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A caution to the devs

blazeritterblazeritter Member Posts: 203 Arc User
I'm willing to hold judgement on the new ship plans since I really don't know anything about what's going to happen, but I will warn you that the main reason I play this game at all is because of the actual Star Trek ships.

Not the "Star Trek-ish" ships that have been invented for this game, but the actual ships from the shows. Even though I know they aren't the "best" in the game, I love my Ambassador, Galaxy-X, and D'Deridex. It gives me a giddy sense of joy to see my Warbird warping in, or move the camera around to see every angle as it glides through sector space.

I even created a clip of the TNG music to play in the background - the "danger" music from the first time a Warbird decloaked and swooped in on its prey (the Enterprise-D). I don't really care that it's not the best ship for my character, or that there are other "stronger" ships. It's about the emotion, the experience, and no new ship is going to replace that (unless you want to let me build and design my own ship from scratch like Galactic Civilizations, which would be AWESOME).

From the sounds of it, you're not going to take those ships away, but it's a punch in the gut to see them explicitly stated as being "lower tier." It doesn't feel good. I would much sooner spend my time and resources upgrading my favorite ships to the highest tiers than abandon them for the next new thing, no matter how beautiful or powerful it might be.

The "new thing" isn't the ship I have an emotional, irrational connection to.

Yes, story-wise those canon ships may be getting old, and you probably have more intellectual property limitations to worry about with canon ships, but if it's what keeps your playerbase happy I'd say find a way to deal with it. In game, I'm a fracking admiral. If I want an old ship chassis retrofitted to the brim just to be my flagship, then so be it. It keeps me happy. If you try to break that connection, you're ultimately trying to break my connection to your game.

Am I representative of your whole playerbase, or even a noticeable percentage of it? I can't say. Hopefully, you're investigating that yourself. All I can do is tell you my experience, and invite others to share theirs.

TLDR: I like my ships, and I'm not going to abandon them. Don't try to make me, find a way to work with me.
Post edited by blazeritter on


  • spacegoatcx#8996 spacegoatcx Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Insert TL;DR entitled ranting by a suburban white male of beta personality here.

    Go read dev blogs. Also titling this as a "caution to the devs", really? You feel entitled to guide decisions in a free to play game where the only payments are voluntary?

    Anyways, have my thoughts on your post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0
  • gardatgardat Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I want to hear more about this warning directed towards the development team.

    OP: Why do you feel it necessary to issue threats to innocent programmers?
    486 DX2/66Mhz, 4MB SD-RAM, 16KB L-1 cache, 120MB HDD, 3.5" FDD, 2x CD-ROM, 8-Bit Soundblaster Pro, IBM Model M PS/2 keyboard, Microsoft trackball mouse, 256KB S3 graphics chip, 14" VGA CRT monitor, MS-DOS 6.22
  • blazeritterblazeritter Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lerpyderp wrote: »
    Insert TL;DR entitled ranting by a suburban white male of beta personality here.

    Useless forum troll, but thanks for the bump anyway.
    Never argue with an idiot. No one watching can tell the difference.
  • spacegoatcx#8996 spacegoatcx Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Useless forum troll, but thanks for the bump anyway.

    Please tell me more about how contradicting your misguided statements constitutes trolling.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The hope is that the only major difference between Tier 6 and upgraded Tier 5 ships is the special Tier 6 ability so about the same number of bridge officer slots, weapons, shields, consoles, and hull. If a Tier 6 Cruiser has 50,000 hull, 2 Commander Bridge Officer Stations, 10 weapons, and 12 consoles, then an upgraded Tier 5 Cruiser should have 50,000 ± 5,000 hull, 2 Commander Bridge Officer Stations, 10 Weapons, and 12 or 13 consoles depending on if the Tier 6 ability takes up a slot. Besides there is no difference as far as we know between an upgraded Odyssey and a Tier 6 Cruiser since the Odyssey has special abilities that no other ship can have and to be competitive ships have to have similar stats.

    Today's dev post stated that there are only going to be 7 to 10 Tier 6 ships at launch so it is not likely that everyone would want to be limited to such a small section of ships. After all, 7 to 10 ships mean that each faction is limited to 2 to 4 ships each. Although, it is very likely that every future endgame ship will be a Tier 6 ship
  • jimqqijimqqi Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The ships you're flying are already lower tier in all but name so I don't get what you're so worked up about.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'm willing to hold judgement on the new ship plans since I really don't know anything about what's going to happen, but I will warn you that the main reason I play this game at all is because of the actual Star Trek ships.

    Not the "Star Trek-ish" ships that have been invented for this game, but the actual ships from the shows. Even though I know they aren't the "best" in the game, I love my Ambassador, Galaxy-X, and D'Deridex. It gives me a giddy sense of joy to see my Warbird warping in, or move the camera around to see every angle as it glides through sector space.

    I even created a clip of the TNG music to play in the background - the "danger" music from the first time a Warbird decloaked and swooped in on its prey (the Enterprise-D). I don't really care that it's not the best ship for my character, or that there are other "stronger" ships. It's about the emotion, the experience, and no new ship is going to replace that (unless you want to let me build and design my own ship from scratch like Galactic Civilizations, which would be AWESOME).

    From the sounds of it, you're not going to take those ships away, but it's a punch in the gut to see them explicitly stated as being "lower tier." It doesn't feel good. I would much sooner spend my time and resources upgrading my favorite ships to the highest tiers than abandon them for the next new thing, no matter how beautiful or powerful it might be.

    The "new thing" isn't the ship I have an emotional, irrational connection to.

    Yes, story-wise those canon ships may be getting old, and you probably have more intellectual property limitations to worry about with canon ships, but if it's what keeps your playerbase happy I'd say find a way to deal with it. In game, I'm a fracking admiral. If I want an old ship chassis retrofitted to the brim just to be my flagship, then so be it. It keeps me happy. If you try to break that connection, you're ultimately trying to break my connection to your game.

    Am I representative of your whole playerbase, or even a noticeable percentage of it? I can't say. Hopefully, you're investigating that yourself. All I can do is tell you my experience, and invite others to share theirs.

    TLDR: I like my ships, and I'm not going to abandon them. Don't try to make me, find a way to work with me.

    a small threat that someone fails to realize its not a right to be on this game, its a privilege. get off your horse.

    as for the rest of it? an entitlement claim like any other, just another happy customer of the teams work over the past year.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • spacegoatcx#8996 spacegoatcx Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    a small threat that someone fails to realize its not a right to be on this game, its a privilege. get off your horse.

    as for the rest of it? an entitlement claim like any other, just another happy customer of the teams work over the past year.

    Countdown until you are called a member of my fleet or a troll for not seeing OPs viewpoint as a shining beacon of wisdom.
  • xenificationxenification Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    jimqqi wrote: »
    The ships you're flying are already lower tier in all but name so I don't get what you're so worked up about.

    too put it bluntly, from what I can tell.

    hes just butt-hurt.

    I honestly don't see why tier 5 or lowers should get instant upgrades... they are put in tiers for a reason. but people still play end game content in low tier ships I see it all the time..

    This is just another person who doesnt like change, likely hood is they cant handle it. in a game or real life ( I Have no basis for this other than his post, however online 9/10 times, their online personality usually mimics their offline personality). its practically the same on every single forum ive seen when something new comes along and makes what they like currently obsolete.

    The thing that he doesnt understand is apart from pvp (where it might infact be obsolete) in terms of STFs of other end game content his ships will do fine if he builds them right... this entire thread is just a whine fest.

    I would actually go as far as calling it pathetic.

    @ OP no lerpys not trolling hes correct, who in the hell do you think you are threatening people?

    " a warning to the devs" really? Ive seen some idiotic TRIBBLE in my time but this is just TRIBBLE.

    and yes that quote in its context is actually a threat.

    /sidenote - I wouldnt of posted in such a condescending and TRIBBLE-ish way if the thread was less childish tbh, it screams of " I dont care, its MY game" which is a bit stupid tbh.
  • psycholandlordpsycholandlord Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Tell me more about how this Massively Mulitplayer Online Video Game's direction and balance revolve solely around your terrible wishes, Blazeritter.
  • acrosscatacrosscat Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Feel free to keep flying underpowered ships in the new meta once the new 10 levels open up. Ultimatey, content for L50-60 will be tailored towards those higher tier ships, and that's simple fact. Ultimately, PVP will find itself gravitating towards the newly opened tier of competitive ships for stats, officer slots, and what have you.

    You may get ships looking like lower tier ships later. But don't go about threatening or veiling threats towards any person or organisation, Blazeritter. Cryptic and PWE are well aware of your precious immurrshun.
  • philipclaybergphilipclayberg Member Posts: 1,680
    edited August 2014
    Never argue with an idiot. No one watching can tell the difference.

    Great quote. Here's one on a t-shirt I bought at Micro Center:
    Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Eh, I hope I can upgrade the ships I like to actually be T6-equivalent. I'm perfectly willing to pay to do it. If I can't, there's no "warning" to the devs, they've simply lost the opportunity to sell me something. And since this game is a business, after all, I think that's something they should hear.

    No need to be theatrical or threatening about it.


    Edit: All right, I'll shut up about the ships and go back to saving Zen. Gosh.
  • woodcat5woodcat5 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    (if you watch ST Voyager)

    Do you remember what Cpt. Janeway says every time she was threat from other species?

    Well, I guess apply here.

    Wrong title and action. BTW, each species (minus 1) who threat Janeway ends bad. Do you ever learn something from that??
  • blazeritterblazeritter Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    If someone interprets anything I've said as "threatening," then I'm actually glad you've never experienced real threats. You're actually lucky.

    All I'm saying is that I would rather spend my time and resources upgrading a ship I actually care about than chuck it out the window for the "latest & greatest." There are dozens of ways to do that - from upgrading existing bridge officer slots or base stats, to adding completely new abilities like the cruiser commands or some form of "secondary power relays."

    Maybe some of that will be part of the 5->5.5 stuff, maybe it won't - I have no idea yet. If they do, great. If not, I'll just move on to something more entertaining. This is just a game, and I've said my peace.

    Feel free to keep bumping, though.
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ill hop on his side with this.. no where in his statement did I see anything that was "threatening" he simply was warning the devs that taking the beloved ships of many out of play, would probably be disasterous in this game..

    I didn't see him threaten a dec, like saying hell show up at their homes or anything.. and he has a right as a player to express his concearns.. the same right that all yall seem to think you have to try and debunk how someone feels about the game..

    honestly guys, lately it seems the fan boy bus will do or say anything to try and debunk a good argument..

    as for the ships he stated being behind already, well, they might not have the greatest loadouts, but they are still endgame compatible.

    i will say this, i have issued my warning as well.. i am a fan of star trek ships, im not a huge fan of the cryptic designs (well in fed where i play, klink and romulans have some pretty cool craptic designs.).. and, the ships i choose, and have paid money for, many times over in some cases, are the ships i wish to continue using in my star trek universe (which is what i log into). now, being that we do not have all the data to conclude weather or not t5 ships will be useless or not, i will not make any solid judgements yet.. but, given cryptics worsening track record for this sort of thing, if i cant fly my ships, that i have paid money for, and be competitive at endgame come the expansion, i will leave. i do not like being ripped off, and i do not like strong armed into anything i don't want or like.

    also, upgrading the t5 ships to t6 quality, better be cheap and easy.. i have already spent enough money buying said ships, then buying the t5 upgrade, and then buying a fleet module to upgrade them to fleet quality.. i am tired of buying the same ship over and over and over again...

    im for the first time in a long time very excited about the expansion (must come as a shock to a lot of people lol) but, this overshadows everything that excites me.. this is a basic proponent to the game, and as such, i cannot enjoy the game if i cannot be what i want to be.. (yes, your ship is like your character. it would be like logging in, and only having one costume that your character could wear..
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    They've stated that Tier 5 ships (and 5.5 ships) will be available for upgrade to be competitive with the new Tier 6 ships.

    As this thread has already started to go down hill, and will almost certainly continue, I'm closing this now.
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

This discussion has been closed.