PvE - I could see how it could work. might not be very effective, but to better than average pugger possibly.
PvP - suicide. You'll never get a hit in.
Single Cannons would be a bit more viable, but still not very effective.
You could possibly try full RCS Accelerators, A2D2, EPtE3, Deuterium Surplus and lots of Conn Officers to reduce Evasive Manoeuvre's cooldown, but it probably wouldn't work that much better.
Mind, a Vo'Quv doing that sort of movement would be like truck racing - probably look very cool if you could do it.
No, in fact it would look very cool doing it, just imagine in ISE coming off full opposite lock to strafe the Cube, vaping the f**k out of it, powersliding like a naval destroyer ordering full to port to bring DHCs on the Spheres...
I'm going Mirror Vo'Quv racing, that sounds brilliant. Not very damage dealing in all likely hood, but seriously good fun to fly...
you can make cannons work on any ship in the game for PVE.
As noted, not having a beam for your subsystem attack is an issue, but honestly the subsystem attack skill is weak and can be lost.
I have done a cannon JHDC and recluse build both. Talking DHC, not single cannons.
single cannons are easy on the VQ, put 3 up front and 3 turrets aft. Its about like a beam array build for dps except you have to get to less than 5k distance with it. Also beams are easier on the officer seats; you can slot FAW1 and FAW2 and TS3 on the VQ. A cannon VQ, because there are NO rank 1 cannon skills, looks like ts1 / tt1 with scatter/rapid or rapid/rapid or something (scatter/ scatter???).
IMHO your best bet for the VQ, honestly, is going to be beams. 3 dual beams up front (sub in a torp if desired), cutting beam and an omni aft, with your pick for the final weapon (turret? mine/torp?). It just is not a good cannon ship: lacking cannon skills and tac officers, slow to turn, 6 weapons, few tac consoles.... its just not a gunship.
If you insist on a DHC build... fleet turn consoles and the undine console, the solanae (engine?) whatever it is that adds turn when being shot, use evasive and DO with evasive cooldown.
If you don't mind a single cannon build, its just practice at getting in range. here 3 cannons and 3 turrets is the build, get to 3 KM distance and unload. Or 2/torp /3 turrets if you like.
If you want a sci ship/gunboat, use the dyson, or the TSABC, or the karfi carrier, or a BOP, or the X carrier.
PVE wise, you can make a very, very good Voquv cannon build.
First, get the Mirror VoQuv.
Second, Run A2B + Tech Doffs on it.
Third, Use elite scorpion fighters for it since they have reasonable cooldown even with TRIBBLE aux and do very, very good in pve.
Fourth, Use Tactical Team 1, Torp Spread 1, and Cannon Scatter 1.
5th. Use Dyson Torpedo launcher with its 2 piece set. Use Undine Torpedo Launcher for its 2 piece set.
6th Use Disruptor damage and photon torp damage.
You use the grav well on the lt. commander sci for CC on pve ships to bring everything clustered together, open fire with csv and torp spreads. Use A2B to keep tact team, torp spread, and csv on global.
Run 3x Technicians purple ( Easy farm for Btran mission chain. ) and 3x projectile doffs for faster spitting torps.
PVE is easily an orchestrated, prediction game. All the spawns will spawn in the same places no matter what. Making sure the front of your ship is pointed in that direction is a cinch. If you need to turn, slam it in reverse and turn. You get a faster turn while while not diminishing your arc's field of view by being closer and thus, forcing things out of arc view.
This is what i currently use btw. It runs great for pve.
Fore: Elite Fleet DHC Disruptor, Dyson set Torp, Undine set Torp.
Aft: 3x Elite fleet disruptor turrets
EDIT: It works. Honestly. I usually get 1st in Crystal entity elite ( Though no mean feat tbh. ) With this setup.
Borg STF wise, everything is predictable easy clumped up spawns. Grav well and open fire. Pretty much much same with all other pve Ques. I've been using this setup for months now. With Hazard emitters 1 scrubbing off plasma dots from borg stfs. Transfer shield str as a moderate shield heal. EptS, Engie Team, RSP. Use borg engines and deflector. You got plenty of shield heals and hull heal to keep you alive in any pve content. It helps a ton more ff you're an engineer with Grace Under Frie for Miracle Worker and RSF.
My personal setup is.
Fore: Fore: Elite Fleet DHC Disruptor, Dyson set Torp, Undine set Torp.
Aft: 2x Elite fleet disruptor turrets , Undine Heavy Turret ( To complete 3 peice set for luls. )
Deflector: Assimilated Borg Deflector
Engines: Assimilated Borg Engines
Shield: Elite Fleet Resilient
Core: Elite Fleet AMP Warp Core
Engineering Consoles - Whatever universal consoels you need to slot + Fleet Mine ResAlls.
Science Consoles - Shield % Capacity Consoles
Tactical - Your Set console thats tactical from whichever one of the reps it was, dyson, or undine. Then disruptor spire tact consoels for crit.
The set bonuses for dyson torp and undine torp gives a pretty nice amount of disruptor and photon torp damage. 3 peice set bonus for undine gives you the lulz gimmick attack. All in all, very solid and well rounded for pve.
I'd use cannons everywhere but PVP. Its not like the game is scripted to randomly spawn Damage Sponges, I mean npc ships anywhere else but at set areas.
Done it - you have not lived until you try a DHC'ed, APAed, APOed, EPtE'ed, A2D'ed, Deuterium surplused, Evasive Manoeuvring Vo'Quv.
It is insane, like a Star destroyer impersonating an F1 car, and pulling it off (for about 10 seconds...)
I have a new favourite ship in STO.
Keep it slow moving and slow turning as it is now with all its magnificently fortress like hull and ability to launch birds of prey but give it cloaking (not battle cloak and yes I know I said before that no carrier besides the current cloakable ones should ever have cloaking but if set up this way then I'd make an exception for this one) and limit its use of weapons to only turrets, torpedoes, and mines only able to fire while visible then give it the unique power to launch its fighters/bops while cloaked (temporarily becoming visible when vessels launch from it much the same way as the b'rel when it fires a torpedo while cloaked). In essence it would become a mobile stealth fortress which would be a perfect fit for its intimidating size and abundance of hull strength. I know this isn't really a play style that most people prefer but lets face it no one picks the vo'quv if they want to play a more classic dog fighting style.
you can easily get a carrier to turn 20 d/s or higher if you want. Single cannons are 180 arc, and the worst case for hitting a target is 90 degrees. You will be hitting your target in about 4 seconds (assuming over 20 d/s) in the rare cases where a target is exactly 180 behind your orientation. The average case of something not in your arc is 2 seconds. The number of times, in pve, that a target is behind you (exception, undine lane mission) are so few that evasive will get you turned around in 1-2 seconds for those very rare situations. It is perfectly viable for single cannons and turrets on this ship.
Its no worse than a beam array boat that has to turn 90 degrees to get something in the broadside arc. Actually the overlapped broadside arc is smaller, so it is harder to get your target into that, yet no one complains about it.
We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!
-Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Um, how about doing all of that on a B'Rel? If Cryptic wouldn't count torpedos as hit or miss at launch, it could out run and out maneuver everything except energy weapons and the Hargh'Peng. Torp spreads would be pointless since it could out maneuver them
Back to the big carrier. I used to run the mirror version. I really liked it as a tank using beam arrays. Fly in, get a bunch of stuff shooting back and manage the incoming damage.
The difference is a B'rel is an F1 car, not a Star Destroyer.